health and medicine

Thousands of junior doctors strike across Punjab

YDA strike

Members of the Young Doctors Association (YDA) are on strike across the Punjab province of Pakistan.

Hospital workers continue striking for fairer pay

St Bart's hospital staff continue to fight for fairer pay

Workers at St Barts hospital trust in London are set to continue one of the largest ever hospital strikes in the UK.

UK: A Promising Hospital Strike

Cleaners manifesting during London hospital strike 2017

Since the Spring of this year in several London hospitals about 750 cleaners, security personnel and porters have been in dispute with their employer, Serco. They are part of the lowest paid workers in the U.K.

St Bart's Hospital strike continues

Yarls Wood to St Bart's - Stop Serco

More than 700 cleaners, porters, and security staff at Barts NHS Trust in London are nearing the end of a 7 day strike for a pay increase of 30p per hour, for shorter hours, and against management bullying.

London Hospital Workers Strike over Low Pay

Hundreds of domestic workers in four London hospitals are on strike to demand a 30p pay raise.

Secret Handshakes and Health Care in Australia

A booklet published by The Grand United Order of Oddfellows telling the story of how health services spread around Australia through the 'lodge network' and enabled working people to insure themselves against sickness, death and unemployment.

2007: Chad Government Employees Strike

An account of the general srike of public sector workers in Chad.

St Mary's Hospital (Harrow Road) work-in and occupation 1981

St Mary's Hospital occupation

Contemporary information about workers at a London hospital taking over their workplace in protest at bed cuts and closure.

What's at stake in the health care debate?

The debate in the United States over how to provide health care to a nation increasingly burdened by the costs and dissatisfied with the status quo has returned with a vengeance. S Nicholas Nappalos comes at these issues as a nurse and organizer, and tries to unpack the implications of the growing health crisis, what alternatives we really have, and what health for-and-by workers and the community could look like.

Muting the SWAN: a radical alternative to Trotskyist social work

Critique of the Social Work Action Network, a group aiming to bring social workers and other interested parties together to campaign against austerity, by an angry social worker. SWAN's activism happens in the classroom or on the streets, but not in the workplace itself.