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Farewell to Melbourne's hamburger king

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Normally one would not mark the passing of a suburban hamburger takeaway shop owner. Sure, he or she would be missed by the family, but would it go beyond that? Would there be an impact beyond the family and the grill? Would some big international chain take over anyway?

Andrew Georghiou ran Andrew's Hamburgers in Bridport Street, Albert Park, for more than 50 years, becoming not only a local identity, a Melbourne institution (often recognised by this newspaper as the best hamburgers in Melbourne), but also embodied in himself a story that represents all of Australia.

Andrew fed me hamburgers since I was about six. He watched me grow, saw me develop from child to man, and in all that time remembered my name, what I did and where I was – no mean feat given that I was an international aid worker dancing from hot spot to hot spot.

When I returned from aid work in Yugoslavia in the 1990s the relief on his face was evident. "You are back," he would say. "We were worried about you." He would feed me burgers, not take money, ask how I was and would listen to the stories of hell and happiness I went through.

Andrew worried when I left again and listened with relief when I returned from Rwanda, Pakistan and others. He wouldn't take money, happy knowing I was safe.

Andrew Georghiou was more than just the proprietor of a hamburger shop – even given that it was constantly voted the best in town! He was more than a loving father, uncle and husband. He was a father figure to many in the community.


This wasn't marketing hype, Andrew meant it. Andrew cared about the people he served. Rich or poor, powerful or powerless (I once took the US ambassador to eat there – much to the chagrin of the federal police), Andrew really cared. Quietly spoken, compassionate and hard-working, he was a role model in decency.

Andrew Georghiou was farewelled today, at the St Eustathios Greek Orthodox Church.

It did not seem odd that the priest opened the service in Greek. Greek was spoken widely in south Melbourne in the early 1970s. We were proud that Melbourne was the third largest Greek city in the world! My neighbours George and Athena spoke no English, only Greek. As a kid growing up in the area, Greek was the first "foreign" language I heard and I learnt a few words.

Today, the priest chanted in Greek while quiet whispers in Greek Cypriot accents echoed around the congregation. Wizened old faces showed, through their aged lines, an important history of Australia. This was a church full of people who had begun life in difficult conditions and came here fora life of honest, hard work.

Andrew, like many others of his generation, was a post-war migrant from Cyprus. He came to escape the poverty of a brutalised Europe and, through hard work and dedication, built a life for him and his family, while helping to build the country we see today.

As Andrew was farewelled, those younger people in the congregation could take time to appreciate what Andrew and his generation helped to build.

His generation's legacy won't be best reflected in monuments, but rather in a culture of integration and multicultural pluralism that makes this country great. One of the best things about this country is we not only accept difference, we celebrate it.

Andrew's funeral was not just a remembrance of his life. It was a reflection of how this country was built – by welcoming those from foreign lands prepared to work hard to build a better future for their families.

Andrew certainly did that and more. RIP, Andrew Georghiou.

Andrew MacLeod is the former CEO of Committee for Melbourne, and an Andrew's Hamburgers regular.