
Archives: May 2011

Yemen in Flames

Yemen in Flames

The political situation in Yemen continued to deteriorate on Tuesday. Since Sunday, 50 protesters have been killed by troops and security forces in the country's second-largest city, Taizz. The government insisted on…
Time to Begin Leaving Afghanistan

Time to Begin Leaving Afghanistan

Memorial Day, in my view, should be a time of reflection not only on the sacrifices made for the nation in war but on whether our wars are necessary and whether they…
Egypt Lets Palestinians of Gaza Circulate

Egypt Lets Palestinians of Gaza Circulate

The new, transitional Egyptian government formed in the wake of a popular revolt took a step on Saturday toward lifting the Israeli-induced blockade of the civilian population of Gaza. Egypt, at Israeli…

Israelis Support Obama over Bibi

More evidence that Israel derangement syndrome is a malady among the American political class and a narrow sliver of the AIPAC elite, but that most Israelis and most American Jews are far…

The Secret Patriot Act

Dear Tea Party: If all your distrust of the federal government doesn't cause you to vote against the so-called PATRIOT Act, your tea is weak. Very weak. Spencer Ackerman reports that Rep.…
Top 5 Arab Spring Stories Today

Top 5 Arab Spring Stories Today

1. Former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak and his sons will stand trial for ordering deadly force to put down protesters in Egypt (several hundred were killed), as well as for corruption. Aljazeera…

Selective Outrage about War

This poster at compares the various costs of Bush's illegal war in Iraq to those of the UN /NATO intervention in Libya (which is not illegal in internationaL law) and asks…

Top Ten Green Energy Good News Stories

1. German Chancellor Angela Merkel became a green energy hawk after Fukushima. She wants to phase out Nuclear energy and coal, and move quickly to renewables. 2. A team headed by Patrick…
Pakistan’s Chinese Gambit

Pakistan’s Chinese Gambit

Pakistan's relations with the United States are troubled, and Islamabad may be turning to China as a result. Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani just ended a 4-day visit to Beijing, which turned…
Saleh again Defies US, GCC, refuses to Go

Saleh again Defies US, GCC, refuses to Go

Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh refused again on Sunday to sign an agreement brokered by the Gulf Cooperation Council with his opposition agreeing to step down. He demanded that the opposition leaders,…
55 Dead in Syria’s Weekend of Rage

55 Dead in Syria’s Weekend of Rage

Syrian security forces opened fire again on Saturday, killing 11 protesters in the central city of Homs. The protest began as a funeral procession for demonstrators killed on Friday, when 10 died…

Connecting the Dots: Doomsday & Education Cuts

Can you connect the dots? Right wing prophet convinces clueless Americans that May 21 is the end of the world. Kentucky legislature offers $42 mn. in tax breaks to fundamentalist Bible theme…

Israeli MPs Slam Netanyahu Intransigence

The USG Open Source Center translates reactions from opposition members of parliament (the Knesset) in Israel to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's blunt rejection of President Obama's speech on the Middle East. '…

Obama Disappoints Key Egyptian Activist

Excerpt from USG Open Source Center translation of remarks reported in the pan-Arab daily, al-Sharq al-Awsat [The Middle East] of Egyptian democracy activist Asma Mahfouz on her disappointment in President Obama's speech.…

Obama and the Dilemmas of US Middle East Policy

President Obama's major policy address on the Middle East got many things right. He pointed to al-Qaeda and terrorism, which targets civilians, as a dead end. He sided rhetorically with the grassroots…
Syria Sanctions target al-Asad ahead of Obama Speech

Syria Sanctions target al-Asad ahead of Obama Speech

The Obama administration is now targeting Bashar al-Asad and other top Syrian officials with financial sanctions. The US Treasury Department has extensive abilities to freeze assets and to influence financial institutions. Likely…

Salaita: Dressing like a Terrorist

Steven Salaita writes in a guest column for Informed Comment Dressing Like a Terrorist Like many others, I was dismayed to learn of the two imams wearing traditional Muslim garb who were…

Drake the Heroic Whistleblower

Is Thomas Drake, the National Security Agency whistleblower a hero or a criminal? A hero, obviously. Drake revealed to the Baltimore Sun how how the NSA abandoned a legal and promising data…

Shihade: A New Era for Palestinians

Magid Shihade writes in a guest column for Informed Comment The Palestinian Unity Agreement and the Beginning of New Era The agreement of reconciliation between Fatah and Hamas, ending years of Palestinian…
The Arab Spring comes to Israel

The Arab Spring comes to Israel

Contrary to the line taken by the Israeli leadership, the Palestinian protests on May 15, Nakba Day, were not an Iranian or Syrian plot but rather the grassroots protests of a dispossessed…

Pakistani Parliament Reacts against US Incursions

Pakistan's elected parliament held a 10-hour session on Friday and decided at the end of it that US incursions, including drone strikes, into Pakistan must cease. The American drone strikes in the…
Bin Laden was Operational Leader

Bin Laden was Operational Leader

Kimberly Dozier of the Associated Press got the scoop. USG analysts going through the material captured at Usamah Bin Laden's residence in Abbotabad described to her some of what they were finding.…

Newt Gingrich Quote of the Day

In honor of the Newtie One's run for president: Newt Gingrich quote of the Day:' If combat means living in a ditch, females have biological problems staying in a ditch for 30…
Secret Pakistani Deal with US on Bin Laden

Secret Pakistani Deal with US on Bin Laden

It turns out that when President Obama ordered the Navy SEALs to get Usama Bin Laden in Abbotabad, he did not infringe against Pakistani sovereignty after all. Rather, he was acting in…
Wilkerson wants to Waterboard Rumsfeld

Wilkerson wants to Waterboard Rumsfeld

On MSNBC's Ed Show, Lawrence Wilkerson, former aid to Colin Powell, asks if he cannot pretty please, please waterboard Donald Rumsfeld? He also reaffirms that former Secretary of State Powell said that…

On Bin Laden: I ask myself ‘Why?’

I ask myself why. Some Pakistanis are complaining about the violation of their country's sovereignty during the Navy SEALs' raid at Abbottabad. But why aren't they complaining about Usama Bin Laden's violation…
Pakistani Military between Rock and Hard Place

Pakistani Military between Rock and Hard Place

One of the reasons for which Pakistan's military is so incensed about the unannounced US raid into Pakistan territory is that they are afraid the operation might form a precedent that could…
Koch Brothers Exposed

Koch Brothers Exposed

Robert Greenwald's Brave New Foundation is attempting to expose the billionaire Koch brothers and their attempt to buy American democracy. Here is the video: Here is the Variety article about it.

Obama right not to Release Usama Photo

President Obama's decision not to release photographs of Usama Bin Laden's disfigured corpse is wise and decent. Obama is right that the photo would be used by radicals to whip up emotions.…

Top Ten Myths about Bin Laden’s Death

New details of the operation against Usama Bin Laden have emerged. Here are the myths that people keep bombarding me with and which are now known to be untrue. 1. Pakistani President…

Cole Interview: Bin Laden an Utter Failure

My interview on the significance of Bin Laden's passing with Detroit Channel 2's Bill Gallagher is now available. I argue that to take full advantage of this political moment, the US must…

Obama and the End of Al-Qaeda

An American president, himself the son of a Muslim father and a Christian mother, has taken down notorious terrorist Usama Bin Laden. Despite being a Christian, Obama, it seems to me, had…