Fairwear action at High Court – TCFUA prosecutes companies for outworker breaches – 26 July

From a media release issued by the TCFUA 25 July:

The Textile Clothing and Footwear Union of Australia (TCFUA) will tomorrow begin Federal Court proceedings against the makers of many leading fashion labels, over alleged breaches of laws preventing the exploitation of outworkers …
Twenty-nine clothing companies will join the ranks of over 120 others already prosecuted by the TCFUA for failing to abide by minimum standards set out in the Clothing Trades Award.
It is estimated that there are up to 300,000 outworkers in Australia, many of them working for as little as between 2-3 dollars an hour. The prosecutions are intended to make sure that all participants in the industry comply with the Award and to ensure a system that delivers outworkers basic minimum award wages and conditions.
However, employers will soon be let off the hook if the Federal Government’s proposed industrial relations changes are passed into law.

To highlight the event, Fairwear set up a mini-sweatshop in the forecourt, with a lone worker slaving under the supervision of a ‘boss’ masked to resemble workplace relations minister Kevin Andrews:

Female machinist at work closely watched by 'bosses'

More photos:

Another view of machinist with banner in backgound  - Wage Justice for Outworkers

Another view, featuring photos of Kevin Andrews

Another view, featuring names of companies involved