

Rex Tillerson says Pakistan must help get Taliban to peace table

Washington: US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Pakistan must adopt a "different approach" to ending the 16-year Afghanistan conflict and play a central role in getting the Taliban to the negotiating table instead of supporting the group or harbouring terrorists.

Speaking to reporters a day after President Donald Trump addressed the war in a nationally televised speech, Tillerson filled out details of the diplomatic effort that will accompany the administration's move to grant more authority to military leaders on the ground and boost troop levels. He made clear that effort will focus on Pakistani leaders.

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More Aussie troops to Afghanistan?

US President Donald Trump has vowed to increase the number of US troops in Afghanistan to defeat terrorists and will ask allies including Australia to do the same.

"We stand ready to help Pakistan address terrorist groups inside of their country, but they must -- they must -- adopt a different approach themselves," Tillerson said Tuesday in Washington.

The issue of Pakistan's role in Afghanistan has bedeviled US administrations going back to the invasion to oust the Taliban after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Pakistan's intelligence service has long nurtured ties with the Taliban, and officials there argue it's unrealistic to think that it has control over the group and can bend it to the will of the US or its allies.

Without going into specifics, Tillerson outlined a new US approach that will condition assistance to Pakistan on its willingness to help and laid out a series of potential punishments if it ignores US demands. One option, Tillerson suggested, would be to revoke Pakistan's status as a "Major Non-NATO Ally," a designation that gives it advantages in areas such as weapons deals with the US

And while Trump's speech focused on the need to prevent Afghanistan from becoming a safe haven for terrorists, with only a passing mention to a political solution for the increasingly troubled country, Tillerson made clear his main goal is peace talks. He said he believed there were "moderate elements" within the Taliban that are ready and want to help chart a path forward.


"This entire effort is intended to put pressure on the Taliban, to have the Taliban understand you will not win a battlefield victory -- we may not win one, but neither will you," Tillerson said. "At some point we have to come to the negotiating table and find a way to bring this to an end."

Tillerson also signalled the US will be pulling back from more traditional nation-building and democracy promotion, saying,

"We may be taking different approaches and not putting so much of the US taxpayer dollar on the ground, building schools and building infrastructures."

Afghanistan "can choose its form of government that best suits the needs of its people, as long as it rejects terrorism, never provides territory in Afghanistan to provide safe haven for terrorists, and accommodates all of the groups represented inside of Afghanistan, ethnic groups and others.," he added.

As with his effort to rein in North Korea's nuclear program, the secretary of state framed the solution to Afghanistan as a regional problem that needs the involvement of many countries, not just the US.

He said a solution will depend on help from both the NATO alliance, which contributes thousands of troops there, as well as India, China and Russia. He didn't mention Iran, which has growing influence there.

He said the US has had talks with China about a possible role it could play.

Critics have voiced concern about Tillerson's call for India to play a bigger role, saying that might only further unnerve Pakistan, its chief rival.

"This is not a situation where the United States is saying, 'Look it's just us and you,'" Tillerson said. "We have to enlarge the circle of interest."

Like Trump, Tillerson declined to put a timeline on the US approach. He also wouldn't say how many more troops the US will send to Afghanistan, though Trump's strategy gives the green light to a plan by Defence Secretary James Mattis to bolster training and support for the Afghan army with roughly 4000 additional personnel -- a 50 per cent increase in the current American military presence.

Mattis told reporters during a visit to Baghdad on Tuesday that the increase in troops "may or may not be the number that's been bandied about until now."

He said he first wants to "look at the plan the military gives me" to implement Trump's new strategy.

Tillerson also echoed Trump's criticism of former President Barack Obama for signalling in advance his plans to withdraw troops from Afghanistan later even as he boosted their numbers in 2009.

"The only way we can defeat an enemy that is as nimble and as cagey tactically as this enemy is we have to be as cagey and tactical as they are, and we've not been fighting that way," Tillerson said.
