Dual Charts and SlopeCharts

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As most of you know, SlopeCharts is the web-based charting platform I created after the death of my former creation, ProphetCharts (killed by its purchaser, Ameritrade). I am exceptionally pleased with SlopeCharts, and I use it every day as the basis of both my trading and my writing.

SlopeCharts already satisfies all my needs, and for a while I figured I’d just leave it be and continue on my merry way. However, I made a decision recently to double down on my investment in this platform and add a lot of features that users have been requesting. Some of these features will be exclusive for PLUS users, and other features will be accessible by everyone.

I am pleased to announce the first of these new features now, and it is a PLUS exclusive: Dual Charts. This allows you to observe two charts at the same time, each with its own y-axis. Using it is a snap – – just enter the two symbols you want to chart, separated by a comma (such as AMZN,TSLA):

