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Cross River Rail business case released for scrutiny

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The business case for Brisbane's Cross River Rail has finally been released for public scrutiny.

Deputy Premier Jackie Trad said the business case presented a "compelling case for action". 

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The new Cross River Rail proposal features a 10 kilometre rail link including almost six kilometres under the Brisbane river and CBD.

"It says population and employment growth in the south-east will be very strong over the next 20 years," she said.

Ms Trad said the majority of employment opportunities would still be in the Brisbane local government area, which would put increasing pressure on our rail and bus services and road networks.

"Bus passenger numbers will almost double from 77,800 to 149,700," she said.

"Train passenger numbers will more than triple from 51,700 to 160,300.


"So we must act now before we reach a crisis."

It comes after Infrastructure Australia claimed the benefits of the $5.4 billion, 10.2km link was "significantly overstated".

That assessment prompted Ms Trad to slam IA's analysis as based on mistakes and assumptions. 

The LNP has repeatedly criticised the government for not releasing the business case, with Opposition Leader Tim Nicholls stating previously: "If the project stacks up they should release the business case".

In the 2017-18 Queensland budget, Labor committed to fund the $5.4 billion project alone, after the federal government failed to allocate any money in its budget.

The document, prepared by Building Queensland, is more than 240 pages long.

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