Falling Skies is an American science fiction dramatic television series created by Robert Rodat and produced by Steven Spielberg. The series picks up six months into a world devastated by an alien invasion. Tom Mason, a former Boston University history professor, becomes the second-in-command of the 2nd Massachusetts Militia Regiment, a group of civilians and fighters fleeing post-apocalyptic Boston.
The series is broadcast in the United States on the cable channel TNT, and is a production of DreamWorks Television. It premiered on June 19, 2011, and has completed its first season. A second season of 10 episodes will premiere on June 17, 2012.
Falling Skies tells the story of the aftermath of a global invasion by extraterrestrials (including the insectoid multi-legged beings known as "skitters," a race of humanoid gray-skinned beings that seem to be their commanders, and mechanical attack drones called "mechs") that neutralizes the world's power grid and technology, destroys the combined militaries of all the world's countries, and apparently kills over 90% of the human population, all within a few days. The invasion and the aliens' objectives are not explained, though the aliens try to round up children between the ages of 8 and 16 and attach a biomechanical obedience device onto (and into) their spines, referred to as a "harness." The harness controls the child's mind, and forcibly removing it instantly kills the child. The story picks up six months after the invasion and follows a group of survivors who band together to fight back. The group, known as the Second Massachusetts (an allusion to a historical regiment from the Continental Army), is led by retired Captain Weaver and Boston University history professor Tom Mason who, while in search of his son Ben, must put his extensive knowledge of military history into practice as one of the leaders of the resistance movement.
The chaotic aftermath of an alien attack has left most of the world completely incapacitated. In the six months since the initial invasion, the few survivors have banded together outside major cities to begin the difficult task of fighting back. Each day is a test of survival as citizen soldiers work to protect the people in their care while also engaging in an insurgency campaign against the occupying alien force.
Keywords: alien, alien-invasion, father-son-relationship, military, post-apocalypse, professor
We're not just fighting for our lives. We're fighting for our existence.
I could be the star you fall with
I could be all you wanted
I could see us together
I could be the one you're loving
See the lights getting low now
While we get higher and higher and higher
City lights down below now
While we get higher and higher and higher
Tell me when you feel that it's real, yeah
I could be the one that you say goodnight
Tell me that you feel that it's real, yeah
I could be the dark when you close your eyes
Tell me that you feel that it's real, yeah
I could be the dark when you close your eyes
Tell me that you feel that it's real, yeah
I could be the dark when you close your eyes
I could be the star you fall with
I could be all you wanted
I could be your days of summer
I could be your last forever
See the lights getting low now
While we get higher and higher and higher
City lights down below now
While we get higher and higher and higher
See the lights getting low now
While we get higher and higher and higher
City lights down below now
While we get higher and higher and higher
While we get higher and higher and higher
While we get higher and higher and higher
Tell me when you feel that it's real, yeah
I could be the one that you say goodnight
Tell me that you feel that it's real, yeah
I could be the dark when you close your eyes
Tell me when you feel that it's real, yeah
I could be the one that you say goodnight
Tell me that you feel that it's real, yeah
We get higher and higher and higher
Tell me when you feel that it's real, yeah
I could be the one that you say goodnight
Tell me that you feel that it's real, yeah
I could be the dark when you close your eyes