

The art scene set to explode

Melati Suryodarmo's Eins und Eins.

A time of economic and social upheaval in Indonesia has brought about a burst of creativity, writes John McDonald.

Welcome to cowboy country

Philippines-based artist David Griggs with his 2009 self-portrait "Zoloft Nation".

The two-bedroom condominium in the Philippines that artist David Griggs calls home, overlooks a train station and shopping mall. The apartment is small with shoddy ventilation. Paint fumes from his adjoining studio give him dizzy spells and crazed dreams. "You get immune to it but it's not healthy," he says.

The art of the ordinary

James Brett, Museum of Everything founder, is interested in breaking the barriers between low and high art, in making ...

A new exhibition at MONA explores the world of art not usually seen gracing the walls of contemporary art galleries.