Choosing The Best Physiotherapy Clinic For You

If you are experiencing muscle, joint or tendon pain, your doctor may refer you to a physiotherapist for treatment. A physiotherapist uses different techniques such as massage, limb manipulation, hot and cold therapies, exercise, etc. to treat pain that could be the result of an injury or other medical condition.

However, not all physiotherapists have the same level of expertise and experience to provide the best therapeutic treatments to resolve your issues. If you are not benefiting from, or seeing any progress in your healing, regarding the treatment by your referred physiotherapist, it may be time to start looking for a different therapist to see to your needs.

Though if you’re looking for a physiotherapist right now let us recommend this Halifax Physiotherapy clinic that has done wonders for most of our Canadian readers out east.

For more information about them you can also check out their Twitter & Facebook page. Anyways back to the reason why you’re reading this article!

Factors that you need to take into consideration when choosing a physiotherapist include:

1. Their Qualifications

A physiotherapist needs to receive education and training at a registered or accredited facility from which they will receive a degree upon successful completion. A person who does not have a degree in physiotherapy cannot practice and will not be able to provide you with the correct treatment.

Physiotherapists may also be accredited or registered with specific associations, societies or organizations. Accreditation is there to ensure that a specific standard of quality service is provided to a patient.

Any physiotherapist you choose should be qualified, certified and accredited.

2. Specialist

Some physiotherapists may specialize in a specific field or area of treatment. For example, some deal with sport medicine to help resolve issues or injuries related to physical exercise and activities while other may specialize in areas related to treating symptoms of medical conditions. Others may be specialist in providing rehabilitation after surgery, injury or due to a disability.

It is advisable to select a physiotherapist that specializes in the field of treatment required to meet the needs of your individual injury, medical condition or illness. You should ask them about any specialization before you make an appointment with them.

3. Not Just A Physiotherapist

Many physiotherapist employ alternative therapeutic and healing techniques to compliment their practice. These can include aromatherapy, yoga, acupuncture, reflexology, etc. These additional therapies can promote healing and pain relief and may be beneficial to you in the long run.

4. The Level Of Treatment

Unfortunately, in the process of applying their craft, physiotherapist may cause some pain and discomfort during treatment. However, this should never be to the extent that you feel reluctant to schedule a follow-up appointment. Keep in mind that physiotherapy is not a quick fix and you will need repeated sessions. Physio can even be used if you have MS.

This makes it all the more important that you are comfortable with your physiotherapist. You can also look for a practitioner who will adjust your therapy needs so as to minimize the pain that you experience. For example, hydrotherapy is a good way to receive the treatment you need without applying stress or pressure on specific pain points.

5. Location And Availability

Try to find a physiotherapist who is located near you so that you don’t need to travel long distances to make your regular appointments. You should easily be able to find a physiotherapist near you to see to your specific needs.

Make sure that the physiotherapist you choose has the time in their schedule to take you on as a patient. If a therapist that you prefer to see is booked up weeks or even months in advance, you may want to find another practitioner until the physiotherapist becomes available.

The best route to follow to factor in all these considerations in one go, is to approach a physiotherapy clinic. They will provide a range of different specialists, all who have the necessary qualifications to provide a variety of different treatment options.