
Daryl Dixon

Executive chairman of Dixon Advisory

Downsizing apartment buyers Steve and Sharon Cook in Melbourne.

Downsizing proposals for retirees simple and sensible

Treasury draft consultation papers on super legislation changes rarely provide pleasant reading for those affected by the changes. However, the clarity and sensible provisions of the proposal to allow downsizing home owners to deposit up to $300,000 each in their superannuation account can only be welcomed by older Australians.

The Tax Office's formula for valuing defined benefit schemes favours younger retirees.

Questions remain over defined benefit schemes

While defined benefit pensioners now know precisely how the Australian Tax Office will value their pension in applying the new $1.6 million superannuation cap tax changes, the valuations for current contributions and deferred benefit members' entitlements are still works in progress.

Employers now have less power over super.

Time to review salary sacrifice

For those wanting to lower tax bills and build up retirement assets, making tax deductible super contributions is now much easier.

Active funds have higher fees, so they need to consistently outperform the market to earn their keep.

Index funds v actively managed funds

For a combination of reasons, index-following managed and exchange traded funds have become increasingly popular with both individual and institutional investors.