
Apple plans 4K Apple TV reveal

2015's revamped Apple TV.

Apple is planning to unveil a renewed focus on the living room with an upgraded Apple TV set-top box that can stream 4K video and highlight live television content such as news and sports.

Galaxy Note8 v iPhone 7 Plus

The Galaxy Note8 and the iPhone 7 Plus.

Samsung has finally unveiled the Note8, successor to the notoriously-explodable Note7. We've already taken a look at its specs, pricing and Australian availability, but how does it stack up against Apple's iPhone 7 Plus?

First impressions of Galaxy Note8

Note8's extra screen space is great for doodling.

At first glance, the Note 8 seems to put Samsung firmly on the road to redemption. After the Note7 recall last year, this is the first viable model of its premium phone since 2015. I had a chance to spend some time with the new phone at its unveiling event in New York, and, here are my initial impressions.

Scientists in war lab game way to victory


In a beige concrete office block in Melbourne's inner-city, behind locked doors to which only eight people have access, a scientist sits watching two fighter jets marking a path towards their target - Sydney Harbour.

Troublesome tweeters

Don't touch your tweeter.

There are some vexing problems with soft dome tweeters, some hard to believe. I'll get to that in a moment but first - what is a soft dome tweeter?

Apple Car plans scaled right back

Apple is still interested in self-driving technology, but not in building its own car.

The company has put off any notion of an Apple-branded autonomous vehicle and is instead working on the underlying technology that allows a car to drive itself.

Android 8 is officially called Oreo


At the height of the day's solar eclipse in New York, Google finally revealed the name of its latest Android operating system — in honour of another dark disc: the Oreo.

Tim Cook slams Trump's Charlottesville response

Tim Cook with US president Donald Trump in June.

In an email to Apple employees, CEO Tim Cook has denounced the deadly violence in Charlottesville last weekend, criticised US President Donald Trump's response and pledged to donate $US2 million to organisations battling hate groups.