About SocialistWorker.org

The powers that be have media outlets to tell their side of the story. We need ours. SocialistWorker.org aims to be a place to find news, analysis and commentary from the left.

SocialistWorker.org began as the online version of the weekly Socialist Worker newspaper, founded in 1977 and published by the International Socialist Organization. (You can read the International Socialist Organization's "Where We Stand" for a brief statement of the tradition it stands in.)

As a newspaper and now a daily Web site, Socialist Worker has been committed to giving a voice to those struggling for a better world.

We've sought out the stories of labor struggles that are seldom reported in the mainstream media--and never reported on from the point of view of those fighting back. From interviews with striking miners in Kentucky in the 1970s to a day-by-day account of the Republic Windows & Doors factory occupation in Chicago in 2008, we've tried to bring workers' experiences and opinions to a wider audience.

We've reported on campaigns for social change and economic justice in the U.S. and around the world--from the movement against South African apartheid in the 1980s to the one against Israel's apartheid against Palestinians today; from the soldiers' resistance in Iraq and Afghanistan to the LGBT movement for equality, and much more.

SocialistWorker.org is committed not only to reporting from the front lines of these struggles, but to providing a forum for discussion and debate of the political questions facing activists.

We also seek to present a socialist analysis of world news and events, and to keep alive the rich and too-often-hidden history of working-class struggle and the socialist tradition. You'll find left-wing and Marxist analyses of important questions of the day from a broad range of voices on the left.

SocialistWorker.org is proud to feature articles not only by well-known figures on the left, but also activists involved in day-to-day struggles, large and small--writing about protests, pickets, meetings and other actions in their area, and taking up the issues and questions they face. We welcome contributions to our Labor News and Activist News sections--and to the ongoing discussions in our Readers' Views department.

Our Web site was launched in 2001 and began daily publication on May Day 2008. It has given us an opportunity to reach a broad and growing audience, and to present a wide array of left voices involved in today's struggles and taking up today's political questions, from the U.S. and internationally.

If you want to get in touch with us--to send a report about a struggle you're involved in or a political event that needs to be covered, to voice a disagreement with something you've read, or to make a suggestion about the Web site, use the Contact Us form.

We have a lot of organizing ahead of us to see the kind of change we want--we hope SocialistWorker.org will play a role in that struggle for a better world.

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