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International student numbers plunge at WA's colleges and training institutes

Foreign students are abandoning Western Australia's billion dollar education sector with new figures showing a massive slump in applications to study in the west.

Figures collected by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection and supplied to WAtoday by migration agency Iscah show new student applications for WA fell from 2997 to 2309 in June - a 23 per cent reduction compared to the previous year, following a 32 per cent drop in April and 11 per cent in May.

WA's small colleges and training institutes are being hit hardest, with the Western Australian Private Education and Training Industry Association reporting up to 40 per cent reductions in student numbers at colleges in Perth teaching english.

WAPETIA's chair Malcolm Baigent said these schools are the "canary in the coalmine" for the international education sector, which the organisation has measured as having a value of $1.39bn to the local economy while generating more than eight thousand jobs.

"What's driving this is changes to the student visa system, particularly the tightening up of rules over English entry," he said.

"It's a very complex system, but the federal government moved to simplify the visa process by introducing a three level classification system. But in practise it's made it more difficult for students to apply especially from key student recruitment markets.


"Compare that to places like Canada where it's essentially an open door and Australia is falling behind, and students and parents are making their decisions about where to study at an earlier age, so we are well into the wave of experiencing the impact and decline in the WA market and there's potentially more to come."

Perth's big universities appear to have avoided any major impacts so far, with Murdoch's Deputy Vice Chancellor Lyn Karstadt saying they had seen an increase, while ECU's Vice-Chancellor Professor Steve Chapman said 2.3 per cent more international students came this year compared to 2016.

Curtin University acknowledged a reduction in 2017, but said while numbers from China were down, it continues to receive a "significant number" of international student applications, particularly from India. 

A UWA spokesperson said it had increased applications and student numbers over the past twelve months, but had a lower rate of conversions from offer to enrolment this semester.

Commenting on the sector overall, Mr Baigent said there is a "clear decline" in WA's international student numbers, and no one was immune.

"The visa data doesn't lie, every level of the education sector will be feeling it or feeling it soon," he said.

Asked why the numbers are falling, a spokesperson for Curtin said "there are no doubts that recent visa changes and the removal of the Regional Skilled Migration Scheme have recently had an impact particularly on Chinese numbers studying in Perth."

The Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme had classed Perth as a regional centre since 2011, making it easier for people from overseas to obtain a work visa, while boosting the number of overseas students choosing to come west.

In one of his first acts in government, Premier Mark McGowan asked Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to remove Perth from the scheme, saying he was honouring his commitment to keep jobs in the state.

Mr Baigant agreed the removal of the RSMS is a factor in reducing student numbers in WA, but he believes it's part of a wider problem.

"Students look at job prospects and visa issues for the period after they study when they make up their minds, and WA's economy is slumping, so the word out is that it's harder to find work, so that's not helping," he said.

"Combine that with the difficulty of getting a visa and acceptance into a school under the new rules and it's no wonder."

Perth-based migration specialist Steven O'Neil from Iscah Migration warned if the fall in numbers continues, WA's business sector will feel the brunt too.

"We have seen a fall off in skilled migration applications for professionals wanting to come to WA from overseas, but because of the tightened visa rules they are being put in the too hard basket," he said.

"If this continues, we could see a drop off in company sponsored skilled migration in WA, and that's in addition to the fall in applications from students, who often go on to fill skilled jobs in the workforce. This will ultimately cost WA jobs."

Mr O'Neil said the only way to bring student and skilled migration numbers back to a healthy level was to make visas more attainable.

"It's not about value for money or lifestyle, it's about  the incentives of having visa options post study, and unless we provide real incentives for students to come to Perth and WA they will go elsewhere where it's easier."

Earlier this year, Acting Premier Roger Cook said the government will spend $2 million over five years on a strategy that will grow WA's share of the international education market, including ways to better promote Perth and WA.

Murdoch, ECU, Curtin and UWA all expressed support for the state government's plans, and Mr Baigent said the sector is keen to see what happens.

"Visas are an important factor, but if we give students a reason to come to WA, give them a better value proposition to choose our state then that could give us the edge of other countries or over east, which in particular has become a saturated market," he said.

"Plans are in motion from the government to promote WA and actually get an education strategy together for the state to attract international students - we are currently the only state that doesn't have one."