
Struggles in Italy in search of new talent – join us!

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Clashes in Rome over high speed rail link

Hundreds of protesters opposed to the construction of a high speed rail link have clashed with police during a visit to Rome by the French President, Francios Hollande.

Wave of housing occupations in Bologna

Over the last month Bologna has been shaken by a wave of housing occupations.

Amadeo Bordiga and the myth of Antonio Gramsci - John Chiaradia

Plaque commemorating Gramsci in Moscow

Useful article about the relationship between Bordiga and Gramsci and the stalinisation of the Italian workers' movement.

Clashes at housing protest in Rome

Thousands of people have taken to the streets of Rome demanding improved social housing and an end to the eviction of people who fall behind on their rent. The police had turned up looking for confrontation and gleefully responded to a man climbing on a police vehicle and fruit being thrown, with baton charges, pepper spray, and tear gas.

Professional anarchy and theoretical disarmament: On insurrectionism - Miguel Amorós

A critique of insurrectionism written in 2007, focusing on the life and works of Alfredo Bonanno.

After the future - Franco 'Bifo' Berardi

Bifo on the beginning and the end of the future as an idea and what comes next.

Violent clashes at Nazi war criminal's funeral

The funeral of Nazi war criminal Erich Priebke, who died last week aged 100, has been called-off due to violent clashes outside the church between anti-fascists and Nazi sympathisers. Priebke was serving a life sentence under house arrest at the time of his death for his role in the murder of 300 Italian boys in 1944. Despite local opposition to holding the funeral the government insisted that it be held. A strange Holocaust denying sect of the Catholic Church agreed to facilitate the funeral on the 70th anniversary of the round-up of Jews in Rome. The bastard is now likely to be cremated behind closed doors.

Learning to struggle: my story between workerism and feminism - Leopoldina Fortunati

An interesting account of an Italian Marxist feminist of her experiences and development in the autonomist and feminist movements in Italy in the 1970s.

Media diverts attention from No-TAV struggle

At a time when France is losing interest in the idea of the TAV project between Lyons and Turin, Italy has now started to go all out.