Rugby League


Sonny Bill Williams opens up about his struggles and search for meaning

Cross-code superstar Sonny Bill Williams has opened up about his life-long struggle to find inner peace in an effort to try to help young people who are struggling.

In a wide-ranging — and surprisingly candid — chat, SBW spoke about his future in rugby, the prospect of returning to rugby league, his upcoming fight with Paul Gallen and his struggles.

Williams was in an expansive mood when he turned up at Leichhardt Oval unannounced during the week to watch his cousin Phillip Makatoa play for Westfield Sports High. Makatoa is signed to play with the Roosters. "He's got some ability, the lad ... good speed, footwork and strength," Williams said. "He's got the attitude to succeed."

It didn't take long for word to spread that SBW was at Leichhardt and at one point about 20 students approached SBW for a photo.

Recruitment officers for NRL teams were also there. One whispered to me: "Can we get him back to the NRL? The game needs him."

Williams is used to the fame, because he has to be.


"It's all good," he said. "It wasn't that I didn't like it, it's just that I was very shy. Like now. When you mature a bit, you are not embarrassed of who you are. I was embarrassed about that stuff. You grow into it. You appreciate it."

Williams admits he has taken a long time to be comfortable in his skin. "When I was younger, I thought that I had it all, but I was not really fulfilled or content," he said. "You still fight those demons, but you have those places that you go and you are grateful for what you have. The way I think now is that if you put good stuff out there it will come back to you. I have that mentality, instead of me, me, me. You are going to be happier and content."

Williams recently took to social media and made the observation that happiness was right there in front of him – but he couldn't see it.

"A lot of stuff that's on TV or in the papers is just rubbish," he said. "It's stuff you are force fed. You see all of that and you consume all of that. And it makes you think you have to have the flashiest this or the flashiest car or shoes to be happy. Or you have to win this or win that. Or to have money to be content.

"Realistically, it is right in front of your face. I'm grateful that as part of my journey growing up to becoming a man, I've understood that. Becoming a religious man has taught me I don't have to have the flash objects. "Looking at my two daughters' beautiful faces, I'm so happy for what I have; being able to live where I live; to do what I do."

Williams recently travelled with UNICEF to Lebanon and spent time with Syrian refugees.

"I have been there and experienced that – people who don't have anything," he said. "And I'm not just talking about things you can buy. I'm talking about loved ones, family. They just live day to day. Having that outlook on life is a true blessing, I believe. Don't get me wrong, it is a battle for me day to day for that happiness.

"In today's society it's all about social media and it's all about likes ... we all seem to be following the leader. Too many people follow without questioning things and asking why."

Williams says it's a day-to-day struggle to find a level of joy.

"I'm still searching for it," he said. "I suppose it's when I'm being the most religious I can be, being the best person I can be. Just being an all-round better person, not just thinking about myself. It's about thinking about others. That's when Iam at my happiest."

To hear Williams speak so openly about his search for meaning raises the question of whether he was suffering from depression.

"I wouldn't say it was depression," he said. "But like so many youngsters, I was thinking if I get this or that then I will finally be happy. All of a sudden you win a premiership or you win a World Cup and you are asking yourself what's next, and you are still searching for what will make you happy. Instead you should bring it back, soak it in and look at what you have. You need to appreciate the moment and think, 'far out, I am blessed to have done what I have done, to have what I have, to have achieved what I have achieved'."

Williams knows that not everyone will want to read about his battles. But he is equipped to handle the haters. "I know that I am not everyone's cup of tea in any way," he said. "A lot of those people who despise you and have that hatred for you ... if you have that hatred in you then it says to me that you are the one who is not happy in your own skin.

"I try not to worry about them. Itry just to worry about being the best I can be ... the best father I can be, the best husband I can be, the best friend I can be, the best teammate I can be and staying true to what I believe in, and the rest takes care of itself."

Low moment: Williams walks from the field after his red card during the second Test against the Lions.

Low moment: Williams walks from the field after his red card during the second Test against the Lions. Photo: AP

When it comes to "the rest", you can be sure that it will be be in rugby as long as he is on a field. Is he planning to return to rugby league when his deal with New Zealand Rugby runs out at the end of 2019?

"I don't think so, bro," he said. "You never say never, but I am just so happy in rugby union. I love playing for the All Blacks and I just want to play for as long as I am really happy being in this team. My wife is happy, my daughters are happy. Ienjoy being in Auckland."

There is a league-related event that he is interested in, though: a fight with Paul Gallen.

"I hope that we can get things sorted because I really want to fight Paul," Williams said. "He has been very vocal. He says things about me, but that just shows what type ofindividual he is. I'll do my talking in the ring.

"I've been blessed that I can chose who I fight. I don't need to fight for money.    The All Blacks are what I am about and trying to play well for my country." 

King Henry's fall

This column first raised the issue of Neil Henry being on the nose with the Titans playing group on June 4. Henry's mates in the media are obvious and they are now trying to spin the saga into an anti-Jarryd Hayne story.

Questions: Gold Coast Titans coach Neil Henry fronts the media.

Questions: Gold Coast Titans coach Neil Henry fronts the media. Photo: AAP

The real issue here for Henry is that he has had 12 months to try to form a positive relationship with his star player and  was unable to do so. And that's been Henry's issue throughout his coaching career: dealing with the special players that can win you a competition.

His broad-brush approach will hurt him. And the suggestion that he had no part in recruiting Hayne to the club has really annoyed heavyweight officials at the Titans.

Dog gone?

Des Hasler doesn't like thinking negatively, but those with his best interests at heart are about to tell him to start thinking worst-case scenario.

The chances of Hasler hanging on get worse with every Bulldogs loss.

The Dogs brought this situation on themselves by losing control of the issue in October when they started talking about clauses in Hasler's contract. The lack of confidence in the coach has filtered down to the playing group. The good thing for Hasler is if things do go south  it looks like he will still be in demand. It's hard to see the Warriors being able to resist a coach of his calibre.

GI in good place

Greg Inglis has been back at Souths training, and is in a good place physically and mentally.

Off the field, things are very positive as the renovation of his Coogee home is complete and he has moved in with Sally and the kids.

Next season will be a challenge for Inglis coming back from his knee injury, but he is working from a good place in every sense.

Time running out

Clubs dreaming of signing Cooper Cronk must  now  wait until the Storm have finished their season before he makes a call on next year. The longer he takes to decide the harder it would be for clubs to squeeze him under their salary cap. At one point the Sharks were ringing Cronk's agent, George Mimis, every couple of days. That has stopped in recent times.

Wal soldiers on

Peter Wallace is as tough as they come. He wants to get back from his broken hand in a week. What isn't as well known is that he has been playing with three busted ribs or rib cartilage damage, depending on who you speak to at Penrith. The Panthers need him functioning as they travel towards the finals.

Menace for Ennis

Michael Ennis has been a huge success in his first year as an expert on Fox Sports, but  has hit a hurdle just before the finals. Ennis has been laid low by  a hematoma in his throat. He tried battling through it last week but his voice was clearly affected.  Ennis is expected back on Sunday, but only for a short stint.

Originally published on as 'Sonny Bill Williams opens up about his struggles and search for meaning'.