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(en) Armed forces against working people in Brazil -- Note from the Initiative of the Federalist Anarchist Initiative Brazil (pt) [machine translation]

Date Thu, 1 Jun 2017 18:16:05 +0300

IFA-Brasil considers that the moment that the working people, precarious, unemployed, students, and people in Brazil pass away is a threat to civil and human rights. ---- President Michel Temer of the PMDB signed a DECREE ON MAY 24, 2017, which places the armed forces in the Esplanada dos Ministérios in Brasilia using a legal device for "law enforcement and order action" with the sole purpose of keeping Power and create terror in the population and opponents of its (dis) government. ---- The Minister of Defense determined that the Esplanade of the Ministry in Brasília had been seized by about 1,500 members of the armed forces. Same action that already happens in several peripheries and suburbs of Brazil, implanting the fear and the terror. At this moment, the Esplanade of the Ministry, in the Federal District, is the territory of the armed forces. The criminalization of social problems and the military response to the manifestations of the people are historical practices in Brazil. Since 2013, military troops in the states have been attacking disproportionately against demonstrators, as we see in large cities such as Porto Alegre, Sao Paulo, Salvador, Belém, Goiás.

We warn that this action restricts the rights of the population to exercise the demonstration against a corrupt and demoralized government by successive scandals involving astronomical amounts of money. With this extreme measure we are on the verge of a State of Exception.

There are two reforms in the national congress that contemplate the devastating yearning of capitalism against the working people: labor reform and pension reform. Even with union centrals and unions sold to right and left parties, the working people rise. We workers, unemployed, precarious and anarchist people struggle against the labor and social security reforms side by side and autonomously in relation to the union centrals.

The uprising of the working people of the great capitals of the country is beyond the control of the trade union centrals, interested, above all, in showing the power of the grassroots to establish agreements based on the interests of parties within the politics of the State.

We consider that the radicalization of the manifestations is a spontaneous movement of the foundations of working people, unemployed and precarious people who have chosen to resist in the face of the assault of their rights and not to bow to the maneuvers of the trade union bureaucracy. The bureaucracy and its trade union elite do not represent us, do not represent working people, do not represent precarious people and certainly ignores unemployed people.

In the federal district on 05/24, we repeat the picture that has been drawing in recent months, where the working base assumes radical and necessary actions in the face of calamity, even against any prescriptions of union bureaucrats and not without suffering the harsh Penalties of state repression and of their own trade union centrals.

In any case, whether or not this president falls, we know that by maintaining the political and government regime in capitalism we will never achieve social justice, economic equality and individual and collective freedom.

Outside Fear yes. But ... We do not want to return Dilma, we do not want Lula president, or any other political person and his parties with all rush of the right or left. We do not want direct or indirect.

We want economic equality, freedom of organization, self-management to control production and our lives, on the streets, in the countryside and in the cities.

No political bosses and professionals, no parties and the bastard who feeds on the misery of the people and explores every second of the sweat worked in long days living squeezed in the Brazilian peripheries.

Today, to build resistance in the workplace, in the fields, in the streets, in the neighborhoods and in the cities, in order to continue and fight for a deep and broad social change in Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina, Mexico and Chile until the end of the capitalist frontiers and The freedom of all peoples, of the working and precarious people of Latin America and the world.

Not the labor and social security reforms.

Resist, fight, organize

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