- published: 23 Sep 2017
- views: 19124
Azi (Today in Romanian) is a Romanian daily newspaper published in Bucharest.
Guess Who may refer to:
MediaPro Music is a Romanian record label, part of the Media PRO Group. Launched in 1997, it became integrated business of the Radio Company PRO in 2006. Between the main label and its sub-labels (Acasa Music, Special Projects, MPM Artists and Folklore), most music genres are covered, ranging from rock and pop, to dance, Latin, traditional folk, and children music. Moreover, the company is also involved in event planning (concerts, promotion tours, autograph sessions, press conferences) and publishing activities.
MediaPro Music artists and projects:
GTA 5 - Ep.1 Nimic azi - Fratzica Gaming
AZIS - Sen Trope / АЗИС - Сен Тропе
Grasu XXL feat. Guess Who - Azi NU (Official Video)
Smiley & Guess Who - Ce ma fac cu tine de azi? (Official video)
Loredana - Ziua de azi
Smiley & Guess Who - Ce mă fac cu tine de azi (Live @ Kiss FM)
AZIS - MOTEL / Азис - Мотел (Official video)
Cedry2k - Azi (cu Sisu Tudor, Stres si Angeles)
Liceenii - Azi (Oana Sarbu)
VON "Thep Thida Tanh Kondal" (Yodel Song) Prod by AZI
LA BLOC 24 Septembrie 2017 - Episoadele de azi PRO CINEMA (R)
AZI - Kom Frem
Von "Sinn Sisamouth - Khung Prous Sraulang" by AZI Fellas
Miss.Azi mavete Soares ( Deus Transforma Pranto em Canto) Mulheres Avivadas 2015
Vita de Vie - Azi (acustic)
WEBCAM NOU / Inca putin racit dar astazi incercam sa facem Challenger inapoi pe contul mare!
Miss. Azi Soares..Seja uma Mulher de Fé ( Congresso Amadas do Pai 2016)
Actors: Larry Gevirtz (actor), Grainger Hines (actor), Dana Ashbrook (actor), Kathryn Erbe (actress), Blake Brewer (producer), Brad Raider (actor), Brad Raider (writer), Brad Raider (producer), Brad Raider (director), Jamie Anderson (actress), Aliki Paraschis (producer), Matt Burns (actor), Steven Klein (producer), Steven Klein (actor), Christina Brucato (actress),
Genres: Drama,Actors: Thomas Falborn (actor), Tommy O'Brien (producer), Todd Bruno (actor), Michael Mclaren (director), Michael Mclaren (actor), Michael Mclaren (producer), Michael Mclaren (writer), Brandi Rudicil (actor), Horatio Lewis (actor), John Cassarino (actor), Irene Kelly (actor), Madison Kelly (actor), Graig Bonaventura (actor), Donnie Ceasar (actress),
Genres: Drama,Actors: Robert R. Shafer (actor), Darin Cooper (actor), Christopher Showerman (actor), Alex Greenfield (writer), Alex Greenfield (director), Alex Greenfield (producer), Nicholas Kadi (actor), Nicholas Kadi (actor), Brian La Rosa (actor), Christian Davis (director), Bess Harrison (actress), Michael K. Eitelman (producer), Michael K. Eitelman (writer), Michael K. Eitelman (actor), Mike Chamberlain (actor),
Genres: Horror,Primul episod interplanetar din seria de un geniu cosmic Frătzică Gaming Frătzică se joacă pe Procesor intel 586 - 350 MHZ Placă Video Voodoo - 8 MB RAM Mouse cu bilă Tastatură albă Monitor alb-negru Fujițu-Zimăns HDD Western Digital Caviar Verde 2 GB
(P) & (C) 2011 Diapason Records Official YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/diapasonrecords Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/diapasonrecords Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/diapasonrecords Official website: http://www.diapasonrecords.com *** music and arrangement: Martin Biolchev; lyrics: Azis; produced by DIAPASON RECORDS *** музика и аранжимент: Мартин Биолчев; текст: Азис; продуцент: DIAPASON RECORDS
Subscribe to Cat Music Channel: https://goo.gl/Hx4S8E Download or stream: https://goo.gl/4w7JXH Cat Music is the main player in the Romanian music industry, representing some of the most influential and successful artists from Romania, for the past 20 years. Cat Music's portfolio includes phenomenal bands and artists, who wrote and keep on writing the music history in Romania. Some of this brands are: Alex Mica, Smiley, Elena Gheorghe, Mandinga, What's UP, Faydee, Edward Maya, Delia, Andreea Banica, Shift, Dj Project, Dj Sava, 3 Sud Est, Voltaj, Ruby, Laurentiu Duta, Cabron, CRBL, Tara, Sunrise INC, Pavel Stratan, Cleopatra Stratan, ROA (Rise of Artificial), Nick Kamarera, Mossano, Narcotic Sound, Ela Rose, Giulia, Hi-Q, Liviu Hodor, Directia 5, Anna Lesko, Andre, BUG Mafia, La Familia, N...
Smiley & Guess Who - Ce ma fac cu tine de azi (Official video) Smiley lanseaza impreuna cu Guess Who “Ce ma fac cu tine de azi?”, a saptea piesa din maratonul de 10 confesiuni muzicale care se desfasoara in cadrul proiectului aniversar #Smiley10. Creat de HaHaHa Production ®/Cat Music: Muzica: Andrei Maria (Smiley), Marius Pop, Lucian Nagy, Sergiu Ferat, Serban Cazan Text: Andrei Maria (Smiley), Laurentiu Mocanu (Guess Who) Productie aditionala: The Donuts - Sergiu Gherman & Tyler Mehlenbacher Regie: Ionut Trandafir (Trandafilm) Versuri Smiley Am uitat să te întreb ce mai faci? Atât de ocupat, până m-ai pus pe liber. Odată parcă eram apropiați, Odată parcă eram și mai sinceri. Am dat eu prea puțin sau ai vrut tu prea multe? Tu-mi cereai ore, eu n-avem decât secunde. Acum ne-ascundem ...
▶Asculta playlist-ul "Best Of Loredana": https://goo.gl/I2mEXi Download/Stream Ziua de azi: https://MediaPro.lnk.to/Loredana-ZiuaDeAziYT Subscribe to MediaPro Music: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=MediaProMusic Loredana https://facebook.com/lori.groza/ https://instagram.com/loredanagroza Find us on the web: http://www.mediapromusic.ro http://www.facebook.com/MediaProMusicRomania http://www.youtube.com/MediaProMusic https://www.facebook.com/MediaProMusicBooking Licensing: contact@mediapromusic.ro Loredana - Ziua de azi (Official Video) Regie clip: Les Ateliers Nomad Muzica: Florian Rus, Madalin Rosioru, Liviu Teodorescu Text: Florian Rus, Liviu Teodorescu, Georgia Dascalu Producator: Madalin Rosioru @DeMoga Music Mix & Master: Madalin Rosioru Pian si orchestra i...
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/motel-single/id1250419029?ls=1&app;=itunes Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/6oXgS6rXIo6TTmc0G8O1xD
Cedry2k - Azi (cu Sisu Tudor, Stres si Angeles) © 2015 Cedry2k/Haarp Music/Haarp Cord Toate drepturile rezervate. Reupload-ul va fi raportat! Text: Cedry2k, Sisu Tudor, Stres, Angeles Muzica: Argatu' Mix/Master: Subsemnatu' Desen: Liviu Boar Realizare grafica: Nego Cedry2k: https://www.facebook.com/cedry2krueger Haarp Cord: https://www.facebook.com/HaarpCordOficial Sisu Tudor: https://www.facebook.com/SisuTudor Stres: https://www.facebook.com/StresOficial Angeles: https://www.facebook.com/AngelescuOnline Argatu: https://www.facebook.com/Argatu.Falticeni Subsemnatu': https://www.facebook.com/subsemnatu Liviu Boar: http://www.reea.net/reeanimation
AZI: After Zap Image J espère que ca vous plairas n' hésitez pas à vous abonner ;) Chaine de mon frère BIZBIZ: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCf2N... Offre commerciale: eriksen2121@outlook.fr A+
Liceenii Azi,prima oara iti scriu, Un cuvant ,pentru mai tarziu, Sa nu uiti,ce suntem acum, Cand vom fi,poate pe alt drum, Tu....poate vei pleca, Nu poti stii,maine ce vom fi... Ce dor calator,te va chema, Si iubirea noastra ,va muri Anii de liceu curand se vor sfarsii, Maine vom uita,ca am fost copiii, Ne va ramane poate ,nostalgia clipelor, Primul vis, .....de dor Azi,prima oara iti scriu. Un cuvant,pentru mai tarziu, Parca-i timp,pentru amandoi, Mult matur,vom privi inapoi Azi iti cer un raspuns, Mai avem,vreme de ajuns, O viata intreaga ,ne-a ramas, astazi am facut doar primul pas, Azi prima oara iti scrïu.
@Badassvon @Hella__Chluy @Naroen_Universe @planetaryp @JLJupiter @AZI_KhmerOldies_Project @OboiKong Special Thanks to @RepCambodia for the Sin Sissamouth Party www.RepCambodia.com Special Thanks to Mea at Khmer Arts www.facebook.com/KhmerArtsAcademy/ @MeaLath_KhmerArts
LA BLOC 24 Septembrie 2017 - Episoadele de azi PRO CINEMA (R) "La bloc", cel mai bun sitcom romanesc, este construit in jurul a doua personaje a caror existenta este centrata in jurul spatiului in care locuiesc, Nelu Curca si Costel Jurca, taximetrist respectiv gestionar. Alaturi de consoartele lor, Suzy, respectiv, Lilly, cei mai de vaza locatari ai "Blocului" lupta zilnic pentru mancare, cablu si putere. Stilul lor unic nu lasa prea mult loc bunelor maniere. Fiecare etaj are povestea sa, fiecare apartament ascunde secrete si fiecare balcon emana efluvii de muraturi. "Blocul" nu doarme niciodata sau o face iepureste pentru ca orice zgomot suspect se poate transforma intr-o barfa buna a doua zi dimineata. Nelu Curca si Costel Jurca nu vor renunta in veci la idealul lor - decodoarele de fi...
SPOTIFY LINK: https://open.spotify.com/track/2MYXBZ6QhilrX2WdhIzYAf FACEBOOK SIDE: https://www.facebook.com/azimusic/?fref=ts Kontakt: Azimusic_La@hotmail.com / Facebook: Amdi Azi Instagram: Amdi_Azi Snapchat: Azekiii Sangen fås også på alle andre streamingtjenester. Director & DoP: Julius Mydtskov Stor tak til: Jan Winter - www.janw.com (Drone optagelser) Tony Lindkold - www.airflix.dk (Drone optagelser) Anders Olsen - www.andersolsenfoto.com (Cover) Alle medvirkende statister i musikvideoen Musik produceret af: Sebastian Owens & Ben Legit for Cynosure Music Mix: Sebastian Owens Mastering: Anders Schumann
Free download https://soundcloud.com/jljupiter/von-sisamouth-khung-prous-sraulang-prod-by-azi-fellas-mixed-by-hella-chluy Von Da Mann "Sinn Sisamouth - Khung Prous Sraulang" by Azi Fellas Special Cameo by Hella Chluy directed by Planetary P @Badassvon @Hella__Chluy @Somaleenv @Msjennz @planetaryp
Todas as mulheres precisam ouvir esta Mensagem Edificante! Pregação dedicada às mulheres com uma palavra forte e impactante sobre a Mulher de Deus que faz a diferença aonde chega, ministrada pela Missionária Azimavete Soares. Ouça até o fim e seja abençoada através desta palavra que vai edificar a sua fé! Se puder clique em Gostei não se esqueça de Compartilhar este vídeo para abençoar mais vidas! Que Deus abençoe grandemente você e a sua família.Se puder clique em Gostei não se esqueça de Compartilhar este vídeo para abençoar mais vidas! Que Deus abençoe grandemente você e a sua família Contato para Agendas.Miss Azimavete Soares (021)98597-5177 (21)96632-5749 claro.......whatsapp (21)98528-4347 / 97528-9939
Azi / Vita de Vie Acustic 2013 @ VdVmusic / Universal Music Romania https://itunes.apple.com/ro/album/azi-acoustic/id619798591?i=619798601 Adrian Despot - voce Sorin "Pupe" Tanase - tobe Cezar Popescu - chitara Adrian Ciuplea - bass Mandela Gajol - flaut, percutie Mihai Ardelean - keys Cand vinzi azi un ultim zambet cald Si soarele din mana-l ratacesti Te prind, cazi, da ultimul sarut Ziua in care-ai vrea sa te opresti. Sa n-arunci nimic, Nici macar, nici macar cuvinte Sa nu vinzi nimic, Toata lumea, toata lumea vinde Ceva. Te simt azi la inceput de drum E drumul cu o mie de povesti Te simt, arzi, si-nconjurat de fum Iei una si pe restul le gonesti. Sa n-arunci nimic, Nici macar, nici macar cuvinte Sa nu vinzi nimic, Toata lumea, toata lumea vinde Ceva. Iar pentru fiecare gand pe c...
FOLLOW AICI: https://twitter.com/NxsSpeedy La 500 followers (pe twitter) facem coaching cuiva norocos de pe chat! Pagina oficiala Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ROSpeedy/ Campioni recomandati pentru low elo (bronze / silver / gold): Top - Cho'gath / Renekton / Malphite / Darius Jungle: Sejuani / Maokai / Nunu / Warwick Mid: Swain / Malzahar / Annie Adc: Tristana / Ashe / Caitlyn Support: Lulu / Janna / Braum Pentru donatii (apar pe stream): https://www.tipeeestream.com/speedyx/donation Muzica: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TdFHbzu0CY&index;=2&list;=UU_aEa8K-EOJ3D6gOs7HcyNg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7QJjGyUbak&list;=RDv7QJjGyUbak#t=4
Off with your head
Dance 'til you're dead
Heads will roll, heads will roll
Heads will roll on the floor
Glitter on the wet streets
Silver over everything
The river's all wet
You're all cold
Dripping with alchemy
Shiver stop shivering
The glitter's all wet
You're all chrome
The men cry out, the girls cry out
The men cry out, the girls cry out
The men cry out, oh no
The men cry out, the girls cry out
The men cry out, the girls cry out
The men cry out, oh no
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Off, off with your head
Dance, dance 'til you're dead
Heads will roll, heads will roll
Heads will roll on the floor
Looking glass, take the past
Shut your eyes, you realize
Looking glass, take the past
Shut your eyes, you realize
Glitter on the wet streets
Silver over everything
The glitter's all wet
You're all chrome, you're all chrome
Oh, oh, oh
Off, off, off with your head
Dance, dance, dance 'til you're dead
Off, off, off with your head
Dance, dance, dance 'til you're dead
Off, off, off with your head
Dance, dance, dance 'til you're dead
Off, off, off with your head
Dance, dance, dance 'til you're dead
Off, off, off with your head
Dance, dance, dance 'til you're dead
Off, off, off with your head