- published: 09 Nov 2016
- views: 33087
Fan Bingbing (born 16 September 1981) is a Chinese actress, television producer and pop singer. She topped the Forbes China Celebrity 100 list in 2013, 2014, and 2015, after ranking in the top 10 every year since 2006. Fan rose to fame in East Asia in 1998–1999 with the mega-hit TV series My Fair Princess. In 2003, she starred in Cell Phone, which became the highest-grossing Chinese film of the year, winning a Hundred Flowers Award. Since then she has received awards from the Golden Horse Film Festival and Awards, Eurasia International Film Festival, Tokyo International Film Festival, Beijing College Student Film Festival and Huading Awards for films like The Matrimony (2007), Lost in Beijing (2007), Buddha Mountain (2011) and Double Xposure (2012). Fan has participated in many foreign-language films, such as the French film Stretch (2011), the Korean film My Way (2011) and the Hollywood blockbuster X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014). She has also been called a fashion icon due to frequent appearances on the red carpet, movie premieres, and fashion shows.
大陆禁播【苹果】720p高清未删节版 范冰冰 佟大为 梁家辉主演
(18++) 三级片【苹果】 范冰冰饰演 (完整无删剪)
2016.01.11康熙來了 康熙十二年 終於等到你!Ⅰ
冯小刚发怒 范冰冰被要求离开当场气哭
《挑战者联盟》第二季 第4期 范冰冰肉麻告白李晨 陈学冬谢依霖意外之吻 20160625【浙江卫视官方超清1080P】范冰冰 李晨 陈汉典 陈学冬 薛之谦 谢依霖
《新闻当事人》第20160924期:范冰冰 拥有的不仅仅是美貌 People IN News:【芒果TV官方超清版】
日本电影 苹果 720P hd(范冰冰 梁家辉 佟大为)
范冰冰被葛优骗晕 被摸臀脱衣还上了床!
《苹果》,被禁中国大陆电影,李玉导演,由梁家辉、佟大为、金燕玲及范冰冰主演。 刘苹果(范冰冰)与丈夫安坤(佟大为)是进城打工的民工,感情要好,生活愉快。刘苹果为脚底按摩服务员,某天因被脚底按摩店老板林东(梁家辉)强奸而怀孕。刘苹果的丈夫安坤不服,因而向林东勒索。 2007年2月,在柏林电影节举行首映,并未放映经国家广播电影电视总局电影局审查通过的删减版,放映了完整版,其中包括范冰冰和佟大为的全裸镜头及赌博场景。制片人方励在接受采访时解释,由于时间紧迫,德语和英语字幕的删节版拷贝未能制作出来导致的。11月30日,《苹果》在中国内地上映,内容引起争议。该片在香港被定为三级片,在中国大陆上映时剪除了露点部分。 [1] 2008年1月4日,因为该电影被广电总局认为涉嫌传播色情内容,因此在中国全面禁映。吊销影片的《电影片公映许可证》。没收未经审查通过的影片拷贝及相关素材,制片单位15天内将拷贝等送达总局电影局;停止该片在影院发行、放映;停止其网络传播;建议有关行政部门停止其音像制品的发行。取消北京劳雷影视文化有限责任公司两年内摄制电影的资格;该公司的法定代表人方励,两年内禁止从事相关电影业务;将负有相关责任、参与投资拍摄的两家公司,通报批评,责令其限期整改。对参与该片拍摄的制片人、导演及相关演员,进行严肃批评教育,并要求他们作出深刻检查。
范冰冰,這些年在娛樂圈混得風生水起,而且還是唯一一個亞洲明星進入福布斯明星排行榜的,自稱是豪門的她這一點也不摻假,而且又找到自己的幸福,跟大黑牛李晨很是甜蜜幸福,經常秀的一手好恩愛,但范冰冰早期照片,是她最不想讓李晨看到的。小編就來為你揭露一下!成龍大哥,經常熊抱女星們,這一點大家肯定都知道,范冰冰也沒能逃過一劫,而且多次在公開場合被成龍熊抱,這讓李晨看了情何以堪?這是早期,范冰冰被娛樂圈大佬楊受成吃豆腐照片,有傳言說他兩人關係特殊。范冰冰當年簽約華誼時,就經常傳出與華誼老總王中磊的緋聞,你看著親密舉動,有這傳聞肯定正常。范冰冰主動親吻導演王小帥,李晨絕對不想看到自己女友親別人,即使是臉頰!范冰冰與王學兵水中嬉戲圖,王學兵與范冰冰有過一段情,而且是范爺除了李晨,主動承認過的一段情,兩人最后不歡而散 (2016-09-02 選稿) Yes娛樂、掌握藝人第一手新聞報導、↖現在就訂閱 Youtube 頻道 官網: http://www.fansyes.com.tw/ FB: https://www.facebook.com/starsyes
【我的心機】 : https://www.facebook.com/MyScheming 更多【我的心機】►►http://www.momoshop.com.tw/category/DgrpCategory.jsp?d_code=1118700172 亞洲女神范冰冰出道近二十年,演出四十三部電視劇、三十七部電影,因演出電視劇《還珠格格》,以金鎖一角大紅大紫,其後演藝事業多方向發展,憑著精湛的演技,躋身亞洲一線演員。當年楚楚可憐的金鎖,如今化身為霸氣凜凜的「范爺」,近年來進軍國際影壇,多次榮獲國際獎項肯定,成為大中華演藝圈中最具代表性的女明星之一,還因演出《武媚娘傳奇》與男友李晨結緣,雙方陷入熱戀,兩人愈愛愈高調,今天這對銀色情侶終於大駕康熙來了,究竟他們會有哪些不為人知的一面?又將和康熙激出什麼樣的火花呢? 來賓:范冰冰、李晨
冯小刚发怒 范冰冰被要求离开当场气哭
本期看点:吴亦凡穿越变学生失联 范冰冰遭狠砸李晨急救驾 ◘ 欢迎订阅我们的社交平台 获取更多精彩节目内容信息 Subscribe Our Social Media ⇣ ⇣ ⇣ ⇣ ⇣ 《浙江卫视中国蓝》官方FB页面 Zhejiang TV Official Facebook Page: https://goo.gl/SXPghm 《奔跑吧兄弟》官方FB页面 Running Man China Facebook Page: https://goo.gl/xXfskh 《王牌对王牌》官方FB页面 Ace Vs Ace Facebook Page: https://goo.gl/bw9rfH 《挑战者联盟》官方FB页面 Challenger Alliance Facebook Page: https://goo.gl/DdQYfg ◘《挑战者联盟》第二季 官方超清播放列表: http://bit.ly/1OOM5Uw 《挑战者联盟》第二季 第4期 范冰冰肉麻告白李晨 陈学冬谢依霖意外之吻 20160625【浙江卫视官方超清1080P】范冰冰 李晨 陈汉典 陈学冬 薛之谦 谢依霖 《挑战者联盟第二季》是浙江卫视推出的大型原创职业体验真人秀。第二季六位固定成员是范冰冰、李晨、陈汉典、陈学冬、薛之谦、谢依霖。 ◘ 蓝天下 - 精彩节目 一周综艺精彩速递☆超清播放列表: http://bit.ly/1TYcwJ2 《挑战者联盟》第二季 官方超清播放列表: http://bit.ly/1OOM5Uw 《熟悉的味道》官方超清播放列表:http://bit.ly/1PVRqiL 《王牌对王牌》官方超清播放列表: http://bit.ly/1KQIQ2p 《一路上有你》第二季 官方超清播放列表: http://bit.ly/1Wljq1k 《谁是大歌神》官方超清播放列表: http...
芒果TV《新闻当事人》People IN News超清版播放列表 Mango News: http://goo.gl/EDLGma 更新时间:周一 【欢迎订阅湖南卫视芒果TV官方YouTube频道】Subscribe to Mango TV YouTube Official Channel http://goo.gl/8xLl57 关注芒果TV Facebook,查看最新资讯与更多精彩内容:https://goo.gl/Ohz6XP 《新闻当事人》是湖南卫视2012年推出的全国第一档80后青年发声新闻节目,节目核心调查记者群全都是80后。以新闻当事人为核心,以事件各相关人、围观者为话题支撑,关注社会群体心理需求、现实困境、焦点话题,引发观众共鸣。 湖南卫视芒果tv:全娱乐资讯一手捞尽!这里有芒果独家:承包湖南卫视娱乐资讯,先人一步公开明星行程,发酵热门话题;这里有娱乐鲜料:紧跟泛娱乐圈热门话题,独树一帜另类角度解密八卦,表达个性观点;每日整合所有形态娱乐讯息,建立芒果娱乐资讯阵地! Mango TV reports all kinds of entertainment news in Chinese entertainment industry. Here you will see the hottest gossip, trendy topic, as well as exclusive opinion presented by Mango TV. 【湖南卫视芒果TV官方热门节目】 ★芒果TV《芒果捞新闻》 Mango News: http://goo.gl/P8PQu6 ★芒果TV《新闻当事人》People In News: http://goo.gl/mUjBJr ★芒果TV《周一见》See you on Monday:https://goo....
《我的新衣》又名《女神的新衣》第三季,爆火娱乐真人秀节目展示女神们设计的服装,而且每期都有神秘嘉宾喔! 由东方卫视与华录百纳、蓝色火焰联合推出的明星跨界时尚真人秀节目《女神的新衣》第三季重磅升级为《我的新衣》。 节目以“72小时全方位跟拍制衣真人秀+T台秀+现场竞拍”的形式为节目特色 ,通过设计师、女神、买手之间的激烈碰撞,来传达有关当期主题的时尚理念。 本季《我的新衣》与前两季的不同点之一就在于慈善 ,每一期节目中女神的“新衣”都会进行慈善拍卖,所得善款将会全数捐献给慈善芭莎。同时,作为国内唯一一档T20模式综艺,《我的新衣》成为颇受观众喜爱的打通线上线下实现即看即买的电视节目。观众在观看节目期间,能够及时选购自己心仪的新衣,这也为不少爱美人士提供了便利。《我的新衣》将开启全新的“4+1”阵容,即四位固定“女神”将参与全程12期的节目,在此基础上还将会有一位神秘的X“女神”加盟。《我的新衣》集聚了首期特邀嘉宾范冰冰 ,常驻“女神”林志玲 、王丽坤 、吴昕、张俪,五大“女神”同台可谓星光熠熠。 邀约飞行嘉宾:范冰冰、何穗、王鸥、昆凌、郑秀妍、林依晨等,男嘉宾有黄景瑜,吴奇隆,陈伟霆等。《我的新衣》买手阵容也豪华璀璨:“超模教母”韩姨、“时尚名媛”穆熙妍、“犀利男神”余凌远、“国际时尚买手”徐峰立、“国民造型师”江南、“时尚推手”黄薇、“知性写手”郑玲玲等。 华录百纳官方频道:http://goo.gl/Ifyvyc 华录百纳战争抗战剧场:https://goo.gl/cUUcB8(《秀才遇到兵》等) 华录百纳谍战悬疑剧场:https://goo.gl/Pc19iH(《黎明之前》等) 华录百纳家庭亲情剧场:https://goo.gl/jjC8pb(《咱们结婚吧》等) 华录百纳古装历史剧场:https://goo.gl/CmydIl(《汉武大帝》等) 华...
China's top actress, who stars in the upcoming "X-Men: Days of Future Past," was named International Artist of the Year.
Today, cast ideas for Disney's live action Mulan! Fan BingBing? Rila Fukushima? Hayley Kiyoko? http://bit.ly/subscribeBTT One of the next live action movies Disney has planned is Mulan! Today Beyond The Trailer host Grace Randolph shares her ideas on who should be cast as Mulan! Rila Fukushima, Zhang Ziyi, Fan BingBing, Tao Okamoto, Rinko Kikuchi, Katie Chang, Hayley Kiyoko or Jamie Chung from Once Upon a Time? Who do you think would make the perfect live action Mulan for Disney? Enjoy these casting ideas for Disney's live action Mulan before you see the full movie! And be sure to make Beyond The Trailer your first stop for movie and entertainment news here on YouTube today! Interact with host & creator Grace Randolph! Facebook: http://bit.ly/GraceOnFacebook Twitter: http://bit.ly/Grac...
Fan BingBing in Lady of the Dynasty 2015 Lady of the Dynasty is a Chinese epic romance war film directed by Shi Qing (writer of Codename Cougar) and featuring Fan Bingbing, Leon Lai and Wu Chun. The film also had a director group including Zhang Yimou and Tian Zhuangzhuang. The film was released on 30 July 2015.
A woman in China named He Chengxi has undergone multiple surgeries in the past 8 years in an attempt to change her face to look exactly like Chinese actress Fan Bingbing. He went on the show "Super Girl" to show off her appearance. Afterwards, fake pics of Fan Bingbing began surfacing on the internet posing as real ones. Many cannot tell her apart...can you? Mike and Dan discuss this disturbing story.
[Behind The Scenes] Wu Zetian - Fan Bingbing so funny
Chinese actress Fan Bingbing calls her stay at the festival a Cinderella story. Draped in a Valentino dress, the 'Iron Man 3' and 'X-Men: Days of Future Past' star shares, "Every year in Cannes it is the same -- it is like a moment [for] a princess. I have really fancy and beautiful jewelry and gowns, but when all my work is finished, everybody took it away from me -- like I'm Cinderella. I had to go back to my true life."
Fan Bingbing is no stranger to making the headlines but this time she is catching some flack for kissing a beluga whale on a Chinese reality TV show. The show features stars trying to complete an interesting challenge, Fan's was to try her hand at becoming an aquarium keeper or trainer. While most of Fan's fanbase liked the photo, which she posted to Weibo, China's version of Twitter, the China Cetacean Alliance, a whale conservation group wasn't so happy about the show of affection between movie star and whale.
Lost in Beijing was produced by Laurel Films, a small independent production company owned by Fang Li and based in Beijing,[1] and is being released internationally by the French company Films Distribution.[2] Distribution in the United States was picked up by New Yorker Films.[3]
【湖南卫视《快乐大本营》 20141220 本期精彩】 本周六《武则天》剧组来袭!谢娜化身武则天,众人笑疯!范冰冰体重遭揭秘!何炅、杜海涛跟 张丰毅抱冰冰谁更大力?捉迷藏游戏,满地打滚斯文扫地!史上最惨烈状况KTV吴昕空中翻飞吓破胆何炅跟李治廷大战疯牛被甩翻! Hunan TV's “Happy Camp” 20141220 EP Highlight: “Wu Ze Tian” movie crew is featured on this week’s “Happy Camp”. Nana Xie turns into Wu Ze Tian and gives everyone a goof laugh! Fan Bing Bing’s weight is revealed. The most chaotic karaoke situation with Wu Xin flies on the air along with He Jiong and Li Zhi Ting take a mad cow challenge and got threw off from it. 《快乐大本营》(Happy Camp)是湖南电视台于1997年7月11日开办的一档综艺性娱乐节目,是湖南卫视上星以来一直保持的品牌节目之一。节目开始采用全民娱乐的类型,经常 邀请一些有特殊才能的人物,一些可爱的孩子来表演,后又转为选秀节目,来选举其主持人;现在多以嘉宾访谈游戏型的综艺节目,经常邀请一些中国大陆、香港、 台湾的知名艺人来访谈,游戏等,是湖南卫视的品牌节目之一。从1997年令全国观众刮目相看的"快乐旋风"开始到目前全国综艺节目在荧屏上遍地开花、异彩 纷呈,《快乐大本营》不仅是中国电视界综艺娱乐节目的领头羊,并且已经当之无愧成为中国亿万观众娱乐生活的一部分。该节目获得1998年度金鹰奖;2...
Lost in beijing is a 2007 Chinese film directed by Li Yu and starring Tony Leung Ka-fai, Fan Bingbing, Tong Dawei, and Elaine Jin. It had its international premiere at the 2007 Berlin International Film Festival on February 16, 2007. Lost in Beijing is director Li Yu's third feature film after the lesbian-themed Fish and Elephant (2002) and the drama Dam Street (2005). Lost in Beijing was produced by Laurel Films, a small independent production company owned by Fang Li and based in Beijing, and is being released internationally by the French company Films Distribution. Distribution in the United States was picked up by New Yorker Films.[3] Like many films that touch on the underbelly of Chinese society (see for example, Li Yang's Blind Shaft or Blind Mountain, or Wang Xiaoshuai's Beijing...
【订阅湖南卫视官方频道: http://goo.gl/tl9QpW】 更新时间: 周六 本期精彩 - 爵迹剧组来袭 厉害了我的源!小可爱王源手撕套路 范冰冰玩坏女神包袱 湖南卫视《快乐大本营》官方全集 Playlist: http://goo.gl/bmGVTz 简介: 《快乐大本营》(Happy Camp)是湖南电视台于1997年7月11日开办的一档综艺性娱乐节目,是湖南卫视上星以来一直保持的品牌节目之一。节目开始采用全民娱乐的类型,经常 邀请一些有特殊才能的人物,一些可爱的孩子来表演,后又转为选秀节目,来选举其主持人;现在多以嘉宾访谈游戏型的综艺节目,经常邀请一些中国大陆、香港、 台湾的知名艺人来访谈,游戏等,是湖南卫视的品牌节目之一。从1997年令全国观众刮目相看的"快乐旋风"开始到目前全国综艺节目在荧屏上遍地开花、异彩 纷呈,《快乐大本营》不仅是中国电视界综艺娱乐节目的领头羊,并且已经当之无愧成为中国亿万观众娱乐生活的一部分。该节目获得1998年度金鹰 奖;2005年被《新周刊》评为15年来中国最有影响力的电视节目之一;2009谷歌热榜之最热综艺节目搜索排行榜首;中国世界纪录协会2009年度中国 收视率最高的电视综艺娱乐节目。 ■□ 更多官方资讯 欢迎关注我们社交网络页面 ■□ 我是歌手Facebook粉丝专页: https://goo.gl/SaNhcl 超级女声 Facebook粉丝专页: https://goo.gl/9zdfCH 中国湖南卫视官方 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hntvchina 中国湖南卫视官方 Twitter: https://twitter.com/HUNANTVCHINA 一年级官方Facebook粉丝专页: https://goo.gl/4KDRkL 爸爸去哪儿官方 Facebook ...
Lady of the Dynasty (Wang chao de nv ren: Yang Gui Fei / 王朝的女人·杨贵妃) (2015) Lady of the Dynasty is a Chinese epic romance war film directed by Shi Qing (writer of Codename Cougar) and featuring Fan Bingbing, Leon Lai and Wu Chun. The film also had a director group including Zhang Yimou and Tian Zhuangzhuang. The film was released on 30 July 2015 Like and Subscribe
《偶像万万碎》第十二期 The Icono-Clast EP12:范冰冰自嘲微胖 甜蜜示爱李治廷 Fan Bingbing Expresses Love to Aarif Lee 《偶像万万碎》由芒果TV倾力打造的首档全新概念互联网综艺访谈节目。该节目由湖南卫视当家花旦主持人孙骁骁领衔主持,以独特的视角、最当红的明星、最好玩的游戏、最刁钻的问题、最无节操的爆料、最轻松搞笑的气氛面对观众。主持人大胆即兴的提问深度挖掘明星的隐私,无底线无禁忌的话题回应网友的质疑,展现明星鲜活真实的一面。让观众全方位更直接的了解明星的真实状态。 The Icono-Clast is a brand new celebrity talk show hosted by Xiaoxiao Sun, presented by Mango TV exclusive. Here you will see the trickiest questions, exclusive insider disclosures, and the real life of the most popular stars. 芒果TV《偶像万万碎》超清版播放列表The Icono-Clast: http://goo.gl/U72r2T 【欢迎订阅湖南卫视芒果TV官方YouTube频道】Subscribe to Mango TV YouTube Official Channels ★芒果TV《正在粉丝楼》http://goo.gl/iBc6ra ★芒果TV《选秀纪》Ten Years Talent Show: http://goo.gl/ZdiYPU ★芒果TV《八卦鉴定事务所》Gossip Appraisal Office: http://goo.gl/kAxJNx ★芒果TV《偶像万万碎》The Icono-Clast: ...
Sacrifice (Chinese: 赵氏孤儿) is a 2010 Chinese drama movie with English subtitles Plot For more than four generations the members of the Zhao clan have held the highest positions in the land. Zhao Dun is currently chancellor and his son, Zhao Shuo, a general in the royal army. He is married to the king's older sister, Zhuang Ji. Tu'an Gu, the Zhao's arch-enemy, is not content to accept the clan's power and influence; he incites a massacre which decimates the entire Zhao clan -- over 300 members of this family fall victim to the carnage which leaves no-one alive. As her husband faces death, Zhuang Ji goes into labour and gives birth to the last Zhao. She dies after childbirth and the doctor, Cheng Ying, takes the baby into his care. This news reaches Tu'an Gu and, angered that his plan to wip...
We met Fan Bingbing who plays Blink in X-Men: Days of Future Past who shared some insights on Blink, how she had a hand in the design of the character as well as being the first ever Asian face in the X-Men movie franchise.
On the day of the Singapore premiere of the new film 'X-Men: Days Of Future Past, TODAY's Genevieve Loh talks to actress Fan Bingbing about her role as the teleporting mutant superhero, 'Blink'.
12/16/09 《十月围城》主创陈可辛、陈德森、范冰冰、梁家辉来到新加坡,为新片宣传造势。
Members of the media were in for a treat when Wolverine showed up at the Singapore press conference of 'X-Men: Days of Future Past'. "You making fun of me?" he asked radio DJ Joshua Simon. "Are you? Let's go, come on, let's go," he added, gesturing towards the backstage door. Simon, a presenter for The Hot FM 91.3 radio station asked actor Hugh Jackman if he can speak with Wolverine. Surprisingly, the actor answered in a low-growl, much like his character in the movie: "He doesn't talk a lot, he's gonna talk about your hair. Did you actually work on that hair? That's a choice? What were you thinking, bro?" "Wolverine" suddenly snapped and called Simon to meet him backstage when the DJ asked: "When you order steak, do you use cutlery or do you just stab the rib-eye?". Jackman was in S...
For more movie news, stories and videos visit: http://www.screenslam.com
Many popular Chinese actresses have started to appear in Hollywood films. In "X-Men: Days of future past", Chinese actress Fan Bingbing plays Blink, a mutant with the power of teleportation. In an exclusive interview with China View, Fan said she's proud to portray the role as an actress from Asia.