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Ex-minister Bruce Billson's lobbying shows need for reform

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The revelation that former Coalition cabinet minister Bruce Billson was being paid by the $170-billion franchise industry's lobby group while still in Federal Parliament puts the spotlight on Australia's weak regulation of lobbying.

The news comes after a spate of scandals involving alleged abuse of parliamentary entitlements or of the political donations system, the most recent being Victorian Liberal leader Matthew Guy's "lobster with a 'mobster' " affair, and will further undermine the integrity of our democracy and faith that lawmakers put the public interest above all else. A recent survey indicated 80 per cent of Australians believe our polity is corrupt.

Mr Billson, who did not contest last year's election after being removed from the small business portfolio by Malcolm Turnbull in September 2015, announced in March 2016 he had accepted the job of executive chairman of the Franchise Council of Australia. He failed to declare in his parliamentary register that he had already started accepting the salary. The ABC's 7.30 has revealed the council paid Mr Billson $75,000 while he was still in Parliament.

Lobbying is an inevitable part of politics, public policy and freedom of speech. But unless it is transparent, it can lead to decisions that unduly favour vested interests. Australia has significantly less-rigorous regulation of lobbying than the US, Britain and Canada.

Nevertheless, Mr Billson appears to be in breach of section 7.1 of the Lobbying Code of Conduct, which states: "Persons who retire from office as a minister or a parliamentary secretary, shall not, for a period of 18 months after they cease to hold office, engage in lobbying activities relating to any matter that they had official dealings with in their last 18 months in office." Mr Billson has not registered as a lobbyist but has clearly been lobbying in an area that overlaps with his previous ministerial responsibilities.

Leaked emails show he has been assiduous in his efforts to convince his former colleagues to water down legislation promised ahead of the last election in response to revelations by Fairfax Media and the ABC of rampant wage fraud by franchises including 7-Eleven, Domino's, Caltex, Pizza Hut and United Petroleum.

Mr Billson says he has been transparent, and has merely committed a discourteous administrative oversight. Many people might find that obfuscatory.

Almost a third of the more than 500 registered lobbyists are former government representatives. It is hard to envisage a resurgence of trust in politicians without reform of the rules governing political donations and entitlements – and lobbying.

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