The growing danger from terrorism on Australians overseas

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This was published 7 years ago

The growing danger from terrorism on Australians overseas

By Clive Williams

This has become the most deadly year since 2006 for terrorist attacks against Australians overseas. Confirmation of the latest tragic death of Julian Cadman aged 7 in Barcelona brings the 2017 total to four Australians killed in three separate attacks so far this year.

While none of the attacks has been specifically targeted against Australians, Australians have inevitably been caught up in the death toll from Islamist extremist attacks directed against members of the US-led coalition against Islamic State.

Kirsty Boden (left) and Sara Zelenak were stabbed to death near the Borough Market.

Kirsty Boden (left) and Sara Zelenak were stabbed to death near the Borough Market.

In some cases, like the August attacks in Spain, they are also "revenge" attacks for perceived injustices against Muslims dating back hundreds of years.

Those Australians killed this year have been Victorian schoolgirl Zynab Al-Harbiya, 12, in a car-bombing of an icecream parlour in Baghdad, Sara Zelenak, 21, and nurse Kirsty Boden, 28, killed in the London Bridge terrorist attack, and Julian Cadman, 7, killed in the vehicle attack in Las Ramblas.

Seven year-old Australian boy Julian Cadman was killed in the Barcelona terror attack.

Seven year-old Australian boy Julian Cadman was killed in the Barcelona terror attack.Credit: Facebook

The media tend to focus on those killed, but a bomb or vehicle attack can result in a 10:1 ratio of injured to killed - and many of the injured will have life-changing injuries.

Many past attacks have resulted in the relatives of Australian victims having to cope with tragedies far from home. In recognition of the financial implications for families, the government set up the Australian Victim of Terrorism Overseas Payment scheme. Under the scheme, Australian residents harmed as a direct result of specified terrorist acts may seek a one-off payment of up to $75,000 in financial assistance.

On July 19 2017, the Turnbull government declared four 2017 terrorist attacks as "terrorist acts" for the purposes of the scheme. They were the attacks in Stockholm on April 7, Manchester on May 22, Baghdad on May 30, and London on June 3. This brings the total number of compensable overseas terrorist acts to 38.

Within Australia, three people have died in 2017 in what appear to be two religiously-motivated attacks. Somali-born Yacqub Khayre, 29, shot dead clerk Kai Hao in the foyer of a serviced apartment in Brighton, Melbourne. Khayre was then killed by police. Khayre had previously been linked to a 2009 terror plot targeting Holsworthy army barracks. In the other incident, at Queanbeyan NSW, two teenage boys entered a service station and allegedly stabbed to death Zeeshan Akbar, 29, an attendant of Pakistani descent, apparently after being influenced by IS propaganda.

Zynab Al Harbiya, 12, was killed in an attack at an ice-cream parlour in Baghdad.

Zynab Al Harbiya, 12, was killed in an attack at an ice-cream parlour in Baghdad.Credit: Sky News

Australia has been relatively fortunate in 2017 compared to the US and UK, which have suffered several mass-casualty attacks. IS has made it clear to its supporters that the UK and US are its highest priority targets.

As IS has come under greater pressure in Iraq and Syria, it has put more emphasis on long-term strategies for its survival and relevance. These have included preparing for a return to rural insurgency in Syria and Iraq, building up new areas of control in West Africa, North Africa, South Asia, Southeast Asia and elsewhere, and providing training at the al-Kharsa brigade in Syria for mass casualty attacks in Western Europe. It seems only a matter of time before they start doing the same for attacks in Australia.

The IS training process is similar to what al-Qaeda was organising before the rise of IS in 2013. Before then, the most common place for Australians to go for terrorism training was Pakistan - and Lashkar-e-Taiba's training camps in particular.

Since 2013 it has become harder for young Australian would-be jihadists to travel to areas where they could receive training - and it is harder to infiltrate potential attackers into Australia.

What we have seen instead, perhaps as an interim measure, is internet encouragement of resident sympathisers to mount attacks in Australia. The main aim of these attacks is to influence Australia to leave the US-led coalition, but IS has not been successful in getting this message across to parliamentarians or the Australian public.

Attacks against Australians for whatever reason will be counterproductive and simply cause the federal government to commit more resources to counterterrorism, both internally and externally.

The national security community recognises that we may not always be able to prevent mass casualty attacks in Australia - which is the rationale for "Australia's Strategy for Protecting Crowded Places from Terrorism" released on Sunday. It recognises that crowded places such as stadiums, shopping centres, pedestrian malls, and major events will continue to be attractive targets for terrorists. The strategy aims in particular to make it more difficult for terrorists to use vehicles to cause mass casualties, and to keep vehicle-bombs away from desirable targets.

Some of the ongoing security intelligence challenges for Australia include persons being released from jail, monitoring of persons of concern - including some already returned from overseas, and identifying radicalised persons who have not yet come to notice or who are trying to enter Australia.

To add to the threat-mix, al-Qaeda is preparing to become more active. The latest northern Summer 2017 issue of its Inspire magazine provides advice for lone mujahids, and information on how to derail trains. Al-Qaeda recognises it is not possible to secure railway lines, and it is well aware that train travellers and railway stations are far more vulnerable than airline passengers and airports.

Clive Williams is an honorary professor at the Centre for Military and Security Law at the ANU and an Associate Professor at the Australian Defence Force Academy.

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