ExecutiveStyle is Australia’s premier destination for sophisticated professionals who enjoy the finer things in life. Whether it’s a prestige car, a tailored suit, a beautiful timepiece or a fine whisky, we know it’s the things you want – not the ones you need – that generate the biggest buzz.

It’s also about living the life you want, from fine dining and top-shelf sipping to a luxury property purchase and how you keep yourself in top shape – mentally and physically – every day of your challenging but rewarding life.

The site offers advertisers access to an aspirational audience through new content marketing solutions, video, digital ad units and the opportunity to own exclusive environments.

Executive Style is a part of the Fairfax Business Network; a collection of Australia’s most trusted business and personal finance brands.



​ExecutiveStyle is Australia’s premier destination for sophisticated professionals who enjoy the finer things in life. They are a unique, high net worth audience interested in style, trends, lifestyle content and luxury products.

ExecutiveStyle has three distinct audience profiles who have their own values and browse the site in various ways, from Trending Millennials who are just starting out in their careers to the Refined Executive who has established their career.

To reach this exclusive audience, Fairfax D&A (Data & Audiences) have created three highly qualified profiles to help you target your campaigns across Fairfax Media sites.

​​Trending Millenials - Constantly connected 18-34 yr olds
​​Informed Professionals -Tech savvy 35-49 year old parents
​​Refined Executives - Socially aware 50+ year olds

​​Campaigns start from only $5K
​For more information on these audience profiles, download the ExecutiveStyle D&A Audience Personas Deck.


Source: emma conducted by Ipsos MediaCT | People 14+ for the 12 months ending May 2017 | Nielsen Online Ratings May 2017.

Total digital readership

  • Unique Audience
  • Page Views
  • Time Per Person (hh:mm:ss)
Source: Nielsen Digital Ratings Monthly | May-17.

Desktop readership

  • Unique Audience
  • Page Views
  • Time Per Person (hh:mm:ss)
Source: Nielsen Digital Ratings Monthly | May-17.


Nerissa Corbett
Brands and Audiences Director, Prestige
Fairfax Media
+61 (02) 9282 2096 Email Nerissa Corbett
Lauren McIntyre
Brands and Audiences Manager, Prestige
Fairfax Media
+61(02) 9282 1064 Email Lauren McIntyre