

Tania Blanchard on how a follower of Hitler lost her devotion

Tania Blanchard's first novel takes an intriguing look at when devotion to a political leader turns to disillusion and dismay.

The Girl From Munich is a historical drama written from the point of view of a committed German nationalist who slowly and painfully comes to the realisation that the Fuhrer has betrayed her and her country's trust.

"I think Lotte's story provides a fascinating look at those who grew up within Hitler's regime. Their perspective was often skewed by the Nazi indoctrination that they received at school, within the Hitler Youth and League of German Girls, as part of general life within the Third Reich, and also through the propaganda that went along with the war effort to ensure the Fatherland's success and victory in the war," Blanchard says.

Lotte is a privileged and sheltered young woman from the social elite; she also happens to be based on the life of Blanchard's grandmother. In fact, Blanchard points out that all the main characters were modelled on real people, while the major events that played out in her book were all based on historical events. How did she navigate this tricky path between fiction and reality?

"There were lots of blank spaces in between where I tried to join the dots. From these points, I could imagine what the characters might have done or might have experienced. This is where family stories and fiction blurred and the novel took on a life of its own.

"The characters based on real people and their experiences became extensions of what I imagined could or might have been, around the historic events that actually took place or events that were handed down through oral history," she says, elaborating on the 18-month process from garnering information to provide the scaffolding of her story to the delivery of the final manuscript.


Blanchard certainly strove for authenticity: numerous family letters and photos were pored over during her research as well as documentaries of the era. Anything and everything "from Wehrmacht uniforms, rank and pedigree certificates to German beer" were considered.

As it tracks Lotte's tumultuous journey across the country, The Girl From Munich moves from order to bedlam, from a well-mapped out future to unexpected roadblocks and from naive acceptance of the status quo to the gradual getting of political wisdom.

When we first meet her, Blanchard's protagonist is happily engaged to childhood sweetheart Heinrich and determined to contribute to the war effort. Though she'd rather her photography skills were put to use, Lotte is placed in a safe secretarial role in the Luftwaffe and becomes infatuated with her superior, Erich.

The novel is as much a love story as it is about the effects of war on ordinary citizens on the home front. As the Allies start to advance and Germany begins to lose its hold over key cities, the country descends into chaos and caught in the maelstrom is Lotte. Her life-long yearning for adventure and excitement will be realised, though not exactly in the manner she'd expected.

"Her journey from child to woman is very much influenced by the events of the time and the circumstances she consequently finds herself in. In the end, like so many women in the war years, her experiences give her an awareness of her choices and a desire to choose her own life and discover who she is," says Blanchard of her heroine's gradual wresting of control in the crumbling post-war climate.

Blanchard is a child of immigrants (her mother is German and father is Italian). Both migrated to Australia as children in the '50s and growing up in the swirl of their tales Blanchard was intrigued by the intersection of small personal stories and great events of history. Yet, working as a physiotherapist, Sydney-based Blanchard only started to write when she had children and began wanting to create stories for them.

The idea for a YA fantasy was abandoned for a tale more pressing, one that she'd always wanted to tell. Five months earlier her grandmother had passed away and it was the boxes of memorabilia left behind that were patchworked into The Girl from Munich. Blanchard had so much material that there's even a sequel in the offing, which follows Lotte and her family to Australia in the '50s. What does she says to those wanting to mine the family treasure trove for hidden tales?

"My best advice is to write them! There's a wealth of fascinating family history out there. Here in Australia we have so much diversity and so many stories to draw on. Maybe it's time for them to be told."