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Congressional Progressive Caucus Demands Firing of White Supremacists from the White House, Removal of Confederate Statues in the U.S. Capitol, and Reopening of DHS Right-Wing Extremism Division in Response to Violence in Charlottesville

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 14, 2017 Press Contacts: Sayanna Molina (Grijalva) Ron Boehmer (Pocan) WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressional Progressive Caucus Co-Chairs Rep. Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ) and Rep. Mark Pocan (D-WI) released the following statement responding to the...
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Charlottesville Aftermath

By Donna Smith, Executive Director - Progressive Democrats of America Where to now? After the tragic events over the weekend, Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) is urging people to pause and reflect. We're asking ourselves questions like, “What has happened to our...
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Violence in Virginia

By Donna, Mike F, Judy, Mike H., Dan, Janis, Deb, Amos, Dr. Bill, and Kim, your PDA National Team | Press Release We Can And Must Come Together In Peace Today, Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) feels saddened and alarmed by the events in Charlottesville, Va.,...
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Our Immoral Health Care System

photo: Paul Song and Donna Smith, 2016 People’s Summit Dr. Paul Song | PDA National Advisory Board This is no time to celebrate While 23 million Americans recently breathed a collective sigh of relief as the latest Trumpublican attempt to repeal the ACA failed, over...
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