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Zine form can be found here! Markets are not my end goal. My end goal is anarchism which will always look like something just beyond the horizon of my knowledge. Markets unleash the creative complexity that make the dynamic testing of a wide range of liberatory strategies more meaningfully possible. This very same complexity makes…
DSA-LSC: Anarchy in the AfterBern
Since the Bernie Sanders campaign, there has been an uptick in interest in the ideas of democratic socialism among leftists. This has played a role in radicalizing both progressives and former democrats and refocusing the left on movements for labor rights and social justice. Seeing this as an opportune moment, many social anarchists have started…
Airbnb and the Power of Anti-Fascist Markets
Reparations from Historical Slavery Could Be Used to End Modern Slavery
Healthcare For All: An Informal Guide to Creating An Anarchist Medical System
Progressive Border Patrol
This is the second part of the series called “Nice Cops and Other Cryptids” exploring apologism for prominent agents of the state. Part 1, “Nice Cops” can be found here. Most people don’t realize the activities and behaviors that are normalized in the U.S. borderlands. Almost every night a Border Patrol helicopter will fly low…
Combating Hate: A Radical Leftist Guide to Gun Control (Part 6)
We Will Defeat the Authoritarian Nationalists
Animal Torture Violates Rights: A Response to Walter Block
Locked In: The True Causes of Mass Incarceration and How to A...
Of all the State’s activities, incarceration – especially on a mass-scale – is probably one of the most brutal, disruptive, and inhumane. Of all the state’s activities, the census is probably one of the most… boring. But if we care about the former, we should care about the latter. As it stands, the census counts…
The New Jim Crow
The Tangled Paths Of State Formation And Resistance
Wonder Woman: How to Save the World
Agency and Other Anarchist Themes In Paul Goodman’s Work
Perhaps the most important characteristic Goodman shares with the other “anarchists without adjectives” in this series is his high regard for human agency, and his primary focus on the way actual human beings assert that agency in interacting with their environment. Read Kevin Carson’s full C4SS Study on Goodman here!
Deleuze, Guattari and Market Anarchism
Postmodern Philosophy and Market Anarchism: Allies or Enemies?
We Are Not Disposable! Building Alternatives To Prisons