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Market Research and Consumer Insights

Find out what your market thinks about your product

Check out this overview of how to use Google Surveys.

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Market Research and Consumer Insights

Google Brand Labs tips on the best tools for customer insights

Use Google Surveys to test your consumer insight or understand your customer's mindset.

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Measurement Strategy

Staffing your marketing measurement team: Why you need data experts.

Want to see real results from your analytics solutions? It’s not just about employing the right tools, but finding the right data experts to use them.

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Testing and Personalization

The Benefits of Failure: Why You Need a Marketing Failures Report

So you made a change to your digital marketing strategy, measured results, and failed to move the needle. But didn’t you learn something valuable? Find out how to value the learnings you get from every test.

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Testing and Personalization

Who will launch your culture of growth and optimization?

What does it take to improve customer experiences and start a culture of growth? A better question might be “who does it take?" Meet three people who can help launch your optimization culture.

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Measurement Strategy

How to build a culture of growth

Learn how marketing optimization can transform your organization into a growth engine by focusing on the customer experience and making it better.

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Feature Brief

Market Research and Consumer Insights

An Enterprise Solution for Your Custom Research Needs

Work with one of our dedicated Account Executives to help you reach your research goals.

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Feature Brief

Marketing Analytics and Attribution

Understand and optimize your marketing performance.

Learn more about how the Digital Attribution feature in Attribution 360 allows you to combine siloed data sources, apply data-driven attribution modeling, and optimize your marketing mix.

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Feature Brief

Market Research and Consumer Insights

Mobile optimized surveys put respondents first

Survey early adopters and heavy technology users through mobile, up to 10 questions at a time.

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Feature Brief

Market Research and Consumer Insights

Reaching your audience has never been easier

Survey commonly-requested groups and create a custom panel meaningful to you by working with one of our account executives.

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Feature Brief

Digital Analytics

Link AdWords and Google Analytics for deeper insights.

Do you use AdWords to reach customers and Google Analytics to understand how they engage with your site? Find out how to link AdWords and Analytics to improve the power of both.

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Feature Brief

Digital Analytics

Analytics 360 and BigQuery integration.

Google BigQuery is a web service that lets you tap into powerful data analytics on demand, enabling interactive analysis of massive data sets in seconds.

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Feature Brief

Digital Analytics

Get more from DoubleClick Digital Marketing with Analytics 360.

Get a better view of your DoubleClick campaign performance when you pair it with Analytics 360.

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Feature Brief

Digital Analytics

Enhanced ecommerce boosts shopping analytics in Analytics 360.

Enhanced ecommerce is a complete revamp of our ecommerce analytics, designed to provide richer insights into pre-purchase shopping behavior and product performance.

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Feature Brief

Digital Analytics

Advanced remarketing strategies powered by Analytics 360.

Now you can use all of your site and apps analytics data to execute advanced remarketing strategies, thanks to detailed segmentation in Analytics 360.

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Feature Brief

Digital Analytics

Analytics 360 data security and privacy.

Analytics 360 data is confidential and governed by Google’s privacy policies. Learn about key security and privacy provisions regarding your data.

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Marketing Analytics and Attribution

10 tactics for attribution management.

Learn how to set up your attribution program with this whitepaper from Web Analytics Demystified and Google.

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Marketing Analytics and Attribution

Top 5 ways to amplify TV with digital.

Though digital is highly trackable, tying real results to TV used to be difficult. Find out how that’s changed with TV Attribution from Attribution 360.

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Feature Brief

Marketing Analytics and Attribution

Data collection options.

Whether you need to gather data by log files or tagging, Attribution 360 has you covered.

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Feature Brief

Marketing Analytics and Attribution

Attribution 360 offline conversion connector.

Tie your in-store activities directly to your online marketing investments for the most accurate view of performance.

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Feature Brief

Marketing Analytics and Attribution

Attribution 360 direct mail connector.

Change the cross-channel dynamic with Attribution 360's direct mail connector.

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Marketing Analytics and Attribution

Optimizing against external factors.

Learn how Attribution 360 integrates external factors into your analysis for more accurate recommendations.

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Marketing Analytics and Attribution

Attribution drives marketing impact.

Companies are demanding more accountability for every marketing dollar. Find out how marketers are embracing attribution in a study from Forrester Research.

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Marketing Analytics and Attribution

The definitive guide to data-driven attribution.

Learn everything you need to know about data-driven attribution and what steps you can take right now to improve performance.

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Marketing Analytics and Attribution

Better measurement with analytics and attribution.

Analytics help you understand the customer experience. Attribution informs your marketing mix. Today’s top marketers need both.

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Marketing Analytics and Attribution

Attribution and data onboarding.

Attribution 360 and LiveRamp help marketers attribute offline conversions for accurate cross channel measurement.

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Feature Brief

Marketing Analytics and Attribution

Real-time bidding programmatic connector.

Attribution 360's programmatic connector helps you leverage attribution data to optimize your real time bidding automatically.

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Marketing Analytics and Attribution

Cross-Channel Attribution Providers, Q4 2014

In Forrester’s 56-criteria evaluation of cross-channel attribution vendors, they identify the eight most significant cross-channel attribution providers with advanced algorithmic-based models.

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Marketing Analytics and Attribution

Adding attribution to the purchase funnel.

To understand the real impact of marketing on the purchase funnel, marketers need a data-driven attribution model.

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Feature Brief

Marketing Analytics and Attribution

Attribution 360 TV attribution.

Find out how consumers really respond to your mass media marketing — and optimize your campaigns from TV to digital.

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Marketing Analytics and Attribution

TV Attribution with Nest.

Though digital is highly trackable, tying real results to TV used to be difficult. See how Nest changed that with TV Attribution in Attribution 360.

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Marketing Analytics and Attribution

Validating data-driven attribution.

Attribution 360's methodology is validated by lift analysis best practices to provide the most accurate insights possible.

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Marketing Analytics and Attribution

The offline customer journey.

Discover how cross-channel attribution metrics help connect the dots between online marketing and offline conversions.

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Marketing Analytics and Attribution

TV attribution.

Discover how connecting TV and radio ads with online action delivers improvements across all channels.

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Marketing Analytics and Attribution

Webinar Series Part 1: Setting direction for measurement.

Taking marketing measurement to the next level requires combining all the pieces to get greater clarity.

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Marketing Analytics and Attribution

Webinar Series Part 2: Building a data foundation.

Incorporate marketing channel data sources into a unified view for increases in marketing performance measurement.

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Marketing Analytics and Attribution

Webinar Series Part 3: Putting insights to work.

In this webinar you’ll learn how to operationalize results and glean actionable insights from your marketing performance metrics.

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Marketing Analytics and Attribution

Webinar Series Part 4: Driving results.

Hear from those who have been there and take marketing performance measurement to the next level.

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Measurement Strategy

Four ways to measure what matters most.

Adopt these marketing strategies to drive success: Choose the right marketing metrics, focus on the best customers, value the entire path to purchase, and prove impact.

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Measurement Strategy

Convert the most valuable customers.

How valuable is a new customer conversion to your business? Attribution can reveal a customer's true value, so you invest in converting the right ones.

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Testing and Personalization

Three keys to proving marketing impact.

Proving the value of your marketing investments can be a challenge. See how controlled marketing experiments can help.

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Marketing Analytics and Attribution

Data analytics: A matrix for better decision making.

Today’s marketers have access to more data than ever, and the pressure’s on to turn those data points into something meaningful. In this article, Daniel Waisberg shares his new data analytics framework, TITE, which helps marketers gain context and get actionable insights from their data.

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Market Research and Consumer Insights

Americans and Father's Day Gifts

See what men and women are planning to give dads this Father's Day.

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Market Research and Consumer Insights

Americans and the Fourth of July

It's no secret that Americans love celebrating the Fourth. But how much planning goes into their celebrations?

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Market Research and Consumer Insights

Millennials and dating apps

We asked millennials if they have used a dating app and over 34% say they have tried one.

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Market Research and Consumer Insights

Summer Skincare

It’s great when people love your product. But even when you are succeeding with customers, you need insights to understand how to keep them happy over time.

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Market Research and Consumer Insights

US: Summertime in the cinema

Let's face it summer's are known for a lot of things—warm weather, BBQs, and of course summer blockbusters. With that in mind, we reached out to US moviegoers to find out which types of movies will draw the biggest crowds.

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Product Overview

Market Research and Consumer Insights

A new approach to online market research.

Discover how Google Surveys makes it easy to conduct market research or automatically track your brand awareness to help inform important business decisions.

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Product Overview

Digital Analytics

Use customer insights to deliver on marketing strategy.

Learn about how Analytics 360 turns data into insights about people and how they behave—whether they’re online, offline or mobile.

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Product Overview

Digital Analytics

Drive peak performance for your digital content.

Give your readers more of what they want and less of what they don’t. Analytics 360 turns data into insights about people and how they behave.

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Product Overview

Marketing Analytics and Attribution

Know what every marketing dollar is doing for you.

Learn more about how Attribution 360 helps you measure and optimize marketing spend for online and offline channels.

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Product Overview

Audiences and Segmentation

See your audience from multiple perspectives.

Learn more about how Audience Center 360 helps you understand the full customer context to make your brand relevant at every moment.

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Product Overview

Data Visualization and Reporting

Put the power of your marketing data in everyone’s hands.

Learn more about how Data Studio 360 can put the power of your marketing data into the hands of your entire organization.

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Product Overview

Measurement Strategy

See how modern measurement cuts through complexity and wins customers.

The Google Analytics 360 Suite offers seven integrated measurement products: it delivers remarkably deep insights into consumer behavior, so you can create more engaging experiences for them.

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Product Overview

Testing and Personalization

Your customers are unique, why aren’t your web experiences?

Learn more about how Optimize 360 helps you deliver web experiences that are personalized to the unique needs of your customers.

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Product Overview

Market Research and Consumer Insights

Research that's fast and accurate at the same time.

Reach a validated, representative sample in as little as 48 hours to start gathering insights.

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Product Overview

Market Research and Consumer Insights

Surveys 360 for agencies

Gain industry insights specific to your client, test creative, and target surveys to get feedback on what is on top of mind to consumers

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Product Overview

Tag Management

Focus on your marketing, not your tags.

Learn more about how Tag Manager 360 helps you eliminate the headache of updating tags with streamlined and accurate tag management.

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Measurement Strategy

Driving growth with marketing measurement in a mobile world.

New research from eConsultancy and Google shows how leading marketers are using smarter marketing measurement to drive growth as they plan for an ever more mobile future.

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Measurement Strategy

Econsultancy report: The customer experience is written in data.

Research conducted by Econsultancy in 2017 reveals why and how the most successful brands are putting data at the center of marketing strategy. Learn how leaders integrate data, teams, and tech.

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Digital Analytics

Gartner report: Magic Quadrant for Digital Marketing Analytics

As marketing measurement evolves, the right solution becomes key to success. In this report Gartner positions 11 digital marketing analytics platforms, again naming Google a leader.

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Measurement Strategy

Gartner report: Seven types of customer experience projects.

Leading organizations are improving customer experiences to drive value. Learn the seven types of CX projects and how to identify which ones require an analytical or more creative approach.

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Measurement Strategy

New research: Shifting measurement priorities to drive growth.

Today’s leading marketers are shifting measurement priorities to increase customer value and to drive growth for their brands.

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Measurement Strategy

Gain insight for everyone with the Google Analytics 360 Suite.

Learn how marketing leaders in L’Oreal, Nest and Progressive use the Google Analytics 360 Suite to deliver powerful insights and engaging customer experiences.

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Digital Analytics

L'Oreal Canada doubles anticipated revenue with Analytics 360.

See how L’Oreal Canada used Analytics 360 and DoubleClick Bid Manager to double anticipated revenue for their advertising campaign.

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Measurement Strategy

Analytics 360 Suite overview: Marketing analytics for a multi-screen world.

Enterprise marketers and analysts need to measure consumer behavior across mobile, desktop, and tablets. Watch how the Google Analytics 360 Suite can help you address that multi-screen challenge.

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Measurement Strategy

Progressive connects the dots with the Google Analytics 360 Suite.

Progressive uses the Google Analytics 360 Suite to deeply understand their customers and create the best mobile experience for them.

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Measurement Strategy

Turn TV insights into measurable actions.

Nest uses the Google Analytics 360 Suite to unlock meaningful insights and improve cross-channel marketing efficacy.

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Measurement Strategy

Marketers: Get your data house in order — webinar with MIT Sloan.

Hear new research on how marketing leaders are putting data and analytics at the center of their marketing strategies to drive stronger business results.

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Testing and Personalization

Webinar: Build a marketing culture of website testing and optimization.

Watch this webinar and learn how a culture of website testing and optimization can help your company become more competitive and more profitable.

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Testing and Personalization

Test with success — even when you fail.

Discover why website tests are a critical part of improving website and customer experiences. Learn a framework for great experiments and how to build a culture of growth in your organization.

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Measurement Strategy

Harvard Business Review executive summary: Measuring what consumers value.

Understanding consumer values is the key to a winning business strategy. This summary of a Harvard Business Review webinar discusses consumer analysis solutions for marketers.

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Measurement Strategy

Measuring marketing insights: Harvard Business Review article collection.

Today’s marketers have access to more data than ever — but more marketing data doesn’t always add up to better performance. Harvard Business Review investigates how leading companies turn data into marketing insights.

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Measurement Strategy

MIT report: How data analytics and machine learning reap competitive advantage.

See how data-driven organizations like Progressive and Macy’s are using data analytics and machine learning to speed from insight to action — and drive business results.

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Measurement Strategy

Discover how marketing analytics increases business performance.

Discover the key analytics and measurement challenges that marketers face today and how successful marketing organizations are addressing them.

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Market Research and Consumer Insights

How Google Surveys works.

Learn how Google Surveys works and how the product has evolved in several ways since its launch.

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Measurement Strategy

Marketing in the driver’s seat: Using analytics to create customer value.

Discover how leading marketing organizations are using analytics to drive customer value and, in turn, driving sales, profit, and shareholder value.

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