Daily Life

Jil Hogan

Jil Hogan is an entertainment and lifestyle reporter at The Canberra Times.

Stylist and blogger at A Stylish Moment Jemma Mrdak and her vintage Burberry denim jacket.

Hot to op shop

Menswear, women's wear, casual and chic - you can find your style without emptying your pockets if you're prepared to treasure hunt. Here are tips from five Canberra fashionistas.

Anthony Bean and Rebecca Biggs.

Photo Jay Cronan

The eco fashion warriors

In a world of fast fashion, they're turning back the clocks, injecting their own sense of style, and making sartorial choices that help the planet.

Designer Vivienne Mitchell with her daughter Antonia Skene, and neice Nyssa Mitchell who are wearing her designs that ...

Fashvest to walk the Fashfest catwalk

While she lives about 150 kilometres from the nearest beach, fashion designer Vivien Mitchell is setting out to prove that looking fashionable on the sand and being sun smart aren't mutually exclusive.