

David Hill: Steinbeck captures the hardship of migration.

Books That Changed Me

Xavier Herbert's Capricornia helped David Hill understand the devastation of many Indigenous communities following white colonisation and settlement.

Books That Changed Me

<b>Rachel Seiffert: </b>Learned how much of a story can be told between the lines.

It was reading Henry James' Washington Square that marked the moment when the novelist Rachel Seiffert became a ''grown-up'' reader.

The poetry of Fay Zwicky and Thea Astley

Fay Zwicky: Immensely powerful.

The novelist Thea Astley's early poems and occasional offerings show she might have been a poet. Fay Zwicky, though, was one of the most formidable poets of her generation.

From a smudge to winner of best children's book

Children's book writer and illustrator Bob Graham has collaborated on or created 90-odd books.

Bob Graham's prize-winning picture book Home in the Rain began as a smudge of pastel colour on a piece of copy paper. "It turned out to be a skyline of hills and then I put some dark cloud over it," he said.