
Before the elections: Alternative für Deutschland in Germany

Counterprotest against AfD party convention in 2016. Source: https://nationalism

Germany elects a new parliament and government September 27. It seems certain that the CDU will carry the majority, thus continuing the by now 12-year reign of Angela Merkel. The run-up to the election seems dull. But there is a real danger that with the Alternative für Deutschland, fascists could enter the German parliament.

Resistance No. 162 ( Anarchist Federation)

Resistance is the Anarchist Federations publication on social struggles and analysis of them. This issue covers Grenfell, Fascism, Trump, the Racist vans, Deliveroo, the struggle to reclaim Pride, Edinburgh Mothers against the benefit cap, Rent Strike, No to Prisons and Anti-Fracking.


Clara Zetkin and Rosa Luxemburg

Clara Zetkin's 1923 article on fascism from Labour Monthly. She talks about fascism as capital's response to the failure of the international revolution, and the need for the 'organised revolutionary struggle of the proletariat' to defeat both fascism and capital.

Nazis discovered in white supremacist military group?

National Action

Four members of one of the world's most dangerous white supremacist terrorist organisations have been arrested and accused of being members of a banned neo-Nazi terrorist group.

Does Freedom of Speech Include Fascists?

Protest against Gerald K Smith in Minneapolis, 1946

Martin Glaberman's 1945 response to Judah Drob of the Socialist Party, who had been arguing against anti-fascist pickets.

Defence of the Polish post office in Danzig

Memorial to the workers outside the post office

A short account of the employees of the Danzig post office who fought the Nazis for 15 hours during the invasion of Poland before they were captured, written by Nikola Budanovic. This article was first published on warhistoryonline.com.

Setup in Charlottesville

In Charlottesville, Virginia 32 year old anti-racist Heather Heyer was run down with a car at an anti-fascist protest on August 12. This murder by a white supremacist touched off a fury of democratic rhetoric by the very political forces that have cultivated this political violence for decades.

The Coining of "Privatisation" and Germany's National Socialist Party- Germa Bel

A history of the term privatisation and its relationship to Nazi economic policy.

Mosley's fascists and the narrative of victimisation

A look at a common point of divergence on the effectiveness of anti-fascist action and its wider implications.

UKIP invite Defend Europe organiser to speak at youth conference in Sheffield

Martin Sellner

Leader of the far-right Generation Identitaire network Martin Sellner to appear at UKIP youth conference in Sheffield on Saturday September 2nd.