

North Korea fires three short-range ballistic missiles

Seoul: North Korea fired several short-range missiles into the sea off its east coast early on Saturday, South Korea and the US military said, as the two allies conducted annual joint military drills that the North denounces as preparation for war.

The US military's Pacific Command said it had detected three short-range ballistic missiles, all of which failed with one of them blowing up almost immediately after launch.

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North Korea fires 'several projectiles'

The short-range projectiles were fired into the sea off South Korea's east coast early on August 26, according to South Korea’s military.

The three missile launches appear to have either failed in flight or exploded almost immediately, the US military said on Friday, adding they had posed no threat to North America or Guam.

"The first and third missiles at 11.49 am and 12.19 pm failed in flight. The second missile launch at 12.07 pm appears to have blown up almost immediately," Pacific Command said, using times at its Hawaii-based headquarters.

It said the launches occurred near Kittaeryong, North Korea.

The South Korean Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said the projectiles were launched from the North's eastern Kangwon province and flew in a northeasterly direction about 250 km into the sea.


Pacific Command said the missiles did not pose a threat to the US mainland or to the Pacific territory of Guam, which North Korea had threatened earlier this month to surround "in a sea of fire".

Tensions had eased since a harsh exchange of threats between Pyongyang and Washington after US President Donald Trump had warned North Korean leader Kim Jong-un he would face "fire and fury" if he threatened the United States.

The launch is the first by the North since it test-fired a missile on July 28 that could have been designed to reach 10,000 km, putting parts of the US mainland within reach.

Japan's military said the projectiles did not appear to be objects that could threaten Japan's safety.

The South Korean and US militaries are in the midst of annual defensive drills, which the North routinely describes as preparation for invasion, that involve computer simulations of a war to test readiness and run until August 31.

The US State Department did not immediately comment about the Saturday missile launches. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson earlier this week credited the North with showing restraint by not launching a missile since the late July ICBM test.

Tillerson had said he hoped that the lack of missiles launches or other "provocative acts" by Pyongyang could mean a path could be opening for dialogue "sometime in the near future."

Trump also expressed optimism earlier this week about a possible improvement in relations. "I respect the fact that he is starting to respect us," Trump said of Kim.

North Korea's state media reported on Saturday that Kim had guided a contest of amphibious landing and aerial strike by its army against targets modelled after South Korean islands near the sea border on the west coast.

In a report that lacked the North's usual belligerent threat against the United States, its official KCNA news agency quoted Kim as telling its Army that it "should think of mercilessly wiping out the enemy with arms only and occupying Seoul at one go and the southern half of Korea."

On Wednesday, Kim ordered the production of more rocket engines and missile warheads during a visit to a chemical institute of the Academy of Defence Science, an agency that he fostered to develop its ballistic missile programme.

Diagrams and what appeared to be missile parts shown in photographs published in the North's state media suggested Pyongyang was pressing ahead with building a longer-range ballistic missile that could potentially reach any part of the US mainland including Washington.

It is also believed to be developing a solid-fuel missile that could be used for submarine launches.
