22 July 2017

Maite Mola calls for a human rights campaign in Europe

The Summer University of the Party of the European Left (EL), taking place in Budapest, began its second day of work talking about human rights in the host country, Hungary. In fact, the loss of the rights, the reverse of the democracy, the populism of right and the advance of authoritarianism, with special attention to Eastern and Central Europe, were the axes that marked the debates of the day.

21 July 2017

EL Summer University analyses the effects of globalization and alternatives of left

13 July 2017

Statement by Colombian political prisoners EN, FR, ES


Statement by Colombian political prisoners

We plead for dissemination


At risk the life of political prisoners in Cali prison.

07 July 2017

The EU does not need Turkey in its current state as a member

Concerning the adoption of the progress report on Turkey from Rapporteur Kati Piri by the European Parliament, Gregor Gysi, President of the European Left (EL), declares:


03 July 2017

Statement on the Peace process in Colombia

The Party of the European Left, we support today as always the commitment of President Juan Manuel Santos and the FARC-EP to hold firm the flag of stable and lasting peace deserved and claimed by all Colombians. At the same time we are very worried about the difficulties involved in implementing the Final State Agreement, nowadays in particular with a focus on compliance with the Amnesty and Pardon Law, which is one of the fundamental Laws for the construction of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace, so necessary for the release of political prisoners.