War and Antiwar

  • The roots of the nuclear arms race

    For decades, the world held its breath as nuclear-armed powers contemplated the annihilation of their rivals--and themselves.

  • Chelsea Manning's uncompromising fight

    Chelsea Manning has played a vital role in exposing the lies at the heart of U.S. wars and American imperialism.

  • The U.S. destroys Mosul in order to not save it

    The U.S.-led drive to eradicate ISIS forces in Mosul has succeeded--but at a terrible price to the people who live in what was once Iraq's second-largest city.

  • Afghanistan under the Trump regime

    Two journalists talk about what's the same and what's different--but mostly the same--about the U.S. war in Afghanistan since Trump took office.

  • Trump turns up the terror

    His stepped-up military aggression, from threats against North Korea to the use of the "mother of all bombs," won't stop terrorism, but only fuel it.

  • Does the U.S. want regime change in Syria?

    An award-winning journalist answers our questions about the situation in Syria after Trump's missile strike and what the future could hold.

  • Separating fact from fake news

    Trump has taken the U.S. government practice of lying to a new level, but the left can't start creating its own "alternative facts" to oppose him.

  • Will Trump start a new Korean War?

    Trump is dialing up the rhetoric about getting tough with North Korea, which will keep the region on a hair trigger for some time to come.

  • Trump's (in)humanitarian intervention

    Donald Trump is cloaking his order for a missile strike in Syria as striking a blow against a tyrant, but no one should fall for this cynical charade.

  • The "alternative facts" that led to war on Iraq

    Trump isn't the first president to prefer "alternative facts." Fifteen years ago, George W. Bush paved the road to war with lies.

  • Against amnesia: The empire under Obama

    The U.S. empire under Barack Obama has been a catastrophe for the world--we can never forget nor excuse his two terms of American violence.

  • Veterans on an antiwar mission to Japan

    A speaking tour by two U.S. veterans opposed to war intersected with the efforts of Japanese activists challenging militarism.

  • Standing against barbarism

    Those loyal to the hopes created by the Arab Spring revolts must condemn the terror falling from the sky, whatever its source.

  • Opposing war means opposing dictatorship

    An "antiwar" alliance has formed to protest the U.S. empire, but it excuses the crimes of the Syrian regime and its Russian backer.

  • Will the left hear the cries from Aleppo?

    In the face of a humanitarian horror, a part of the U.S. left wants to absolve Assad and Russia of their crimes in Syria--and blame only the U.S.

  • A nightmare in the making for Mosul

    The looming assault by U.S. and Iraqi forces to retake Mosul, Iraq's second-largest city, from ISIS forces will have dire humanitarian consequences.

  • The cease-fire that will increase war in Syria

    The U.S. and Russian cease-fire agreement in Syria--if it holds--is a plan to escalate violence and repression, not achieve peace or justice.

  • The "war on terror" 15 years on

    Fifteen years after 9/11, the people of the Middle East are still paying a terrible price for the U.S. drive to dominate the region.

  • Anti-imperialism and the Syrian Revolution

    The Arab Spring uprising in Syria has tested the left by posing a blunt question: Are you on the side of a dictator--or that of a popular uprising?

  • The myth of the nobility of war

    The Battle of the Somme is a stark example of the horror of war for a generation fed a false narrative about patriotic commitment.

  • Who will end this Guantánamo nightmare?

    The story of "war on terror" detainee Mohamedou Ould Slahi is a reminder of how the rule of law has been bent and broken.

  • The untold toll of Obama's war on ISIS

    The U.S. and its de facto allies like Russia may achieve a military victory over ISIS, but it will lead to more violence, repression and suffering.

  • How the Syrian revolution transformed me

    I viewed the world through the lens of the Palestinian struggle, but Syria's rebellion has taught all of us a lesson in solidarity.

  • What is driving Iraq back to the brink?

    An award-winning journalist looks at the course of the U.S. war against ISIS--and explains the roots of the political crisis that is shaking Iraq.

  • Obama's pretend plan to close Guantánamo

    Barack Obama is ending his second term where he began his first--with a promise to close the Guantánamo prison camp that won't be kept.