
The wonderful world of bossnapping

Caterpillar executive bossnapping, France 2009

A short introduction to and history of bossnapping - workers detaining their bosses in order to win demands - written by Evan Johnston.

Against the law: labour protests in China's rustbelt and sunbelt

Chinese workers protest

A detailed study by Ching Kwan Lee of China's transition from a more state capitalist model to a more free market system from the 1990s to the early 2000s, the effect on the working class and how workers responded to the changes.

The birth of Chinese Feminism: Essential texts in transnational theory

A detailed analysis of anarchist feminist He-Yin Zhen's life and thought coupled with six of her most significant essays.

Edited by Lydia H. Liu, Rebecca E. Karl, and Dorothy Ko.

Anarkiismo kaj diskonigo de Esperanto en Ĉinio

Malgranda historio de Esperanto kaj Anarkiismo en Ĉinio.

Japan's wartime use of colonial labour: Taiwan and Korea (1937-45)

A thesis detailing the extent of the exploitation of colonial labourers of Taiwanese and Korean origin as Japan mobilised for war, the conditions of the workers and their resistance.


Sign on Hong Kong border

Here are several issues of the "Minus" magazine produced in Hong Kong in the late 1970s.

Notes on a factory uprising in Yangon

Yangon H&M factory
Soe Lin Aung examines a recent strike-cum-riot at a Chinese-owned H&M; supplier in Myanmar, digging beyond the headlines into its local context and broader political significance.

The Chinese democratic uprising, 1989

Chinese workers on motorbikes demonstrate

A detailed account of the national uprising for democracy which swept China in 1989 and was crushed after the Tiananmen Square massacre, written by George Katsiaficas.