CONFERENCE: The Jordan Option – The Ultimate Alternate Solution  

CONFERENCE: The Jordan Option – The Ultimate Alternate Solution

October 17/17 – Menachem Begin Center, Jerusalem

Admission – Online 125 shekels until 20:00 on Oct 16/17 – GO HERE
– At Door 150 shekels

This event is a full day conference dedicated to presenting the ultimate alternate solution of the Arab/Jewish conflict including both the pros and the cons.

A stellar group of speakers has been assembled, including leading journalists, Knesset Members, spokespersons for the settlers, European politicians, a number of Arabs who are part of the Jordan Opposition Coalition and who hope to be part of the next government in Jordan.

In essence this solution takes its inspiration from the Feisal/Weizmann agreement of 1918.

This solution calls for Jordan to be the Palestine state and Israel to the Jordan River, to be the state of the Jews.

It calls for complete normalization between the two and considerable economic cooperation.

Online ticket purchase is 125 shekels and ends 20:00 on Oct 16/17

Tickets may be purchased at the door for 150 Shekels.

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August 9, 2017 | 7 Comments » | 725 views

Trudeau helps Trump ‘Make American Great Again!’  

By Arthur Weinreb, CFP

President Donald Trump has said a lot of complimentary things about Canada’s prime minister. Gushing over Justin Trudeau at the recent G20 meeting, Trump said, “We have a great neighbour in Canada and Justin is doing a spectacular job in Canada. Everybody loves him and they love him for a reason so congratulations on the job you’re doing.” (National Post, July 8, 2017)

Trump’s statement, and other similar utterances surprised a lot of people. Trudeau, like President Obama, is engaged in a fundamental transformation of Canada. One of the differences is Trudeau is proceeding at a pace much faster than Obama did during his eight years in office. Trudeau even specifically said Canada is the world’s “first post-national state” with no core identity and no mainstream. Not only is he destroying the country but he brags about it. The U.S. president is the polar opposite. He won the election by rejecting the globalization trend and making it clear his main concern was for the United States.

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August 13, 2017 | Comments » | 48 views

Trump’s ‘assassination bullet’ was fired in Charlottesville yesterday  

By Judi McLeod, CFP

This is the story the progressive left and mainstream media would have everyone believe: Donald Trump got elected president and brought in with him the return of wanton White Nationalism.

“White Nationalism”, aka the Fake News-created “alt-right”, was kept in sleep mode for the past seven months but suddenly returned in vengeance in a rage of stunning violence yesterday in Charlottesville, Virginia.

So-called ‘White nationalists’ bearing torches, some of them decked out in KKK costume who brought about violence will find zero tolerance from civil society.  Ditto for so-called ‘anti-fascists’ who insist that only black lives matter.

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August 13, 2017 | Comments » | 46 views

Stand with President Trump  


President Trump is being attacked by a hostile liberal media, undermined by a Deep State full of Obama/Clinton holdovers and betrayed by some GOP “Never-Trumpers” who never will accept him as President.

The commander in chief is undaunted, and determined to do what he promised during the campaign. He seated a solidly conservative Supreme Court justice. He has reduced regulations and increased jobs – another 209,000 in July; caused a dramatic drop in the number of illegal immigrants entering our country and taking jobs from Americans. Criminal illegal aliens like MS-13 members and convicted felons are being hunted down and thrown out.

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August 13, 2017 | Comments » | 43 views

Mossad Chief warns Iran taking over territory relinquished by ISIS  

Benjamin Netanyahu says Israel not bound by international agreements with Tehran.


The head of Israel’s spy agency, the Mossad, briefed members of the Israeli cabinet Sunday morning on recent developments in the Middle East. His main message to the ministers was that Iran, which in the past has threatened to wipe Israel off the map, has been steadily encroaching on more and more territory in the region, either directly or by proxy, using affiliated organizations in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Yemen.

“Iran is acting to encroach on any territory relinquished by ISIS,” Mossad Chief Yossi Cohen told the ministers.

Cohen further added that the Islamic Republic has not given up its ambition to be a threshold nuclear state and that the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, also known as the Iran Nuclear Agreement, signed between Tehran and world powers in 2015, only strengthened its desire to reach that goal and increased it belligerency in the region.

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August 13, 2017 | Comments » | 78 views

Trump-Putin deal imperils Israeli, Jordan borders  


The transformation of a small, strategic wedge of land between the Syrian, Israeli, Jordanian and Iraqi borders is going forward apace without arousing much interest – even in Israel, where it should cause the most concern, DEBKAfile reports.

On Wednesday, Aug. 8, two Russian army companies of Ingushet troops from the northern Caucasus set up a command post in the Syrian village of Tal al-Shahm, 13km from Israel’s Golan border. Its commander, Col. Alexei Kozin, has thus taken charge of Syria’s border with Israel. As DEBKAfile reported last month, his task is to set up 10 control checkpoints along that border.
This border area was designated as one of four de-escalation zones agreed on between Presidents Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin at their meeting in Hamburg on July 7.

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August 13, 2017 | Comments » | 121 views

Anti-Israel Curricula Used in World History Courses Across the USA  

“Teachers are pulling things off the Internet, and a lot of it is fine, but a lot of it not”

By Rachel Frommer, FREE BEACON

A monograph published late last month of anti-Israel curriculum used in Newton, Mass., public high schools has led to revelations of similar materials in circulation at other school districts in the country, the report’s researcher told the Washington Free Beacon on Thursday.

Steven Stotsky of the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA) said that since the release of his findings in “Indoctrinating Our Youth: How a U.S. Public School Curriculum Skews the Arab-Israeli Conflict and Islam,” he has received phone calls alerting him to disquieting curricula being used in Michigan and California.

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August 12, 2017 | 1 Comment » | 429 views

Fired NSC Aide Reveals Political Warfare Operation Targeting Trump  

Higgins memo warns of Marxist, Deep State subversion

By Bill Gertz, FREE BEACON

A White House National Security Council official has charged that leftist opponents of President Trump are engaged in political warfare operations designed to subvert his presidency and drive him from office.

Rich Higgins, until recently director of strategic planning at the NSC, revealed the program in a seven-page memorandum produced in May that warns of a concerted information warfare campaign by the Marxist left, Islamists, and political leaders and government officials opposed to the populist president.

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August 12, 2017 | Comments » | 294 views

Uh-Oh: Look who’s supporting McMaster now  

Islamist group blasts national security chief’s detractors as ‘white supremacists’

By Leo Hohmann, WND

If H.R. McMaster’s commitment to President Trump’s conservative agenda is to be judged by those who defend him and want him to stay on as White House national security adviser, it’s not looking good for him.

In the past McMaster has been publicly defended by Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., groups funded by George Soros and Media Matters.

Now comes the latest endorsement, from the Islamist group CAIR, also known as the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which was shown in federal court to be a front group for Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood’s branch in the Holy Land.

CAIR tweeted as part of its daily “Islamophobia Watch” series:

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August 12, 2017 | 4 Comments » | 343 views

Is the North Korean confrontation good or bad for Israel?  

By Ted Belman

Chemi Shalev, writing in Haaretz, under the title Trump’s Clash With North Korea: Good for Putin, Bad for Netanyahu presented a different scenario to the one I have embraced. He charged that Trump’s fiery speech which he doubled down on and which McMaster supported, wasn’t vetted first. I find that hard to believe. he called the speech “dangerous nonsense” and “irresponsible rhetoric”. But many anti-Trump people did the same.

But what he suggests that is novel, at least to my ears, is the idea that this battle is very bad for Israel.

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August 12, 2017 | 13 Comments » | 331 views

Trump attacked not because he’s a racist, misogynist et al but because he’s an “existential threat to Cultural Marxism”!  

By Judi McLeod, CFP

Posting front page pictures of a finger-pointing President Donald Trump with a “Locked and Loaded” cutline doesn’t help the POTUS and all that he is doing to Make America Great Again, but only helps spread his latest smear as “WARMONGER”.

Having his back, does.

On dealing with North Korea, President Trump must rely on the millions who voted for him. as there no backing for his strong and reasoned stand on North Korea from the Pentagon.

The Pentagon’s top official at the end of the Obama administration, Christine Wormuth’s quote in today’s New York Times article under the “Locked and Loaded” photo says it all:

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August 11, 2017 | 1 Comment » | 950 views

Ret. Gen. McInerney: Be Ready to Nuke NK  

T. Belman. Gen McInerney makes the point I made yesterday.
what we do to NK we must also do in Iran. Regime change for both.

By Peter Barry Chowka, AMERICAN THINKER

China is the real power behind the “animal” it has bred – North Korea – in the view of Retired Air Force Lieutenant General Thomas G. McInerney. And if necessary, the United States should be prepared to use nuclear weapons to neutralize the threat that North Korea represents to the United States.

With the crisis situation involving North Korea leading the news on Thursday, one of the more interesting, provocative, and sobering analyses I heard was offered by Gen. McInerney, who retired in 1994 after a distinguished 35 year career in the military that began after he graduated from West Point in 1959. During the Vietnam War, McInerney flew over 400 combat missions and then served in a variety of high level command positions around the world. In recent years, he has been a contributor to Fox News and he appears often in the media. On September 6, 2016, along with 88 other retired US generals and admirals, McInerney endorsed Donald Trump for the presidency.

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August 11, 2017 | 2 Comments » | 548 views

VIDEO: Geert Wilders on Europe’s suicide in the face of Islam  

Geert Wilders: Thanks Dr. Bob for the introduction.

I feel flattered. But we are here tonight to honor you, not me.

Dear Dr. Bob, dear friends and family of Dr. Bob, fellow freedom fighters, we are happy to have Dr. Bob’s family in our midst today and I propose we give them a huge applause.

I know that I speak on behalf of everyone in this room when I say that it is an enormous pleasure to be here in Newport Beach to honor one of the great American freedom fighters, visionaries and philanthropists, our dear friend Dr. Bob Shillman.

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August 11, 2017 | 1 Comment » | 1,494 views

The Google Goolag  

Gates of the internet cannot remain in the hands of a corporation intolerant of free speech. Google’s monopoly doesn’t only threaten the free market. It threatens freedom of expression on the internet

By Daniel Greenfield, CFP

Let me Google that for you.

James Damore is an FIDE chess master who studied at Princeton, MIT and Harvard. He had been working as a software engineer at Google for four years.

Danielle Brown is the new Vice President of Diversity at Google. She has an MBA from the University of Michigan and campaigned for Hillary.

She had been working at Google for a few weeks.

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August 11, 2017 | Comments » | 503 views

America’s Strategic Paralysis  

It is obvious that Trump continues to seek a clean break with Obama’s policies.

BY Caroline Glick, JPOST

On Thursday morning, for the second time in so many days, North Korea threatened to attack the US territory of Guam with nuclear weapons. Taken together with Pyongyang’s two intercontinental ballistic missile tests last month, and the US’s Defense Intelligence Agency’s acknowledgment this week that North Korea has the capacity to miniaturize nuclear bombs and so launch them as warheads on missiles, these threats propelled the US and the world into a nuclear crisis.

To understand what must be done, it is critical we recognize how we reached this point. We have arrived at the point where an arguably undeterrable regime has achieved the capacity to attack the US with nuclear weapons due to the policy failure of three successive US administrations.

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August 11, 2017 | Comments » | 338 views

The impact of the Korea crises on Israel  

T. Belman. Apparently NK has bombs and the ability to miniaturize them but not the missiles to deliver them. They must be stopped before they can deliver them.

But there are also lessons learned here. Clinton’s deal with NK is not much different that Obama’s with Iran. The US must do its utmost to prevent Iran from getting the bomb or the ability to deliver them. We can not take their word for it. Agreements are useless, worse than useless. They tie our hands.

The US must abandon the non agreement and do what is necessary to achieve regime change even if that means a shock and awe campaign. Such a war will also end their influence in Lebanon and Syria. If Hezbollah doesn’t attack Israel, they should be left alone as they are nothing without Iran. The sunni states and Israel will support such pre-emptive action.

By Jonah Jeremy Bob, JPOST

While most of the focus in the ongoing war of words between the Trump administration and North Korea is on whether it will lead to war between the US and Pyongyang, how might it impact Israel? Might it bring nuclear conflict or war closer to Israel’s borders?

First, it is important to understand what is unique about the current competition between Trump and North Korean dictator Kim Jong- Un over who can sound more bellicose.

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August 11, 2017 | Comments » | 318 views

Don’t Dismantle UNRWA; Reform Its Policies  

By David Bedein

BESA Center Perspectives Paper No. 556, August 9, 2017

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The desire of Prime Minister Netanyahu to dismantle UNRWA, while understandable in light of the agency’s egregious history of collusion with Hamas, is not a practical proposition. Israel can, however, demand that funding to UNRWA be conditioned on the agency’s reform in multiple areas.

Virtually every media outlet took UNRWA’s condemnation of the Hamas tunnels found under an UNRWA school at its word. Yet none of them reminded the world that both the UNRWA school teachers’ union and the UNRWA workers’ union of Gaza have been under the tight control of Hamas since 1999, without a word of disapproval from the agency. Nor does UNRWA appear to object to the use of its facilities by Hamas to teach violence and war. This summer, for example, Hamas will conduct its annual summer military training camp to train upwards of 50,000 UNRWA students, aged 9-15, in the use of live weaponry.

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August 11, 2017 | 1 Comment » | 170 views

Humanitarian Hoax in the Military: Killing America With Kindness  

 by Linda Goudsmit 

The Humanitarian Hoax is a deliberate and deceitful tactic of presenting a destructive policy as altruistic. The humanitarian huckster presents himself as a compassionate advocate when in fact he is the disguised enemy.

Obama, the humanitarian huckster-in-chief, weakened the United States military for eight years presenting his crippling policies as altruistic when in fact they were designed for destruction. His legacy, the Leftist Democratic Party with its “resistance” movement, is the party of the Humanitarian Hoax attempting to destroy American democracy and replace it with socialism.

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August 11, 2017 | Comments » | 208 views

Donald Trump Again Backs McMaster: ‘He’s Our Friend’  

T. Belman. The case against McMaster has been well documented. He takes orders from Soros rather than Trump. So why is Trump standing by him? It is so incomprehensible that it gives credence to the theories that say that the Deep State has threatened to kill him or some of his family members if he doesn’t comply. I consider the firing of McMaster to be the litmus test of Trump’s independence.

By Charlie Spiering, BREITBART

President Donald Trump again signaled support for his embattled National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster during a press conference with reporters in Bedminster, New Jersey, Thursday.
When asked by reporters if he had confidence in General McMaster, Trump replied, “Yes, I do.”

“He’s our friend. He’s my friend and he’s a very talented man. I like him and I respect him,” Trump said as McMaster sat silently in the seat on the president’s right.

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August 11, 2017 | Comments » | 271 views

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