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Pauline Hanson's Senate stunt shows why we need to confront the ideology behind the burqa

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Pauline Hanson wearing a burqa in Parliament was a political stunt. We know that. It was not meant as a defence for women's rights. Obviously. You do not have to like her politics or her party. Put your aversion aside and focus on the issue she was raising.

The burqa (niqab in Arabic) is a symbol. When you see it in a community, it indicates that an ideology and a radical form of Islam are spreading. In my field research on women and sharia law in Britain, South Africa and Middle Eastern countries, I heard this sentence a lot: "Ten years ago, we only had few women with the burqa. Today there are plenty."

Let's just get something straight: the burqa is not Islamic. It is a custom imported from Najd, a region in Saudi Arabia and the power base of its Salafi fundamentalist form of Islam. Within Muslim countries it is very contested and considered fringe. Even conservative Mufti of Al Azhar – the highest religious authority in Sunni Islam – said in a 2010 TV program that the burqa is a "custom" not a "religious requirement".

Until 1979 the burqa was not even mandatory in other regions of Saudi Arabia. It was the norm of Najd of course, but then in some Najdi Bedouin tribes, women won't even show their faces to their own sons. It was a tradition unique in its own right. Saad Al Salem, a Saudi writer, tells us in his autobiographythat before 1979 women in the southern region of Najran worked with men in the fields, danced together in their celebrations and did not cover their faces.

That changed after 1979. The year is significant – it witnessed the Iranian Islamic revolution, the occupation of radical Salafis of the holy Kabaa in Mecca, and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. The three events led to an active Saudi policy, enforcing the dogmas of its politicised fundamentalism in its own borders and spreading it worldwide. Religion was a tool to fight communism and to claim leadership of the Islamic world. But it was not any religion that was promoted. It was a fringe fundamentalist interpretation of Islam.

Women according to this world view, are a source of evil that should be covered from head to toe to protect the men from seduction. They are perpetual minors, obedient to their male guardians. Husbands have the right to discipline their wives by beating.


The issue does not only concern women. It has a significant political dimension that reaks havoc in any society it metastasises in. It functions as a sect, demanding from its supporters to separate themselves from their wider society, which it brands as apostate. Separation is not enough; one has to hate the "unbelievers" in heart and behaviour. Violence, that is Jihad, is considered a duty on every Muslim. Taking slaves during jihad is sanctioned (just listen to what Saudi Sheiks are saying).

In Muslim majority countries, this type of Islam has led to persecution of minorities – think of the persecution of Christians and Ahmadyyias in Indonesia. In Western societies it leads to the segregation of Muslim minorities in closed societies. It paves the ground actively for the recruitment of disoriented youth to violence. So when you see women in burqa, think of the ideology that is mainstreaming it. We should confront it – Muslims and non-Muslims alike.

A final note; it helps to think of this issue from the perspective of the tradition that produced it. In Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, and IS-controlled areas women are forced to wear it. Why do you think Saudi women activists have launched this year a campaign with the hash tag the niqab (burqa) does not represent me? They are rejecting this oppression and fighting for their freedom. I am sure many of them are wondering why on earth some Australian politicians are defending "Muslim women's right to wear the burqa". Think of enslavement as synonymous to burqa, and their marvel will become clear.

Dr Elham Manea is an Islamic scholar in the department of political science at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, a former Swiss government commissioner and author of Women and Sharia Law.