Buckingham Palace Sentry Lets His Guard Down a Bit1:00

A guard at Buckingham Palace dances and clowns a little to the delight of those filming him, but is the queen as amused?

Buckingham Palace Sentry Lets His Guard Down a Bit

Tourist learns not to touch Queen’s Guard outside Windsor Castle

THIS is the reason people don’t touch the Queen’s Guards — they fight back.

The guards have quite a reputation for getting narky with misbehaving tourists, but one man got the shock of his life when he made what appeared to be a friendly gesture toward the guard outside Windsor Castle.

The tourist was seem attempting to mimic the guard’s march when he made the epic mistake of placing his hand on the back of the guard’s shoulder.

But the guard didn’t appreciate the tourist getting handsy. “Step back from the Queen’s Guard,” he yells.

The guard quickly grabs for his gun and points it directly at the tourist’s head as he runs away.

Footage of the incident was uploaded to YouTube and has been watched more than a million times.

It’s not the first time a tourist has fallen foul of an aggressive guard. Earlier this month a photographer was barged by guards after he inadvertedly stood in their way during a march, The Independent reports.

While a woman called, “The guards are coming down, Derek. Mind! Mind!” The man ignored the plea and was mowed down by the parade.

The moral of the story: Don’t royally annoy the guards. No good can come of it.

Originally published as Tourist fail: Don’t annoy guards