Anti-Nuclear & Clean Energy Collective

Friends of the Earth's Anti-nuclear and Clean Energy (ACE) campaign has been working creatively against the nuclear industry for over 35 years, because of its treatment to indigenous people, its contribution to nuclear weapons proliferation risks and its serious, long-term environmental impacts. We promote clean energy solutions to climate change & the current energy crisis.

Get involved and come along to the collective meetings at Friends of the Earth in Collingwood, Melbourne. Contact to find out when and how to get some nuclear free action happening!

Please note this webpage is no longer being updated - visit the FoE Melbourne and FoE Australia websites for updated info and let us know by email if you'd like to be added to our email list for occasional updates with nuclear news and events.

The ACE Collective meets on Wurundjeri land and recognises that sovereignty has never been ceded. Always was, always will be, Aboriginal land.



Friends of the Earth's 2015 Radioactive Exposure Tour to NSW and South Australia will depart Melbourne on Saturday 27th June and return on Wednesday 8th July. These tours have exposed thousands of people to the realities of 'radioactive racism' and to the environmental impacts of the nuclear industry.

From blue coast to red desert, this year's 'radtour' will visit two operating uranium mines, Australia's only reactor at Lucas Heights, the former proposed nuclear power site at Jervis Bay, the Woomera missile testing site associated with the British atomic bomb tests, hotspots of uranium exploration, historical sites of resistance, Lake Eyre, the Mound Springs, the Flinders Ranges and much more!

More information is posted at and

If you're interested in joining in the 2015 radtour, email or phone Hannah 0424 626 774.

To register to go on the radtour, please fill out the form at

01 muckaty mp3 w_ vocals.mp3

Click on the play button to listen to the original track 'Muckaty' by Casey and Hudso.

Banner picture: Mound Springs on Arabunna country in SA, natural oases that have been vastly depleted by the water usage of BHP Biliton's Olympic Dam mine, further south on Kokatha country. Taken on the Radioactive Exposure Tour 2013.


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We run the collective on the smell of an oily rag. Please donate to help us fund more resources, actions and campaigns. A little goes a long way with the ACE Collective...!

Donate to FoE's ACE Campaign 

'Justice has prevailed': Muckaty nuclear waste plan finally dumped.

Media Release, June 19, 2014

Traditional Owners and campaigners are celebrating today after learning that plans for a national nuclear waste dump at Muckaty in the Northern Territory have been scrapped.

The Commonwealth Government has committed to not pursue the proposed Muckaty site, the announcement coming mid-way through a federal court trial examining the site nomination process. (A federal court action lodged in 2010 began went to trial on June 2, with hearings in Melbourne and Tennant Creek. The hearing scheduled for Darwin has now been vacated.)

A delegation of Traditional Owners has travelled from Tennant Creek to speak with

supporters and media in Alice Springs.

Marlene Nungarrayi Bennett, Warlmanpa woman said, “Today will go down in the history books of Indigenous Australia on par with the Wave Hill Walk-off, Mabo and Blue Mud Bay. The Warlmanpa Nation has won an eight-year battle against the might and power of the Commonwealth Government and Northern Land Council. Justice has prevailed and this is a win for all Territorians.”

Penny Williams Namikilli said “ngulayilpa wanganya ngurru-ku partta-wurru mar-darnjaku marjumarju kula yanjaku. kuyayi ngurru kirlka kan-jin-mi, mayi parnta.” [Translated from Warlmanpa: We talked about our land to keep the waste away off the land, not to put it there. We want it to remain clean with bush tucker.]

Milwayi Traditional Owner Gladys Nungarrayi Brown said, “The land is important, we have to keep it clean without radioactive waste. Our ancestors walked around that land and were always looking after it-generation after generation they kept handing that knowledge on. We have to keep passing on that knowledge to future generations.”

The Commonwealth government announced in 2005 that it would pursue three sites in the Northern Territory for a national dump, passing legislation to override NT government opposition. Amendments made in 2006 allowed additional site nominations from Aboriginal Land Councils.

The Northern Land Council offered Muckaty for assessment in 2007, despite opposition from many Traditional Owners. A determined community campaign gained support from trade unions, public health and human rights organisations around the country. Annual demonstrations in Tennant Creek pledged direct action against any attempts to build the dump.

Beyond Nuclear Initiative convenor Natalie Wasley said “Next month will mark ten years since the SA nuclear dump plan was stopped by the Kupa Piti Kungka Tjuta and supporters. Any further attempts to impose nuclear waste on Aboriginal people considered politically expendable will be defeated.”

Dianne Stokes, Milwayi kurtungurlu and Yapa Yapa kirtta said, “We will be still talking about our story in the communities up north so no one else has to go through this. We want to let the whole world know that we stood up very strong. We want to thank the supporters around the world that stood behind us and made us feel strong.”

Kylie Sambo, Milwayi Kurtungurlu and hip-hop artist said, “I joined the campaign four years ago when I wrote my hip hop song Muckaty. My sister always told me stories about our mothers dreaming, where it traveled to and from. That land means a lot to us, that's why we stand up to protect it. My sister always encouraged me to stand up for our people and our country, my uncle and grandfather would be very happy and proud of what we have done. We are in Alice Springs with good news that we have WON the fight, If you think something is not going the right way then you stand up and speak, because if we in the centre of the Northern Territory can stand up and win then so can you.”

Court proceedings in Melbourne revealed that compensation for the radioactive dump would be in the form of roads, houses and education scholarships. This funding is desperately needed in the region, with a recent estimate that Tennant Creek alone needs around 400 houses to meet current demand.

Ms Wasley concluded, “This radioactive ransom must end. We call for the repeal of the National Radioactive Waste Management Act, which explicitly targets Aboriginal Land for a waste dump. It is time for a national commission to examine radioactive waste production and all options for management.”
The Radioactive Exposure Tour 2014 was a great success! Check out the photos and some blog updates at

Check out a story by Rachel and Yuya here:

The Rad Tour inspired several folk to move to Alice Springs and support the Traditional Owners of Muckaty stopping the radioactive waste dump. The battle also continues in the cities with a Sydney fundraiser raising $4000 and the Federal Court trial happening throughout June from Melbourne, to Tennant Creek and finally to Darwin.

To find out more and for daily court updates:

Monday August 19, 2013
Major Parties fail their nuclear test
The federal Liberal and Labor parties have scored poorly on a nuclear policy assessment released today by national environment, disarmament and medical groups.
Beyond Nuclear Initiative, Friends of the Earth, International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons and Medical Association for Prevention of War have collaborated to produce an election policy scorecard and website (see attached) to help inform voters about party positions on a range of nuclear issues ahead of the September 7 federal election.
Issues canvassed included uranium mining and export, support for nuclear weapons and nuclear power and radioactive waste management.
The Coalition received one tick and Labor two while Australian Greens policies scored ten out of ten.
“The major parties are out of step with many Australians and failing badly when it comes to responsible and evidence based nuclear policies. Many Australians have considered and continuing concerns and opposition that are not being recognised or reflected in policy,” said Dr Jenny Grounds from the Medical Association for Prevention of War.
“Against the backdrop of Fukushima, continuing international nuclear insecurity and the need to grow clean and sustainable energy sources the major parties simply fail the nuclear test,” said Gem Romuld from the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons.
Beyond Nuclear Initiative coordinator Natalie Wasley said “While the major parties do not openly supports an international radioactive waste dump, they both actively support the controversial plan for a national dump at Muckaty in the NT. The Muckaty plan is inconsistent with industry best practice and Australia’s international treaty obligations and is being challenged in the Federal Court. Radioactive waste lasts longer than any politicians promise and it is time for Canberra to do things differently and better”.

Dr Jim Green from Friends of the Earth added, “It is a disgrace and an outrage that the major parties support selling uranium to countries that have not even signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. It is a disgrace and an outrage that both major parties support uranium sales to Russia when they know that safeguards inspections are very nearly non-existent."

To view the scorecard and related materials please visit:

Two years after the Fukushima disaster started unfolding on 11 March 2011, its impact on the global nuclear industry has become increasingly visible. Global electricity generation from nuclear plants dropped by a historic 7 percent in 2012, adding to the record drop of 4 percent in 2011. This World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2013 (WNISR) provides a global overview of the history, the current status and the trends of nuclear power programs worldwide.

Why Australia shouldn't sell uranium to the UAE

For most Australians nuclear issues are the concern of other nations, largely because we don't, and are most unlikely to ever have, domestic nuclear reactors.

But as home to one third of the world's uranium, Australia is a significant player in the global nuclear game and we are playing an increasingly irresponsible hand.

Today in Canberra representatives from the Australian Conservation Foundation, Friends of the Earth, the Medical Association for the Prevention of War and the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons will have a rare window of opportunity to put their case to a Parliamentary committee as to why Australia should not sell uranium to the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

The UAE is country with an illiberal government situated in one of the world's most insecure regions. The commercial interests of multinational uranium producers have been prioritised over the wider national interest. Instead of industry assurances it is now time to test the claims, and examine the costs, of Australia's uranium industry.

The value of the employment and economic contribution made by the Australian uranium sector is consistently exaggerated while its risks and liabilities are routinely played down. When it comes to jobs and dollars uranium is a small contributor to Australian export revenue and employment, but when it comes to global impact and risk Australian uranium is in the major league.

From 2002 to 2011, uranium sales averaged $627 million annually and accounted for only 0.29 per cent of all national export revenue: small beer, but with a big hangover

The industry's contribution to employment in Australia is also underwhelming. The World Nuclear Association estimates 1760 jobs in Australia's entire uranium industry. This is the highest of all estimates yet it represents just 0.015 per cent of the jobs in Australia.

While small industrial sectors can play an important economic role, the unique properties and risks of uranium relative to its meagre employment and economic benefits means it requires particular scrutiny.

Article continued here.

Stepping out against
uranium mining

Media Release 2nd May 2013

This Saturday 4th of May people from across Australia and around the World will be meeting with local Aboriginal people, Wangkatja people, to embark on a 3 week walk from Yeelirrie - WA's largest uranium deposit to Leonora. The 2013 walk will be the third walk through the Goldfields stepping out against uranium mining.

This year has increased support and growing opposition to uranium mining after the Federal announcement to give a conditional, but not final, approval for Toro Energy's proposed Wiluna uranium mine. This year the walk will incorporate campaign training from the Australian Manufacturers Workers Union to help support communities who want to oppose uranium mining on their country.

Kado Muir chairperson of the West Australian Nuclear Free Alliance and Yeelirrie Traditional Custodian, "Everybody is concerned about the potential for uranium mining. We all want to do our bit - to send the message that we don't want uranium mining on our country. We've fought against uranium for over 40 years. We know uranium is different. Yeelirrie, in my area, is known as the place of death. We've always know that uranium must be left in the ground."

"Between Wiluna and Leonora there is the potential for three uranium mines, that's all the country we travel across, live on and hunt our kangaroos and goanna and emus on. If these uranium mines go ahead, we'll lose our country for the next 10,000 years. We've already had mining in this area for over 100 years; we're still waiting to see any significant benefit. It is talked about but there's no evidence. Every new company comes in with new promises but we never see any change."

Marcus Atkinson, walk organiser and campaigner for the Anti Nuclear Alliance of WA said "The walk has been so important in connecting people with the local communities and the environment teaching people that the area is important."

"Since the Federal conditional approval for the proposed Wiluna uranium mine more and more people have joined the walk. This is a new beginning for action and opposition to the proposed Wiluna uranium mine and other proposed uranium mines in the area like Yeelirrie, Lake Maitland and Mulga Rocks. We are determined to keep WA nuclear free" he concluded.

26 April 2013

High risk, low return: uranium industry’s poor record demands inquiry

Australia’s uranium industry is a minor contributor to employment and the economy, a major source of domestic and international risks and is overdue for an independent inquiry into its effects on the environment, health, safety and security, according to a report released today on the anniversary of the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster.

The report, Yellowcake Fever: exposing the uranium industry’s economic myths, released by the Australian Conservation Foundation, shows uranium accounted for only 0.29 per cent of national export revenue and less than 0.015 per cent of Australian jobs in the decade to 2011.

In the last financial year, revenue from uranium was four times lower than Australia's 20th biggest export earner, eight times lower than Australia’s 10th biggest export earner and 103 times lower than the biggest earner, iron ore.

 “While Australia’s uranium sector remains an economic minnow, it is a leviathan when it comes to the damage it does to communities and the environment and the risks it spreads,” said the Australian Conservation Foundation’s Dave Sweeney.

“It is time for an independent and credible cost-benefit analysis of this sector and for decisions to be based on evidence, not self-interested industry enthusiasm.”

The most recent independent assessment of the Australian uranium industry – a Senate Inquiry in October 2003 – found the sector characterised by underperformance and non-compliance, an absence of reliable data to measure contamination or its impact on the environment and an operational culture focussed on short term considerations.

“In the decade since that Senate Inquiry, leaks, incidents and accidents have continued to dog uranium mines, Australia has sold uranium to more nuclear weapon states and Australian uranium has fuelled the continuing Fukushima tragedy,” said Dave Sweeney.

The Australian Uranium Association’s push to reduce independent scrutiny of uranium projects shows why this sector does not enjoy community confidence or a social license.

“We call on the federal government to establish an evidence-based inquiry into the operations and impacts of this industry, particularly in the shadow of Fukushima.”

The report can be accessed here.

Contact: Dave Sweeney, 0408 317 812

Dividing communities as well as atoms

Dave Sweeney ABC Environment 23 Apr 2013

Uranium mining may be attractive to those seeking to boost state coffers, but it leaves the land poisoned and communities divided.

COMMUNITIES IN REGIONAL Queensland are increasingly concerned about Premier Campbell Newman's decision to open the Sunshine State to uranium mining — and with good reason.

The decision was made behind closed doors in response to pressure from industry lobby groups and — by the Premier's own admission — without reference to independent economic analysis or advice.

The decision also broke a promise. In a letter to the Australian Conservation Foundation dated 11 October 2012 Premier Newman stated: "I take this opportunity to reaffirm my statements, made before the last election, that the State Government has no plans to approve the development of uranium in Queensland". Two weeks later the Premier put out the welcome mat for the uranium industry.

Queensland is no stranger to mining, but uranium is different... (article continued here)

Can We Count The Nuclear Toll?

Jim Green, New Matilda, 22 April 2013

The dangers of nuclear power and proliferation are acute, but hard to quantify. That hasn't deterred ex-NASA climate scientist James Hansen from his high-profile nuclear advocacy writes Jim Green

Earlier this month, James Hansen resigned from his position as director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies in order to devote more time to campaigning to cut global carbon emissions.

In addition to his scientific research on climate change, Hansen has been arrested several times in recent years at protests against coal mining and tar sands mining. Bravo James Hansen — precious few scientists and academics live and breathe their politics as he does.

But when it comes to proposing solutions, Hansen is on less solid ground. A loose parallel can be drawn with Tim Flannery, who Clive Hamilton describes as a "talented science populariser" but a "policy flake"... (article continued here)

Muckaty protest enters sixth year

A rally and march were held today in Tennant Creek (25 May 2012) to mark five years since the Northern Land Council voted to nominate Muckaty as a potential site for a national nuclear waste dump. 120-150 people attended the rally and speakers included Muckaty Traditional Owners, Minister Gerry McCarthy (NTG), Barkly Shire President Barb Shaw, Larrakia activist Donna Jackson and Maurice Blackburn lawyer Lizzie O’Shea. The march went from Peko Park to outside the Northern Land Council office where Traditional Owners spoke about the lack of consultation by the NLC before the Muckaty site was nominated.   

Picture: Flagstaff gardens post Federal Court case hearing in Melbourne, June 25th 2012.