Labor draws the line on inhumane treatment of refugees

Bill Shorten (centre) takes an early morning run with young labour supporters and marriage equality campaigners in Perth ...
Bill Shorten (centre) takes an early morning run with young labour supporters and marriage equality campaigners in Perth Saturday. Richard Wainwright

Bill Shorten has drawn a line in the sand over Labor's support for the Coalition's approach to asylum seekers by labelling plans to effectively throw hundreds of people on the street as cowardly, cruel and inhumane.

Following revelations by Fairfax Media on Sunday that asylum seekers transferred to Australia for medical reasons will have all income support withdrawn almost immediately, Mr Shorten said Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull had found a new low.

"Kicking people onto the streets with no support is needlessly cruel and really, really dumb. It won't fix anything. It's just hurting vulnerable and sick people for the sake of it,' he said.

"This act has nothing to do with strong borders or stopping people smugglers. It's a weak Prime Minister trying to look tough. That's it. Malcolm, this is not strong. This is cowardly and cruel. It's your weakest move yet."

Mr Shorten did not suggest the asylum seekers, who came by boat, be allowed to settle in Australia, but either be resettled in the United States under the tenuous deal with Washington, or another country in the region.

The government confirmed on Sunday that 100 asylum seekers transferred from the detention centres in Manus Island or Nauru for medical or humanitarian reasons, will have their income support of $200 a fortnight terminated on Monday and they will be given three weeks before being evicted from government-supported accommodation. Up until now, these people have not been allowed to work. They will be allowed to work if they choose to stay but they will be required to adhere to a code of behaviour and given a visa known as a "final departure Bridging E Visa".

The move, slammed by human rights groups, aims to force the asylum seekers back to Manus Island, Nauru, or their home country. The eviction notice applies to about 100 asylum seekers but human rights groups believe the remaining 300 will be next.

"You'll be expected to support yourself in the community until departing Australia 

Hugh de Kretser, Executive Director at the Human Rights Law Centre, called it "a shocking act of cruelty" akin to starving them out.

Government Minister Alan Tudge defended the move as consistent with the principle that anybody who arrives by boat would not be settled in Australia.

"They will be settled elsewhere. That's what this is about," he said.

Mr Shorten's condemnation means Labor is likely to join the Greens in the Senate in any bid to disallow the order which has been imposed by regulation. Another three crossbench votes would be required. Greens leader Richard Di Natale was investigating whether this mechanism could be employed. 

While the government will seek to exploit any such move by Labor as it being "weak on border protection", the stance will be especially welcomed by Labor's Left faction, elements of which have grown increasingly uncomfortable with the Opposition's hard line stance on asylum seekers.

Meanwhile, Mr Turnbull, seeking a distraction from the dual citizenship chaos which has gripped his government, will spend the week focused on energy policy. Ths will begin on Monday with a visit to the Snowy-Hydro facility where the government will promise extra funding for the feasibility study into expanding the plant's generation capacity.