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The Bachelor Australia 2017's Jennifer quits mansion: 'I ... walked away from Matty J'

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Jennifer quickly cast herself as a villain on The Bachelor Australia but to hear her tell it during Thursday's episode, she was the victim of "mean girls" in the mansion.

"I'm so over these bitches, I just want to go home. I'm so above Mean Girls, I graduated high school ages ago," she cried to one of the show's producers.

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"I know what I just did was game changing. I know it was game changing for him, I know it was game changing out there, I know it was game changing for me, I know that.

"I'm the game-changer, not a game-changer."

And it wasn't long into her tears that her bag was packed and she unceremoniously left the mansion.

The meltdown came after Jen told Matty J during the cocktail party that Lisa was not interested in him and thought of him "like a brother" and then went a step further to suggest that Matty was only doing this "to keep up his social status".


Matty was clearly stung most by the last rebuke, and quickly sought out Lisa to talk about the allegations.

Lisa explained that since her first single date her feelings had waned into a matey-type relationship with him. Yet she seemed surprised to hear the follow-up accusation.

"I have no doubt in my mind that you want to fall in love with someone here and I want to be, you know, potentially be that person for you," she explained.

It was at that point that TV editors focused on the subsequent drama that unfolded among Lisa's friends in the mansion, who went to confront Jen about her actions.

Spearheaded by Elise, the Bachelorettes suggested that Jennifer should have spoken to Lisa before throwing her under the bus to Matty.

When confronted, Jen flatly denied saying anything about the brother comment. But defended telling him about the "raising his profile" comment, saying she heard it while doing sit ups in the room: "She f---ing said it."

"It baffles me that you dumped her in that," said Elise, after which Jennifer had several outbursts.  "... Jen can you stop attacking me ... I just think that it was very distasteful..."

"I wasn't doing it to be nasty," Jen told the girls as she grew tearful. "I really wasn't."

Yet it seemed that the women were not buying it.

"I know how she works, I was close with her at the beginning of this experience and I worked out exactly who she is and it's not a nice person," Tara at some stage told the cameras.

Even prior to the cocktail party meltdown, Jen had told the cameras several times over that she was all about strategy and being prepared to do anything to get a single date with Matty.

But in the end, she just wanted to leave.

The Warner Bros producer while comforting Jen, pressed her to stay and address the remaining Bachelorettes: "You just want to be the girl who just disappears ... without saying anything to anybody?"

To which Jen said she had nothing left to tell them. "I didn't do anything to deserve this! I did the right thing and I'm being f---ing slammed for it."

In her final sign-off, Jen told the cameras: "I'm the girl that walked away from Matty J, that's me."

And she left it to the viewers to decide who was fake and who was just a misunderstood straight shooter.

Originally published on smh.com.au as 'The Bachelor Australia 2017's Jennifer quits mansion: 'I ... walked away from Matty J''.