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(Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences!)

Listen to a Sequence in The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences

To listen to a sequence, enter the A-number here:


Or try some of these, suggested by various users:

A108618 (Creighton Dement) A117153 (Creighton Dement) A117154 (Creighton Dement) A005132 (Recaman)
A007318 (Pascal's triangle) A000005 (divisors of n) A000010 (Euler phi) A001223 (prime gaps)
A025480 (a fractal) A003602 (Kimberling's paraphrases) A064413 (EKG) A119953 (Creighton Dement)
A056239 (Karl Aage Rasmussen) A004718 (Per Noergaard) A006577 (3x+1 problem) A123456 (Fuer Elise)

Usually accept the default settings, but in the Midi player set the tempo almost as high as it will go.

If the midi file won't play (QuickTime always complains in my browser),
save the midi file to your computer, and open it with (say) QuickTime Player.

Suggestions for other examples will be welcomed - send them to Neil Sloane, njasloane@gmail.com.

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Last modified July 9 20:02 EDT 2017. Contains 289283 sequences.