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August 23, 2017

  • Witnesses to the violence in Charlottesville

    Three ISO members describe what happened when a neo-Nazi attacked their contingent in Charlottesville--and the lessons they've drawn going forward.

  • Berkeley can't ignore the Nazis

    Berkeley's mayor advised people to stay away from the counterprotest against the far right on August 27. Here's why he's wrong.

  • Not just signing cards

    In the wake of the UAW's loss at Nissan, it's clear that labor's dominant strategies for winning union representation aren't working.

  • They don't belong in a museum either

    To put these Confederate monuments in a museum would only serve to reinforce their status as symbols of white supremacy.

  • Una resistencia antiimperialista

    Una oposición efectiva a Trump y a la derecha debe desafiar no sólo su agenda doméstica, sino además sus planes para reforzar el imperialismo.

August 22, 2017

  • Will Trump last the year?

    Political leaders and corporate executives are fleeing the Trump White House like the proverbial sinking ship. But the vessel may not go down just yet.

  • Chicago auto mechanics reject a bad deal

    Striking mechanics at car dealerships around Chicago rejected the dealers' most recent offer and are standing firm on the picket line.

  • Tear down the Confederates' symbols

    The flag of the Confederacy and monuments to its leaders lionize slavery. Taking them down is part of opposing a racist system.

  • Dallas won't stay silent about racist hate

    Thousands turned out in Dallas to stand in solidarity with Charlottesville and demand the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee.

August 21, 2017

  • How Boston turned the tide on the far right

    Tens of thousands of people mobilized in Boston in a magnificent display of solidarity that sent the far-right and neo-Nazi forces packing.

  • The Bay Area gets ready to confront the right

    Anti-racists from all over the Bay Area and beyond are coming together to confront the right when it rallies in Berkeley August 27.

  • Losing the battle and the war

    The Democratic Party has continuously ceded ground on abortion rights. The left needs to take a different approach.

  • Don't glorify either war "hero"

    By equating George Washington and Robert E. Lee, Trump wants to whitewash racism, but that doesn't mean we revere Washington.

  • Views in brief

    Students lead the way in Vermont | Demolishing Israeli myths | ICE lies about Frank Fuentes | A question not asked | Hands off Venezuela

August 18, 2017

  • Calls ring out for action against the far right

    Anti-racists mobilizing against the neo-Nazis in Berkeley are calling for a National Weekend of Solidarity on August 26-27.

  • Rebellion with a cause

    A feature film about the 1967 rebellion in Detroit is marred by one-dimensional Black characters and overly sympathetic cops.

August 17, 2017

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