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Recent Articles about Greece / Turkey / Cyprus Imperialism / War

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Slaughterers of the Palestinian people

category greece / turkey / cyprus | imperialism / war | press release author Thursday June 15, 2017 23:06author by Libertarian Initiative of Thessaloniki Report this post to the editors

Let’s “welcome” as it suits them

This Thursday 15/6, the greek “leftist” government is going to receive in Thessaloniki the prime minister of Israel B. Netanyahu for the tripartite meeting among Greece, Israel and Cyprus. During their last such meeting, in November 2015, Alexis Tsipras described the occupied city of Jerusalem as the “historic capital” of Israel, thus legitimizing the atrocities of the Israeli occupation forces. Even though minors are shot by the Israeli occupying forces on a daily basis and they are left to die on the streets of Gaza and the West Bank, while 6,500 political prisoners (including 300 minors) are detained in Israeli prisons without any formal accusations, A. Tsipras is unrolling the red carpet for the Zionist slaughterers.


Let’s “welcome” the slaughterers of the Palestinian people as it suits them

This Thursday 15/6, the greek “leftist” government is going to receive in Thessaloniki the prime minister of Israel B. Netanyahu for the tripartite meeting among Greece, Israel and Cyprus. During their last such meeting, in November 2015, Alexis Tsipras described the occupied city of Jerusalem as the “historic capital” of Israel, thus legitimizing the atrocities of the Israeli occupation forces. Even though minors are shot by the Israeli occupying forces on a daily basis and they are left to die on the streets of Gaza and the West Bank, while 6,500 political prisoners (including 300 minors) are detained in Israeli prisons without any formal accusations, A. Tsipras is unrolling the red carpet for the Zionist slaughterers.

The tripartite meeting puts on the table transnational economic agreements that touch on the energy sector, as well as issues of geopolitical strategy which are skillfully disguised with the authoritarian mantle of the “protection” and “security” of the region. This entails, of course, the upgrading of the military equipment of these countries, which are already among the most heavily armed states in the region and deeply immersed in the profitable for the war industries of armaments market. Incidentally, the SY.RI.ZA-ANEL coalition government is already in consultation with NATO for a new military base in Karpathos.

At the core of these talks is the discussion for the promotion of the East Med submarine pipeline, which was already endorsed by the energy ministers of Greece, Cyprus, Israel and Italy at the Tel Aviv meeting in April. This pharaonic project is going to link the gas fields of the Israel-Cyprus EEZ and traversing the island of Crete it will reach the Peloponnese and from there western Greece and finally Italy. Furthermore, the economical field of electricity is also going to be part of the consultation. More specifically, the Euro-Asia Interconnector among Israel, Cyprus and Greece, is to carry electric energy by means of a submarine power cable, thus connecting the isolated energy markets of Israel and Cyprus with those of the E.U.

The greek state and the local bourgeoisie seek, through such alliances and agreements, to get as much as possible from the pie. They seek, that is, to make Greece an energy hub for the transportation of natural gas in the EU, with privileged rewards in the context of the upheavals that take place in the inter-capitalist conflicts in the Middle-East and, more generally in the wider context of the turbulent east Mediterranean region. The means by which they are trying to achieve this goal is through their attachment to the Euro-Atlantic imperialist bloc, in the context of which Israel has been maintaining for many years the role of the regulator of the Euro-Atlantic imperialism in the Middle East and the Eastern Mediterranean, thus acting as a powerful counterweight to the rival imperialisms (Russia, Syria, Iran, China).

But the bilateral relations between Greece and Israel are not limited only to economic agreements. The Greek army is cooperating with Israel in military exercises, either in the context of bilateral agreements or through the NATO, clearly bearing direct or indirect responsibility for the bloodshed in the Middle East and the brutal treatment of immigrants.

Today, the state of Israel is posing as a shining beacon of democracy in the darkness of the Middle East fundamentalism and as a trustful and mighty associate of the EU and of the North American imperialism in the region. Of course, the compliments to the state of Israel by the bourgeoisie are way far from the brutal, militarized reality of the Zionist regime. This regime, which built the foundations of its territorial establishment after World War II, in 1948, as a reckless response to the anti-Semitism and the barbarity of the Holocaust, eventually formed a state that fully embraces the triple “law-class-security” in the most militarized terms. In essence, it is an authoritarian regime in a constant state of emergency, that applies apartheid to the detriment of the Palestinian people who, after being forcibly displaced from their homes, are now defined as second-class citizens by law. On the other hand, Israel is flagrantly attacking its neighboring states by conducting military operations that often lead to the annexation of adjacent territories. Apart from being a demonstration of power, the war machine of extermination and the militarized democracy of Israel are also an experimental model for other bourgeois states, a potentially nightmarish image of the future.

The initial persecution of the Palestinians was followed by their ghettoization and their subjection to an established state of exception. The Gaza Strip is the largest concentration camp in the world today, while the West Bank is under military law. The blood of the unrepentantly resisting Palestinians is daily poured on the streets and the repression exercised by the Israeli police and the army against them is relentless. The prisons in Israel are full of Palestinians, who are not only arbitrary and revengefully imprisoned but are also subject to the most infamous treatment. Until today every military attack of Zionism against Palestinians creates hundreds of uprooted and dead people.

In the territory of the Israeli state, struggles against the Zionist regime, whether given by Israelis (see Anarchists Against the Wall) or by Palestinians, are always repressed and often with victims. Also significant is the contribution of the Israeli Total Army Objectors and Conscientious Objectors who refuse to be enlisted in the Israeli army (3 years for men and 2 years for women), as they recognize its oppressive and murderous role, challenging at the same time the legal sanctions imposed for their choice.

For our part, we are not surprised at all by these political movements of the “left government”. Its pre-electoral “progressiveness” has been long lost since the dawn of its election, and its cruelty has been proven ever since, as it follows (and often more aggressively) the footsteps of its predecessors. By recognizing ourselves as part of the social basis, we must first and foremost engage in the interception of the expansion of the state and capital that are constantly degrading our work and depraving our lives, locally and internationally, and we must do that collectively and from the base. We ought to organize the social and class counter-attack that will outweigh the barbarity of the state and capitalism, the counter-attack that will rebuild society as a whole in the direction of self-management, and with freedom, equality and solidarity as our compass.

As much as the clouds of a generalized warfare may get thicker over the Middle East for the purpose of overcoming the recurrent crisis of over-accumulation -a constituent element of capitalism- for the benefit of capital, our war will always be a class war, and it will always be against both Islamophobia and anti-Semitism, against any kind of racism. That is why our class and international solidarity with both the people of Palestine, who are struggling against the oppression and the atrocities of the Zionist regime, and the oppressed and exploited of the Israeli state is a given fact, for as far as we are concerned the universal human emancipation knows neither borders nor nationalities.

We will “welcome” the slaughterers of the Palestinian people as it befits them!




Libertarian Initiative of Thessaloniki – member of the Anarchist Federation

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