May Day

When Riot Cops Attack: Repression and Solidarity in Portland’s May Day

From inside the Portland May Day 2017 action, the unwarranted repression from the police made us stronger than before.

IWW and radical influences on the San Francisco waterfront

Strike Don't Scab San Francisco Waterfront

For May Day 2017 Local 10 of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union invoked a contractual "stop-work" privilege and refused to work any Bay Area docks in celebration of International Workers Day for the third consecutive year. This speech, originally delivered at the 75th Anniversary of the 1934 San Francisco General Strike at the Marine Firemen’s Hall in San Francisco, was adapted for the rally preceding the May Day march on May 1, 2017.

La unua de majo en la "Tria Regno"

La historio de la uzo de la Maja Tago per le Nazi regno.

Statement on Mayday and Pikeville, KY, anti-fascist mobilisation

Mike Alewitz mural of Albert & Lucy Parsons in Mexico

We support anarchists and revolutionaries going to Pikeville at the end of April to oppose these fascists and to commemorate May Day, International Workers’ Day. And we go to Pikeville to organize with working people . . . to oppose fascism and to build a united working class struggle for freedom and revolution.

Coalition representing 350,000 announces May 1st strike

Picture from the May 1st 2006 "Day Without Immigrants" strike

Workers will strike on International Worker's Day to protest worsening conditions across the country

Industrial Pioneer (May 1923)

The May 1923 (Vol. 1, No. 1) issue of the Industrial Pioneer, an early publication of the Industrial Workers of the World.

Address of August Spies

The address of August Spies at his trial in his and his co-defendants defence, in the aftermath of the Haymarket massacre.

Volume 2 Issue 3

Vol. II MAY, 1907 No.3

Industrial Worker #1696 (June 2007)

The June 2007 issue of the Industrial Worker, the newspaper of the revolutionary union, the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW).