Nick Heath

Berezin, Morris (Moishe Isaakovich) (1888-1973)

A short biography of Morris Berezin, active in Russia and the USA

Lipotkin, Lazar (1891-1959) real name Eliezer Lazarev

Union of Russian Workers 1917

A short biography of Anarchist Lazar Lipotkin, active in Russia and the USA

Kaminsky, Vladimir Konstantinovich (1889 or 1891-1920)

Krasnoyarsk anarchists

A short biography of Vladimir Kaminsky, active in Ukraine and then in Siberia

The British Anarchist Movement and the Russian Revolution


A short account of how Britiish anarchists related to the Russian Revolution of 1917

Askarov, German Karlovich (1882-1937?) (real name Iakobson) aka Herman Kleiner, German, Oskar Burritt

A short biography of anarchist German Askarov, a leading light in the Russian anarchist movement.

Silvestrov, (Seliverstov) Nikolai Grigorevich (1896-1937)


A short biography of Russian anarchist Nikolai Silvestrov

Drugov, Fyodor Pavlovich (1891-1934)

Storming of the Winter Palace

A short biography of Fyoor Drugov, istrumental in storming of Winter Palace, anarchist and Chekist

Zhebenev, Petr Ivanovich (1879-1938)

A short biography of Russian anarchist Petr Zhebenev, active in the Urals

The Brothers of the Forest: Insurrection in The Urals 1905-1908


A short account of the revolutionary unrest in the Urals in 1905-1908 and the "Lbovschina".

Kharkhardin, Ivan Vasilyevich (1899- after 1939)

A short biography of the Russian anarchist Ivan Kharkhardin