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North America / Mexico | Anti-fascism

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Recent articles by Black Rose Anarchist Federation
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Recent Articles about North America / Mexico Anti-fascism

Charlottesville: The world is divided... Sep 04 17 by Anarchist Federation (Greece)

Charlotteville: Ο κόσμος χ`... Aug 24 17 by Αναρχική Ομοσπονδία

Θρήνος αλλά κ&#... Aug 16 17 by Dmitri

Mourn the Dead, Fight Like Hell for the Living

[Castellano] [Français] [Ελληνικά]

category north america / mexico | anti-fascism | feature author Mittwoch August 16, 2017 23:32author by Black Rose Anarchist Federation - Black Rose Anarchist Federation Report this post to the editors

Black Rose Anarchist Federation Statement on Charlottesville

featured image
Black Rose/Rosa Negra Anarchist Federation has received word about the white supremacist, fascist violence committed in Charlottesville today. We are deeply saddened by the loss of our comrade in struggle. Our hearts and minds go out to their loved ones.

We stand in solidarity with anti-racist activists in Charlottesville today, their families, the IWW and DSA members present, and all those involved in the struggle against the rising tide of fascism worldwide.

[Castellano] [Ελληνικά] [Français]

See also: [IWW's statement] [Français] [Ελληνικά]


Black Rose/Rosa Negra Anarchist Federation has received word about the white supremacist, fascist violence committed in Charlottesville today. We are writing to you from our national convention, and we are all feeling for you, together.

We are deeply saddened by the loss of our comrade in struggle. Our hearts and minds go out to their loved ones.

At this time we understand that members of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) and Democratic Socialists of American (DSA) were injured; details are forthcoming among conflicted reports of further injuries and at least one death in this attack.

We cannot sit idly by and allow this violence to be perpetuated against our communities.

We stand in solidarity with anti-racist activists in Charlottesville today, their families, the IWW and DSA members present, and all those involved in the struggle against the rising tide of fascism worldwide.

Together, we will not be slowed, and we will not be stopped.

“Mourn the dead, fight like hell for the living.”
– Mother Jones

Your support is needed! – Local organizers in Charlottesville have created a Fundly page to raise money towards medical expenses for those injured during the protest.

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Neste 8 de Março, levantamos mais uma vez a nossa voz e os nossos punhos pela vida das mulheres!

North America / Mexico | Anti-fascism | en

Fr 22 Mär, 12:59

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0a8c0b1a8fbc67ae59a40fa3b24b0261.jpg imageCharlottesville: The world is divided... 06:21 Mo 04 Sep by Anarchist Federation (Greece) 0 comments

Those who wink their eye to anti-fascist fronts with the bourgeoisie, they better keep it shut. Centuries of social struggles and lousy betrayals have taught us. Our struggle is always against capitalism. These are the outposts of our camp. These are the outposts of the exploited society in the US, Europe, Greece, Middle East and all over the world.

heatherheyer.jpeg imageAfter today's murder in Charlottesville, we must all unite to defend ourselves and each other 08:09 Mi 16 Aug by General Defense Committee (GDC) 0 comments

We are horrified but not surprised at the rise of political violence and murder from the Alt Right and other fascist groups across the country. Today's murder was not an isolated incident, but is the latest in a string of violent attacks and murders from fascists. These include the shooting of an IWW/GDC member in Seattle, the stabbing double murder on the Portland MAX train, and the recent bombing of Dar Al Farooq mosque in Minnesota, among many others. [Français] [Ελληνικά] See also: [Black Rose Anarchist Federation's statement][Castellano] [Ελληνικά] [Français]

signal20170115221904_1.jpg imageBody Of YPG Volunteer Michael Israel Returns To U.S. To Be Laid To Rest 18:40 Do 19 Jan by IGD 0 comments

This past week on January 11th, the body of Michael Israel, Sacramento organizer and late YPG volunteer, finally arrived in California from overseas. His journey back into the United States took over a month, and began in Syria with a ceremony and mourning procession to send him off. His California community has been awaiting his arrival, and organized a funeral procession of their own to welcome Michael home for the last time. Sacramento and Bay Area activists, individuals from the California Kurdish community, and Michael’s friends and family all came together to accompanied him from the San Francisco Airport to Lodi, his hometown. Over fifty people took part in the long-distance procession, traveling in around 20 cars, vans, and buses festooned with YPG and anti-fascist flags, flowers, and pictures of Michael.

brown04.jpg imageTerror in Ferguson 19:45 Mi 20 Aug by Denver Anarchist Black Cross 0 comments

Saturday August 9th, a racist Ferguson police officer profiled and fatally shot a black teenager, Michael Brown, as he walked to his grandmother’s residence with a friend. He was 18 years old. Multiple witnesses told KMOV that Brown was unarmed and had his hands up in the air when he was cut down. “The officer shot again and once my friend felt that shot, he turned around and put his hands in the air,” said witness Dorian Johnson. “He started to get down and the officer still approached with his weapon drawn and fired several more shots.” The family and the community are calling his death an execution.

nsmrside.jpgddcmrs.jpg imageUnity Against Racism--Stop the Nazis in Riverside! 05:44 Mi 23 Sep by anarcentric 1 comments

The National Socialist Movement, better known as the Nazis, has announced a rally and march in Riverside, California. They are calling for a county-wide protest of day labor sites to try to appeal to those who are angry about the immigration situation in this country and to divide the native-born from our immigrant brothers and sisters.

textCall to action against Nazi concert in Boston Saturday 4/11 04:00 Di 07 Apr by Juice 5 comments


This Saturday the racist white supremacist , neo nazi groups East Coast White Unity and Volksfront plan to try and gather fascist from far and wide for a concert at a VFW post in South Boston.

textThey Shall Not Pass! 08:48 Do 25 Okt by rnf 1 comments

They Shall Not Pass!
Join others to Shut Down British Far-Right Politician’s Michigan Lecture

Nick Griffin, chairman of the fascist British National Party (BNP), will be speaking at Michigan State University Friday Oct. 26th at 7pm.

textReport back from Counter-Protest Against Anti-Immigrant Racists 05:14 Fr 30 Jun by crudo 0 comments

DAAA Collective report on countering Save Our State, a racist and xenophobic anti-immigrant group, as well as the associated white nationalists who showed up to support.

textAmerican Legion Declares War on Protestors -- Media Next? 00:20 Sa 27 Aug by Coyote 0 comments

By E&P; Staff

Published: August 24, 2005 4:20 PM ET

NEW YORK The American Legion, which has 2.7 million members, has declared war on antiwar protestors, and the media could be next. Speaking at its national convention in Honolulu, the group's national commander called for an end to all “public protests” and “media events” against the war.

imageTrump’s victory speaks to a crumbling liberal order Nov 10 by Jerome Roos 1 comments

Only a reinvigorated left and radical-democratic movements can clear away the ruins of the political establishment and defeat the proto-fascist right.

imageIs Trumpism Fascism? Okt 07 by Wayne Price 3 comments

Donald Trump and those who follow him have shown certain specific traits of a fascist movement. Does that make Trump or the Trumpets into fascists? What is fascism? How is it counterposed to bourgeois democracy? Is there likely to be a fascist movement in the U.S.A.? How do we fight fascism?

imageCharlottesville: The world is divided... Sep 04 0 comments

Those who wink their eye to anti-fascist fronts with the bourgeoisie, they better keep it shut. Centuries of social struggles and lousy betrayals have taught us. Our struggle is always against capitalism. These are the outposts of our camp. These are the outposts of the exploited society in the US, Europe, Greece, Middle East and all over the world.

imageAfter today's murder in Charlottesville, we must all unite to defend ourselves and each other Aug 16 Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) 0 comments

We are horrified but not surprised at the rise of political violence and murder from the Alt Right and other fascist groups across the country. Today's murder was not an isolated incident, but is the latest in a string of violent attacks and murders from fascists. These include the shooting of an IWW/GDC member in Seattle, the stabbing double murder on the Portland MAX train, and the recent bombing of Dar Al Farooq mosque in Minnesota, among many others. [Français] [Ελληνικά] See also: [Black Rose Anarchist Federation's statement][Castellano] [Ελληνικά] [Français]

imageUnity Against Racism--Stop the Nazis in Riverside! Sep 23 WSA (personal capacity) 1 comments

The National Socialist Movement, better known as the Nazis, has announced a rally and march in Riverside, California. They are calling for a county-wide protest of day labor sites to try to appeal to those who are angry about the immigration situation in this country and to divide the native-born from our immigrant brothers and sisters.

textCall to action against Nazi concert in Boston Saturday 4/11 Apr 07 North-East Anti Fascists / NEFAC 5 comments


This Saturday the racist white supremacist , neo nazi groups East Coast White Unity and Volksfront plan to try and gather fascist from far and wide for a concert at a VFW post in South Boston.

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