Luigi Fabbri

Black Flag 237 (2015)

The last of the titles from the 2007-15 Black Flag collective looked at a brief wave of squatting in the capital and took an in-depth look at the then-somnolent Parliamentary scene before the rise of Corbynism. A direct action bent saw it pick over the rise and fall of the animal rights movement, and consider how the Trade Union Bill could potentially be resisted.

A organização anarqusita

Luigi Fabbri agitando por organização anarquista no primeiro Congresso Anarquista Italiano em Roma 1907.

Views and Comments No. 45 (Fall 1963)

The No. 45 (Fall 1963) issue of Views and Comments, an anarcho-syndicalist leaning publication produced out of New York by the Libertarian League from 1955 until 1966.

Views and Comments No. 27 (March 1958)

The No. 27 (March 1958) issue of Views and Comments, an anarcho-syndicalist leaning publication produced out of New York by the Libertarian League from 1955 until 1966.

The poverty of statism: Anarchism vs Marxism

Anarchists Luigi Fabbri and Rudolf Rocker debate Bolshevik Nikolai Bukharin on the relative merits of anarchism and Marxism. With an introduction by Albert Meltzer.

Life of Malatesta - Luigi Fabbri

Errico Malatesta.

Luigi Fabbri's book-length biography of the life of the almost legendary Italian anarchist, Errico Malatesta. Downloadable here as a Word document.

Preventative Counter-Revolution - Luigi Fabbri

Luigi Fabbri's moving account and analysis of the rise of fascism in Italy.

Revolution and Dictatorship - Luigi Fabbri

Victor Serge.

Essay by Luigi Fabbri analysing the Russian revolution and its authoritarian distortion by the Bolsheviks, with Victor Serge (the "anarchist who has forgotten his principles") singled out for special criticism.

Bourgeois influences on anarchism - Luigi Fabbri

Luigi Fabbri (right) with Gaston Leval.

Text by Italian anarchist communist Luigi Fabbri written around the time of the First World War, addressing problems arising from the stereotyping of anarchism in popular culture and the negative effect this had on actual anarchist movement.

Fabbri, Luigi, 1877-1935

Luigi Fabbri.

A biography of Italian anarchist militant and writer, Luigi Fabbri.