O capitalismo - uma introdução

Uma breve introdução elaborada por sobre o capitalismo e como ele funciona.

New Years Eve prison noise protests in London

Noise protest outside HMP Brixton in South London in 2014

On New Years Eve there are protests outside prisons across the world, we spoke a member of London Anarchist Black Cross about what's happening in London.

Why are junior doctors in the UK so pissed off?

Junior doctors marching in central London last weekend

After marching around the country last weekend, junior doctors in the UK are to be balloted on strike action against changes to their contracts. We interview an anarchist junior doctor about what the changes are, and what workers are doing about it.'s London Anarchist Bookfair pub guide

Pints in Millers

We went on a crawl of pubs near the new London Anarchist Bookfair, taking place this Saturday at Central Saint Martin's from 10am till 7pm.

Responding to Evening Standard bollocks on the tube strike

A commuter's rant about the (unsurprisingly) anti-worker coverage of the tube strike by the Evening Standard.

Libertarian communism: an introduction

Assembly at the worker-run Zanon factory in Argentina

A short introduction to what we at refer to as communism or libertarian communism, what it is and why we think it is a good idea. 10 years of class struggle online

Birthday cake

Today, Thursday, 26 September 2013, turns 10. In this blog post we look back at the evolution of the site over the last decade, pick out some highlights and look to the future.

Tea break bulletin

Short-lived series of irregular bulletins, formerly called Dispatch, produced by admins and users of during some major workers' disputes 2007-2009.

The British West Indies Regiment mutiny, 1918 - Steven Johns

A short history of the mutiny at Taranto in Italy by West Indian soldiers in the British army at the end of World War I, which had a significant impact subsequently on anti-colonial struggles in the Caribbean.

Environment: an introduction

A summary and examination of the environmental crisis and its causes, and how we think the problems can be solved.