American Thinker Blog

Nobody cares if Steve Bannon is in the White House...except the press - 8/24/17 August 24, 2017 A new poll shows that Steve Bannon's exit means nothing to President Trump's voters.  Nobody surprised here but the press, which went all drama queen, betting on a disaster. More
Hannity's FNC monologue scores direct hit on the MSM's sick bias - 8/24/17 August 24, 2017 Hannity dealt a serious blow to the lies, misrepresentations, and omissions of the nation's press. More
ESPN management pretend they didn't remove Asian announcer because of his name - 8/24/17 August 24, 2017 Within a 24-hour period, ESPN management contradict their own statement. More
San Francisco awaits its chance for mass virtue-signaling while bashing 'right wingers' - 8/24/17 August 24, 2017 Media and politicians unite in demonizing free speech advocates.  Why let facts get in the way? More
Clemson prof calls all Republicans 'racist scum' - 8/24/17 August 24, 2017 If you were a Republican student, would you take a class from this man? More
Ryan doesn't think government shutdown is 'necessary' over border funding - 8/24/17 August 24, 2017 Battle lines are drawn between Trump and Republicans in the Senate. More
UN committee issues 'early warning' to US over racism - 8/24/17 August 24, 2017 Who are the members of this committee pure enough to judge U.S. race relations? More
When liberals get smacked by reality: Trudeau edition - 8/24/17 August 24, 2017 The Canadian prime minister seems to regret his recent announcement welcoming every single refugee on Earth into his nation. More
Antifa is the new KKK - 8/24/17 August 24, 2017 The role of Antifa is to poison the well of support for President Trump, to make him seem illegitimate by causing chaos in public spaces at political events. More
Mr. President: Don't negotiate with the swamp. Drain it. - 8/24/17 August 24, 2017 No time to go wobbly, Sir. More
Hillary Clinton shows her sensitive side - 8/24/17 August 24, 2017 Hillary was disgusted to stand next to Donald Trump.  Let's look at all the things she hasn't been disgusted by. More
Why the anti-Trump forces must not win - 8/24/17 August 24, 2017 Why must Trump go?  Because he opposes leftist policies aimed at destroying the country's democratic institutions. More
Transparency critical to getting science, regulations right - 8/24/17 August 24, 2017 Congress should not have to issue subpoenas to get information from federal bureaucrats.  More
Secular humanism: The tie that binds - 8/24/17 August 24, 2017 Fascism, communism, and democratic republicanism are rooted in the same philosophical soil.  More
The Browns vs. the National Anthem - 8/24/17 August 24, 2017 The Browns prove that losers never learn. More
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The Left Arms Up: John Brown Clubs J.R. Dunn The same impulse of near demented fanaticism that animated their namesake a century and a half ago is putting guns in the hands of leftist dilettantes. More
Comparing Skokie to Charlottesville Buzz Alpert I had Nazis caving in my buddies' skulls in Chicago in the '70s.  Here's how I see Charlottesville. More
If There Aren't Two Sides, Why Is There Division? Jeffrey T. Brown Deconstructing the latest inane leftist catchphrase, now picked up by a number of useful-idiot Republicans. More
National Security Cover-Ups, Missteps, and Miscalculations Janet Levy The United States will never succeed against the Muslim Brotherhood if our intelligence officials keep tripping over their own feet. More
Statue Wars Milton Ezrati Whatever the justice of the attacks on the bronze and stone Confederates, all involved should keep in mind that they fight on a wider battlefield. More
Solar Superstorms and the US Electric Grid Rovvy Lepor Congress and President Trump must take accelerated steps to harden the vulnerable U.S. electric grid. More
Christopher Columbus Gets the Sledgehammer Michael Curtis Where does the destruction of statues and monuments stop? More

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American Thinker Blog

Nobody cares if Steve Bannon is in the White House...except the press - 8/24/17 August 24, 2017 A new poll shows that Steve Bannon's exit means nothing to President Trump's voters.  Nobody surprised here but the press, which went all drama queen, betting on a disaster. More
Hannity's FNC monologue scores direct hit on the MSM's sick bias - 8/24/17 August 24, 2017 Hannity dealt a serious blow to the lies, misrepresentations, and omissions of the nation's press. More
ESPN management pretend they didn't remove Asian announcer because of his name - 8/24/17 August 24, 2017 Within a 24-hour period, ESPN management contradict their own statement. More
San Francisco awaits its chance for mass virtue-signaling while bashing 'right wingers' - 8/24/17 August 24, 2017 Media and politicians unite in demonizing free speech advocates.  Why let facts get in the way? More
Clemson prof calls all Republicans 'racist scum' - 8/24/17 August 24, 2017 If you were a Republican student, would you take a class from this man? More
Ryan doesn't think government shutdown is 'necessary' over border funding - 8/24/17 August 24, 2017 Battle lines are drawn between Trump and Republicans in the Senate. More
UN committee issues 'early warning' to US over racism - 8/24/17 August 24, 2017 Who are the members of this committee pure enough to judge U.S. race relations? More
When liberals get smacked by reality: Trudeau edition - 8/24/17 August 24, 2017 The Canadian prime minister seems to regret his recent announcement welcoming every single refugee on Earth into his nation. More
Antifa is the new KKK - 8/24/17 August 24, 2017 The role of Antifa is to poison the well of support for President Trump, to make him seem illegitimate by causing chaos in public spaces at political events. More
Mr. President: Don't negotiate with the swamp. Drain it. - 8/24/17 August 24, 2017 No time to go wobbly, Sir. More
Hillary Clinton shows her sensitive side - 8/24/17 August 24, 2017 Hillary was disgusted to stand next to Donald Trump.  Let's look at all the things she hasn't been disgusted by. More
Why the anti-Trump forces must not win - 8/24/17 August 24, 2017 Why must Trump go?  Because he opposes leftist policies aimed at destroying the country's democratic institutions. More
Transparency critical to getting science, regulations right - 8/24/17 August 24, 2017 Congress should not have to issue subpoenas to get information from federal bureaucrats.  More
Secular humanism: The tie that binds - 8/24/17 August 24, 2017 Fascism, communism, and democratic republicanism are rooted in the same philosophical soil.  More
The Browns vs. the National Anthem - 8/24/17 August 24, 2017 The Browns prove that losers never learn. More
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