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Uber driver banned from Perth Airport after public defecation

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An Uber driver has been banned from picking up passengers at Perth Airport after the driver defecated in one of the rideshare holding bays.

Radio 6PR's Morning host Gareth Parker obtained an email from Uber to the driver which claimed their access to the airport would be "revoked immediately" because they were spotted by a Perth Airport staffer defecating near Horrie Miller Drive within the Terminal One and Two precincts on Tuesday morning.

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WAtoday understands it's not the first time such an incident has occurred.

"This breached the above Rideshare Driver Access Terms and Conditions, as you have behaved in a manner deemed antisocial and offensive," the letter read.

"Unfortunately, for this reason, the airport has requested that your access to conduct pickups from Perth Airport be revoked, effective immediately."

An Uber spokesperson told Radio 6PR it was looking into the incident.


"The behaviour described is clearly at odds with our community guidelines and we've blocked the driver's access to the app while we look into the matter," the statement said.

"Since launching in Perth in 2014 we have demonstrated a commitment to high standards of service within the Uber community, and we'll continue to do so.

"It's clear the facilities for rideshare drives could be improved, and we're looking for Perth Airport to address this."

A spokesperson for Perth Airport refused to confirm whether the incident actually occurred.

He did say signage was erected at the holding areas clearly stipulating the terms and conditions for drivers.

"The areas are also monitored by CCTV," the spokesman said.

"When a driver is observed in contravene of these conditions, Perth Airport revokes their airport access rights for pick up activity.

"Due to an increasing rubbish and littering issue within the rideshare holding areas, Perth Airport is currently investigating increasing rubbish pick up and general maintenance on the site."

Uber has been allowed to pick up passengers from Perth Airport since December.