- published: 09 Mar 2017
- views: 139
Harghita (Romanian pronunciation: [harˈɡita], Hungarian: Hargita megye, Hungarian pronunciation: [ˈhɒrɡitɒ]) is a county (județ) in the center of Romania, in eastern Transylvania, with the county seat at Miercurea Ciuc.
In 2002, Harghita County had a population of 326,222 and a population density of 52/km².
In 2011, it had a population of 302,432 and a population density of 46/km².
Harghita county has the highest percentage of Hungarians in Romania, just ahead of Covasna county. The Hungarians form the majority of the population in most of the county's municipalities, with Romanians concentrated in the northern and eastern part of the county (particularly Toplița and Bălan), as well as in the enclave of Voșlăbeni.
The Székelys of Harghita are mostly Roman Catholic, with Reformed and Unitarian minorities, while the ethnic Romanians are primarily Orthodox. Catholicism is strongest in the east, in the former Csíkszék, while Protestants are concentrated in the west, south and west of Odorheiu Secuiesc. By religion, the county is divided roughly as follows:
Klaus Werner Iohannis (Romanian: [ˈkla.us joˈhanis], German: [ˈklaʊ̯s joˈhanɪs]; also spelled Johannis; born June 13, 1959) is the current President of Romania. He became leader of the National Liberal Party in 2014, after having served as leader of the Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania from 2002 to 2013. Iohannis was a physics teacher and a school inspector before entering full-time politics.
Iohannis was first elected mayor of the city of Sibiu in 2000, representing the Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania. Although the German population of the once predominantly German-speaking city of Sibiu has declined to a tiny minority, Iohannis won a surprise victory and was re-elected by landslides in 2004, 2008 and 2012. Iohannis is credited with turning his city into one of Romania's most popular tourist destinations, and the city was declared the European Capital of Culture in 2007. In February 2013, Iohannis became a member of the National Liberal Party, accepting an invitation from Liberal leader Crin Antonescu, and was immediately elected the party's First Vice President, becoming the party's President the following year.
Ursi pe strazile din Harghita
Ungurii umilesc români aflați în trecere prin Harghita.
Mircea Bravo in Harghita
Balan - Harghita Romania 2016
UITAȚI ÎN INIMA ROMÂNIEI - românii din Covasna și Harghita, discriminați în propria țară...
IPJ Harghita, comunicate despre infractori in versuri
Un lup filmat in salbaticie - jud. Harghita
Orfelinatul pentru urși din Harghita, un loc plin de bucurie
Ultimii Romani - Romanii maghiarizati din Doboi, Harghita. Un film de Razvan Butaru
Szarvasbőgés a Hargitán 2013 - Boncanitul cerbilor la Harghita 2013
Harghita County 4k Beautiful places in Romania, drone landscapes (drona 2016 -2017)
În faţa oficialilor din Covasna şi Harghita, Klaus Iohannis a refuzat steagul secuilor
Harghita Rally - Super Special 2017
Între Neamţ şi Harghita, la Izolaţi în România, pe TVR1
Ciobanii stânelor din Harghita sunt terorizaţi de urși
Madaras Harghita Ski - Decembrie 2016
Peisaje Harghita,Romania
Drama in Harghita - Un magyar pishta (ungur) s-a trezit vorbind perfect romana
Iohannis, la Harghita: Am întâlnit oameni frumoşi care m-au întâmpinat cu pâine şi sare
Sărmaș - Harghita
Spring harghita
enduro Harghita
Harghita Băi
Sandominic Harghita
Ce pățește un român când are proasta inspirație să ia la ocazie ungurii de prin județul Harghita.
Stunning Places in Romania 2016 Bobby Photography's© All Rights Reserved https://www.facebook.com/pages/Bobby-Photographys/602324286497415 Feel free to join my page Like & Share
Pare greu de imaginat pentru orice om normal ca, în România, românii să fie discriminați etnic de o minoritate națională, cea maghiară... Cu toate acestea, în Harghita și Covasna, două județe în care maghiarii sunt majoritari, românii au viață grea cu autoritățile... statului român, în cele mai multe cazuri de etnie maghiară. Dacă în zonele în care maghiarii sunt minoritari, românii conviețuiesc bine cu ei, în zonele în care maghiarii sunt majoritari, adeseori trebuie să înveți limba maghiară ca să te poți înțelege cu autoritățile maghiare locale. Iar discriminările sunt la tot pasul... Cum e posibil așa ceva și de ce statul român i-a uitat pe românii din aceste județe? Ei bine, detaliile acestei nebunii ne sunt oferite de jurnalistul Dan Tănasă în cartea UITAȚI ÎN INIMA ROMÂNIEI (o cart...
Când spunem orfelinat, ne gândim la copii trişti, fără părinţi, lăsaţi în grija statului şi a nimănui. Când spunem orfelinat de urşi, însă vorbim de cu totul altceva. Un loc plin de bucurie., Stiri, Antena 1, 23-01-2016
Muzica:BZN-Besame mucho
Szarvasbőgés a Hargitán - Boncanitul cerbilor la Harghita
Don't forget to subscribe!NU UITA SA TE ABONEZI! beautiful places in Romania, near Harghita ( drone landscapes ) imagofilm.ro/ Miercurea Ciuc miercureaciuc.ro/ Mikó-vár Oraşul Bălan orasulbalan.ro/ Topliţa toplita.ro/ Bilbor bilborul.ro/ Homoròdkemènyfalva, Harghita, Romania facebook.com/kormoran.horgaszto.kemping/ Cetatea Râșnov, Braşov primariarasnov.ro/ Filmari aeriene profesionale, imaginmi din aer 4k imagofilm.ro/ facebook.com/imagofilm/ #slem, #slemhd drone forgatás csikszereda, hargita
Vezi jurnalul de știri pe Antena Play: https://goo.gl/1GtmpL Întâlnirea dintre Klaus Iohannis şi primarul din Miercurea Ciuc a devenit virală. Edilul i-a oferit steagul secuiesc, iar reacţia preşedintelei a fost surprinzătoare. Fără să atingă drapelul, l-a pasat celor de la protocol şi a prezentat în faţa oficialilor din Covasna şi Harghita tricolorul., Stiri, 18-07-2017
Dietrich Arpad SS - Székelyudvarhely - Hargita Rali
Pe 3 iulie, de la ora 22:30, la TVR1, Dite Dinesz şi Marius Danci ne propun episodul 11 din seria Izolaţi în România, în care ne prezintă poveştile locuitorilor din cătunele Bârnadu şi Trei Fântâni din Munţii Ceahlău. http://www.facebook.com/fantvr1 http://www.tvr.ro http://www.tvrplus.ro http://youtube.com/tvrcanaluloficial
Situaţie disperată pentru ciobanii stânelor din Harghita. Noapte de noapte, urşii atacă ţarcurile cu oi şi produc pagube mari. Serile trecute, câinii ciobăneşti au pus pe fugă un urs care a reuşit să intre la stână şi să-şi ia hrana din rândul mioarelor., Stiri, Antena 1, 13-08-2015
Fata lu ala din pat spune totul. tags: Drama in Harghita, magyar, ungur, pishta, s-a trezit vorbind perfect romana, panonia, brasov, ildiko kallai, limba veche, Stirile TimesNewRoman, în fiecare sâmbătă și duminică de la ora 20.00 la Prima Tv
Preşedintelui Klaus Iohannis a fost în vizită la Catedrala Episcopală Miercurea Ciuc. Șeful statului a participa la dezbaterea "Coerență și transparență — exemple de bune practici la nivelul județelor Harghita și Covasna", la care au fost prezenți aproximativ 300 de reprezentanți ai administrației publice locale din cele două județe. https://goo.gl/ooJVzc
Plimbare pe acoperisul lumii bucovinice The Rarau Mountains are part of the Eastern Carpathians and offer fantastic hiking opportunities. The region’s main base for hikers is Cabana Rarau, located at an elevation of 1536 meters, near the town of Campulung Moldovenesc. There’s a small restaurant and provisions shop there too. Enter Campulung Moldovenesc from the east, look out for the sign on the left (‘Cabana Rarau 14km’) and you’re on your way. Do not attempt to drive this route in bad weather unless you have a 4WD. Indeed, even in good weather, it’s no treat; the road is narrow and extremely pot-holed and rocky in places. Hiking takes three to four hours (follow the red circles). A second, good and new modernized road (County road 175B, Pojorata-Rarau, 14 Km) leads up to the cabana from ...
The Mountain of Salt (Sóhát, in Hungarian) is the top of the huge deposit of salt that reaches 3 km in depth. On surface, the salt has an elliptical shape, its diameters being 1.2 and 1.4.km. Vertically it looks like a huge mushroom. In the area of salt mountain we can notice a vivid salt karst phenomena: in the salty areas there are smaller and bigger funnels filled with clay that are similar with the phenomena of limestone areas: dolines, water absorbing blocks, hilite. A number of dolines and blocks are still continuously forming as results of the falling in of some hollows created by underground waters. The natural salt generates the final karstic phenomenon, because of the very rapid dissolving process, helped by the fissures, diaclasis and stratification planes, all access ways ...
Potato Festival, The fifteenth edition, August 1, 2015 Miercurea Ciuc, Harghita County, Romania The potato is representative for the Ciuc Depression. This daily food is sometimes treated with an undeserved indifference, actually the potato possesing some special gastronomic possibilities of exploitation. The annual Potato Festival has been organized since 2001. Held in first weekend in August, it is the main event of City Days. The objective of the festival has remained the same since the first edition: recreation, preservation and popularization of traditions specific to Ciuc area and presentation of special dishes - worthy of this wonderful food, of which depends the very existence of entire community. Stew masters compete each year at the Potato Festival in Miercurea Ciuc. Variou...
Visited sights: Colosseo (Collosseum), Arco di Constatine (Arch of Constantine), Via Sacra (Sacred Road), Foro Romano (Roman Forum), Foro di Traiano (Trajan's Forum), Colonna Traiana (Trajan's Column), Altare della Patria - Monumento Nationale a Vittorio Emanuele II (Altar of the Fatherland - National Monument to Victor Emmanuel II), Fontana di Trevi (Trevi Fountain), Panteon (Pantheon), Piazza Navona et Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi (Navona Square and Fountain of the Four Rivers), Palazzo Madama (Madama Palace - Italian Senat)
Vezi jurnalul de știri pe Antena Play: http://goo.gl/QchGDs Magazinele au vândut în lunile iunie şi iulie apă în cantităţi record, din cauza caniculei. Cererea este foarte mare, iar producătorii abia mai fac faţă comenzilor. Unii dintre ei şi-au epuizat, deja, şi stocurile de rezervă. În consecinţă, preţurile ar putea creşte mai ales la apa carbogazoasă, care se găseşte în cantităţi mai mici., Stiri, Antena 1, 05-08-2016
The Mountain of Salt (Sóhát, in Hungarian) is the top of the huge deposit of salt that reaches 3 km in depth. The horizontal salt stratum has an elliptical shape, its diameters being 1,2 and 1,4km. Vertically it looks like a huge abnormal mushroom. It is due to say that the huge salt block is one of the largest diaper rucks in Europe and its reserve could provide the continent with salt for more than a houndred years. In the area of salt mountains we can notice a vivid salt karst phenomena: in the salty areas there are smaller and bigger funnels filled with clay that are similar with the phenomena of limestone areas: dolines, water absorbing blocks, hilite. A number of dolines and blocks are still continuously forming as results of the falling in of some hollows created by underground w...
The Saint Spyridon Church is a Greek Orthodox place of worship located in Corfu, Greece. The Church is situated in the heart of Corfu town just behind the Liston. It is the most famous church in Corfu. The exterior of the church is typical of the Venetian architecture. Its distinctive red-dome bell tower is the highest point in the town. The bell tower built in 1620 is plain and squarely profiled in an Italian style. The ceiling of the church is divided into 17 parts by golden frames painted by the artist, Panagiotis Doxaras, in 1727. However due to humidity these initial painting was destroyed and was restored in 1852 by the artist Nikolaos Aspiotis. Saint Spyridon, who is considered the keeper of Corfu and his relics can be found in the church behind the Altar, housed in a silver shrine...
Making of - Cultural project about The life in typical villages of Transylvania with the actress and tourism guide Jac Novak from Curitiba, Brazil. Recorded on the village of Voslobeni- Harghita Closing credits Triff Photo and Video Director: Corneliu Tepelus Camera: Colceriu Emilian Music by Robin and the Backstabbers visit: http://motocrisartizanat.ro/ http://www.romania.travel/
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor)
Oligotrophic marshes develop in wet and cold climate regions. In Romania are called "tinoave" and are located in the Carpathian and Subcarpathian regions, between 500-1500 m. In its initial stage, while the vegetation kept contact with the soil, the Sphagnum peat is characterized by muscle and a relatively rich species of aquatic phanerogam. Once peat layer groves several inches thick, the flora is isolated from the substrate and becomes almost exclusively influenced by precipitation. From that moment begins the conditions of an extreme acid environment and floristic conduit of the marsh. Oligotrophic peat has some unique characteristics that pertain to the structure and training. Dominant color of this variety is yellow-brown, sometimes very light, and sometimes brown-black. These are var...
full HD 1920x1080 - widescreen 16.9- Dâmbovicioara Cave, Argeş County, România
Voslobeni ( Harghita county, Transylvania, Romania ) the most beautiful village in Romania. Music by: Allen Constantine https://soundcloud.com/allenconstantine / https://www.facebook.com/allenconstantine85 Song: From Dreams to Reality
Mofetele sunt emanaţii gazoase reci, postvulcanice, constituite predominat (peste 95%) din dioxid de carbon (CO2), acelaşi gaz care impregnează apa sifoanelor și băuturile carboazoase. Având o densitate mai mare decât a aerului obişnuit, gazul mofetic umple cavităţile şi curge exact ca un lichid. Baloanele de săpun plutesc la interfaţa aer - gaz mofetic. Inhalarea gazului mofetic este extrem de pericoloasă, chiar mortală, din cauza şocului respirator. Limita dintre aerul respirabil şi dioxidul de carbon este netă (câţiva centimetri). O flacără aprinsă, la intrarea în gazul mofetic, se stinge brusc. Mofetele din zona Balvanyos (cu care începe videoclipul) pot conţine şi mici cantităţi de sulf gazos, motiv pentru care, în mod greşit, pe panourile turistice din zonă sunt descrise drept solfat...
Apor Baths, known as the Timsos Baths (in Hungarian Apor-fürdő or Apor Lányok Feredője) are located near the Baile Balvanyos resort (Harghita Mountains, Covasna County). In a small area there are highly mineralized springs, on the one hand with salts washed by groundwater in sedimentary rocks crossed (Flis Cretaceous), and on the other hand with postvolcanic gas (mofetta, predominantly carbon dioxide, here with some sulfur dioxide) associated to Calimani-Gurghiu-Harghita volcanic chain mofetta halo. These springs have curative properties, being used both externally and internally. It notes that these waters contain alum (printing a sour taste to these waters) and sulfuric acid (water is very acidic, with pH = 2-5). Băile Apor (in ungurește Apor-fürdő sau Apor Lányok Feredője) sunt situ...
Vuela vuela vuela vuela you
Vuela vuela vuela vuela high
Vuela vuela vuela you must do
Keep it in your side inside.
Vuela vuela vuela vuela by allah
Open your mind open your hearth
With me, you will be one in the sky